What is corporate culture and how to build a healthy corporate culture

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Every business, when starting its operation, has a desire build organizational culture healthy and attract many potential customers. So what is corporate culture and how can we create it? then let's learn this article with CoffeeHR. 

Sự cần thiết của xây dựng văn hóa doanh nghiệp
The necessity of building corporate culture

What is corporate culture?

Culture is a very broad concept, simply understood, culture includes all the products that people create in life.

Culture often exists and is attached to a certain scope: National culture, family culture.... Within an enterprise, an economic organization, or simply a unit, collective association, culture will also exist.

Corporate culture is the entire cultural value built up during the existence and development of an enterprise, thereby becoming familiar rules and habits deeply ingrained in the business's operations and influencing emotions. , the way of thinking and behavior of all members of the enterprise in the pursuit and realization of goals.

The importance of building a corporate culture

Attract recruitment

Many reports have shown that a good corporate culture is one of the factors that help attract potential candidates. A positive, proactive working environment will be a big advantage when competing. Everyone wants to work for companies with a good reputation, this will be more convincing when hearing from employees. old. From the good impression of the corporate culture, the candidates will want to work and contribute better.

Retaining talent

The positivity of a corporate culture not only makes it easier to recruit, but it also helps us retain talented people to dedicate. Leaders who care about the happiness and satisfaction of their employees win their hearts. And the expected result is that they will devote themselves and work for a long time.

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Employees' desire to work longer

The right corporate culture helps employees feel that they do meaningful work, pride in being a member of the business, and promotes a sense of loyalty among employees. Employees are more likely to stay with a manager when they feel treated right and are more likely to want to go to work every day.

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Reduce conflicts in the company

If businesses have a good culture, it will significantly reduce stress in the workplace and help connect employees more together. In the process of working, members have better solidarity, understanding and problem solving. When employees face a tendency to conflict with each other, culture is the factor that helps people integrate and unite.

Comfortable staff spirit

It can be seen that the goals and development orientation of each company are also reflected in the corporate culture. As a result, each individual will know what their goals should be and how to develop themselves, thereby creating a healthy and comfortable working environment. This makes more sense when the situation of "brain drain" is as common as it is today. Salary and income are only part of the motivation to work. When income reaches a certain level, people are willing to trade a lower income to work in a more sociable, comfortable, and respected environment.

Increase work efficiency

A strong company culture has been linked to higher productivity rates. This is because employees tend to be more motivated and dedicated to employers who invest in their satisfaction. Companies with strong corporate cultures tend to see employees less stressed and under pressure, which enhances both employee health and performance.

Along with a good corporate culture, it will promote a higher rate of productivity at work. This is because employees are more motivated and committed because they are satisfied with the working environment they are in. Currently, companies with a strong corporate culture tend to expect employees to be less stressed, and pressure will affect health and work results.

How to build a healthy corporate culture

Understanding the future business environment and strategy

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Employees' desire to work longer

To be able to build a long-term development strategy in the future, you need to consider many factors. Because only when we have determined which factors are meaningful to help the business change, we can adjust the strategy. For example, you consider financial activities, staff capacity, customer care activities, image promotion, inflation rate, average growth rate... Especially we are witnessing a change. The most obvious change in the strategy of large enterprises is to put the customer at the center.

Determine what core values are the basis for success

In the steps build organizational culture This is considered a necessary condition to create a corporate culture. Core values are guidelines and help coordinate behaviors and concepts that are most suitable for the business. It cannot be worn down by time or overshadowed by the storms, but it is the heart and soul of each company. And those core values are most clearly expressed by employees and customers.

Xác định giá trị cốt lõi của doanh nghiệp 
Identify the core values of the business

For example, with Zappos, we always want to bring the best services to customers. Their core value is through service, to drive change, create joy and pursue growth - learning, passion and determination, humility.

It can be seen that the user-centric vision is one of the prominent aspects of the vision statement of large companies. They have put all their ambitions around the customer. Businesses understand that brands exist for customers and their sole purpose is to win customers, not just serve them.

Building a vision that the business reaches for the future

The next step after determining the core values of the business is to build a good culture that requires a long-term vision. The strategic vision is a beautiful vision that every business aspires to achieve and helps drive continuous growth. That vision needs to be different from other businesses in the same field. Along with the continuous development of the market economy, the change of objects is also inevitable. And of course, customers are the top focus of every business.

Tầm nhìn chiến lược rất quan trọng trong văn hóa doanh nghiệp
Strategic vision is very important in corporate culture

For example, with Starbucks' vision "To inspire and nurture the human spirit - One person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time". With the expansion to many countries around the world, it can be seen that Starbucks has built for itself an extremely quality corporate culture. The company aims to bring a sense of familiarity and closeness to help customers feel at home. It can be seen that the staff is the best catalyst for transmitting company culture to customers. That is also what makes Starbuck's success so far.

