[Year End Party] What is Year End Party? The 3 most popular Year End Party organization styles for businesses.

Year End Party là gì Tại sao nói Year End Party có 1 vai trò cực kỳ quan trọng
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In corporate events, the Year End Party today has become an extremely important event in the annual event series of every organization. So what is a Year End Party? Which Year End Party organization styles are most popular for businesses? Right now, we invite you to join CoffeeHr to learn about the Year End Party and the styles and meanings of this event!

1. What is a Year End Party?

First of all, Year End Party (abbreviated as YEP) is understood in Vietnamese as "year-end party", this name also partly reflects the meaning of this activity. More specifically, Year End Party is an annual business event held at the end of the year.

Year End Party is an internal event, aimed at the main people in the organization, this is an opportunity to bond, honor and share after a year of working together in the business.

2. Why does Year End Party have an extremely important meaning for businesses?


Tại sao nói Year End Party có 1 ý nghĩa cực kỳ quan trọng với doanh nghiệp? 
Why does Year End Party have an extremely important meaning for businesses?

Being an annual event in businesses also partly speaks to the importance of this event, so what are the real meanings that Year End Party brings? Why can it be said that Year End Party is extremely meaningful to the organization? Below are the meanings that Year End Party brings.

  • Expressing corporate culture: organizing annual events of gratitude and engagement is one of the best ways to express corporate culture. This not only helps to imprint in the minds of employees the positive corporate culture of the company but also is an opportunity to bond the organization.

See more at: What is corporate culture and how to build a healthy corporate culture

  • Year End Party: As the name suggests, Year End Party is an internal party for the company to look back and summarize the work and highlights of the past year. The organization will send congratulations and thanks to the employees and the entire enterprise after 1 year of hard work, showing appreciation for each employee and each department in the enterprise.
  • Organizational connection: Year End Party event, in addition to honoring and appreciating employees after a period of work, also includes cultural activities, celebrations, and sharing of thoughts about daily life before the holidays, … This helps connect the emotions and solidarity of employees, increasing understanding and working style. From there, efficiency and working spirit also increase.

3. The most popular Year End Party organization styles for businesses.

Year End Party's main target audience is company employees and internal businesses. Therefore, there are many business styles that can be chosen to suit the stated organizational purposes. Commonly chosen types of Year End Party organizations are:

Có thể tổ chức Year End Party theo phong cách nào?
In what style can a Year End Party be organized?
  • Formal stage organization style: many businesses choose this style because of the formality it brings. This type of organization will often be outsourced to event centers, large restaurants, etc.
  • Traditional Vietnamese Tet style: usually the Year End Party with this style will be held at the company location, with apricot and peach blossom displays and decorations like traditional Vietnamese Tet holidays, bringing warmth, intimate like family.
  • Vibrant outdoor style: after a stressful year of work, holding an outdoor party is also a popular style of organization. This organizational style brings more open space, excitement and comfort to everyone.

See more at: An excellent employee experience is the key to a successful corporate culture setting


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Doan Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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