[HR trends] 5 new HR trends in 2024: Improving work quality.

5 xu hướng nhân sự mới vào năm 2024: Nâng cao chất lượng công việc
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The role of HR is undergoing a significant transformation in the current business landscape, requiring a rethink of some of the traditional frameworks of HR. In 2024, the human resources department will certainly have a significant improvement in work quality. CoffeeHR has identified three fundamental changes driving HR transformation while also driving five very important HR trends. Right now, hJoin us to explore 5 HR trends expected to explode in 2024!

1. Human resources landscape, future human resource trends

Various forces not only in the economy but also in society are driving current developments and human resources trends. The changing global environment, changes in laws and social movements have caused unexpected stagnation across the entire HR function. Furthermore, as technology becomes more deeply integrated into the workplace, this requires a reassessment of how we leverage technology to increase productivity.

The above shows that in 2024, HR needs to readjust its priorities and HR trends. At the same time this also is the year when HR professionals will not only need to adapt but will be at the forefront of the assault on a sustainable future in business.

Bối cảnh nhân sự trong tương lai
Human resources landscape, future human resource trends

2. 5 new HR trends in 2024

2.1. Topic 1: Personnel adjusting priorities

The first four HR trends.

1. Solve the problem of increasing productivity

With significant economic changes, disruptions and technological advances over the past 20 years, productivity has always been at the forefront of HR's mission. While employee engagement, employee experience and wellness best practices have led to the highest job satisfaction in the US over the past 36 years, it has had almost no impact on labor productivity.

Impact: 2024 is the year of productivity. And trend nThe task will be to find ways to increase productivity in the most optimal way.

2. Take advantage of hidden workforce

During a period of historic unemployment, when companies become increasingly in need of human resources, HR is expected to invest in an often overlooked workforce: the hidden workforce.

The hidden workforce, also known as the “forgotten workforce” includes retirees who want to work, people with long-term health problems (including those with long Covid), people without degree,…

These people are already in the workforce but want to work more (and often get paid hourly) or are not yet in but are willing to work under suitable conditions. 2024 is the year that this workforce will no longer be neglected.

Impact: Expand talent horizons for all workers with the right reasons and goals. Trend HR: Remove barriers to work for these overlooked workforces and connect them further.

5 xu hướng nhân sự mới vào năm 2024
5 new HR trends in 2024


See more at: Organizational development – Goals and 7-step process

3. Human resources promote adaptation to climate change changes

Although the role of HR in sustainability is relatively new, it is becoming important as companies strive to adapt to the challenges of climate change, ensuring their workforce have the ability to cope and be ready to face environmental incidents. HR trends need to shift their focus to take on this responsibility as sustainable practices become increasingly imperative for organizations.

First, sustainability-related legislation is changing around the world. The European Union has introduced the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive to improve sustainability reporting for European Union companies as well as any company doing business in the European Union. The UK has introduced the Sustainability Disclosure Standard on reporting on risks related to climate change, while the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is drafting rules on climate change notification.

Second, leading companies are starting toInvesting in climate change adaptation is about adjusting to the reality of climate change rather than alleviating the climate problem. Unilever has initiated water resource management programs to protect water quality and manage supply risks at factories like Prabhat in India. Bayer invests in developing crop varieties that resist tropical heat, drought, wind and floods.

HR trends is responsible for a large part of this task and should work to help organizations adapt to the new climate reality. Impact: Navigating climate challenges to ensure business continuity. Human resources trends: Embrace adaptation to climate change for sustainable development in the future.

2.2. Topic 2: Changing the operating model of human resources

HR trends have remained largely the same despite the changing world and business circumstances of the past two decades. Thus, human resources need to be reorganized to provide effective services through specific roles, divided into specialized thinking centers, business partners serving customers and management teams. concentration.

However, to truly create value in today's complex world, HR needs integrated solutions rather than just specialized expertise. And finally, HR will reclaim its reputation, increasingly evolving into a profession grounded in practices, evidence, data and technology that help achieve organizational goals.

4. Navigate connections and social networks

Seamless connectivity and social networks have changed the way we work and created new opportunities and challenges for HR. HR will have to learn how to leverage new tools and platforms to connect resources and information, create value, and meet consumer needs.

Impact: Social networks and connections on the internet change the way of working in all industries, even human resources. Act, HR trends: Learn how to leverage new tools and platforms to create value and meet consumer needs.

5. Rebuild HR's reputation

HR has evolved into a branded profession that relies on evidence-based practices, data and technology to achieve organizational goals. Yet, we often find ourselves working to support the business instead of making an impact.

2024 is the year when this will change and HR will rebuild its reputation as a strategic partner and value creator for the organization. This requires HR to become drivers of change, innovation and value creation rather than just working to implement processes.

Impact: HR rebuilds its reputation as a strategic partner and value creator for the organization. Human resource trends: Become people who promote change, innovate and create value for the organization.

Xây dựng lại danh tiếng nhân sự
Rebuilding HR reputation

See more at: 5 ways to optimize the HR lifecycle.

3. Conclusion

In short, 2024 is the year when HR will face many exciting challenges and opportunities. From adapting to constant change to promoting equity and diversity, HR has a vital role to play in supporting organizational growth and prosperity in a rapidly changing world . To be successful, HR and HR trends need to drive change, build new capabilities and drive sustainable growth and innovation within their organizations.

First, HR will readjust its HR priorities and trends, reflecting changes in the needs of the modern workforce. Second, the way HR operates will be reimagined with a focus on creating value for their internal customers. Finally, HR trends are stepping up to advocate for significant change in the world of HR work.

These changes will take HR on an exciting journey filled with opportunities, challenges and the promise of a future where HR will play a central role in enhancing work for everyone. with new HR trends developing strongly.


With more than 10 years of experience and accompanying 300+ businesses in 20+ fields, CoffeeHR has been shining in building an effective human resources training process. We not only bring extensive theoretical knowledge but also successful practical application.

CoffeeHR understands that each business is a unique journey, and that is why we are committed to consulting and accompanying you to build the most effective human resources training solutions, reflecting the true values and core goals. core of the business.

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Doan Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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