Assess the current culture and determine what needs to change

Next, we should consider and re-evaluate how the current culture is appropriate and effective for the long-term strategic development of the business. This is one of the most difficult steps, because the corporate culture when building it will be difficult for you to know where the downside lies. Even, there are many people who confuse corporate culture with other evaluation criteria. One way for you to know if the company culture is really working well is to look at the quality of employees and the rate of customer satisfaction feedback, trusting long-term cooperation.

Some enterprises in our country such as Viettel, FPT, Vinfast ... when expanding the market to the outside, they also need to make changes and selections to better suit the different cultures of each country. We cannot blindly impose our corporate culture on countries that do not have cultural similarities in operation. That way, all the products and services that we provide to our customers are easily receptive.

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Bridging the gap between what is and what is

Phát hiện những gì đang có và hiện có 
Discover what is and what is

Once we have identified the core goal from which to come up with a long-term development vision that is customer-centric, the next step is to close the gap between what is existing and what is. To evaluate this, it should be based on criteria such as working style, decision making, communication, and treatment.

Identify the role of leadership in leading cultural change

Leaders must understand their role in shaping an organization's culture, and organizations must make a deliberate effort to help develop their leaders. Effective leadership development goes beyond training classes, adding to organizational structure, or even identifying the right cultural fit when recruiting new leaders.

At a high level, a good leader cares and brings out the best in others through coaching, mentoring, and listening. The best leaders are modern leaders.

Modern leaders are more mentoring and coaching leaders than micromanagers and gatekeepers. They support their people and empower them to do bigger things than trying to do it all on their own. They value their employees, provide opportunities, and share successes. Modern leaders naturally blend in and build connections for their teams.

Action plan – the key to building a successful corporate culture

Lên kế hoạch hành động cho công ty 
Make an action plan for the company

After completing all the necessary conditions, the next thing is to immediately develop an action plan. This plan must include clear goals, specific timelines, milestones, and detailed activities as well as specific responsibilities for each individual. From there determine the priority level, of course the customer will be the first. In what areas should we invest more? What resources are needed? How will individuals be held accountable for each task? And when is the final completion time?

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Motivate employees to change

If you're looking to build a culture in your company, make sure current employees understand the company's expectations for job performance. For example, if the company culture is team-oriented and transparent, team members may have to post regular updates on their work progress on the company intranet.

Some team members may be more used to working independently than in previous work situations. If someone is used to just submitting completed work, communicating frequently with several other team members can feel awkward at first. A sensitive employee may even feel as though they are being micromanaged in this situation.

Encouraging your employees to nominate each other for rewards – or just recognition for exceptional performance or effort – is another great way to foster a culture that says “we are all together.” do this job". The gestures you give don't have to be expensive – a good rewards and recognition program will provide a range of thoughtful and creative ways to express gratitude to your employees without harming them. bank.

Motivate employees to benefit from change

Employees must understand what the company expects of them. This means the company must take the time to educate employees about their expectations. Employees may have questions or concerns about company expectations. They should always feel as if they were heard and their concerns taken seriously. Company policy will not change based on individual employee concerns, but management must strive to listen to employee concerns and consider them.

Support your employees and always help them when needed. Actively listen to them, communicate more to understand their state of mind, and try to be aware of anything that bothers them or degrades their health. When you care about your employees and help them grow, that's when you build a team that can grow and accomplish anything.

Set up a suitable reward system

Design a rewards and recognition program that links directly to your organization's values. This ensures that your employees stick around for the right reasons and in a way that will help build the culture you want.

For example, if innovation is important to your business, make sure people are recognized for it. If adopting a 'disruptive approach' is critical to your future success, include that in your plan. This can be especially useful when dealing with large or international workforces. Organizations often struggle to create a genuine culture and a globally consistent set of values. Employee recognition can make a real difference here. By being very clear about what behaviors are being rewarded, how, and why, employers can clearly reflect on the values that really matter to them.

Evaluate maintaining core values

Đánh giá chung lại sau khi đã hoàn thành
Re-evaluate once completed

Corporate culture doesn't always fit perfectly over time. Along with the continuous development of society, many new things are imported into our country, so it is necessary to make adjustments to suit each period. Therefore, regular reevaluation is essential.

To be build organizational culture requires careful preparation and the steps need to be linked together. It is not simply about creating ideas or goals that the leader wants, but requires businesses to have a thorough understanding of this. Thus, building a new corporate culture is really effective and won the hearts of customers.

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CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. With experience in building effective corporate culture and bringing many benefits to companies,


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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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