What is Work From Home? What to prepare when starting WFH

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Work From Home – Working from home is a strong trend during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, this form of work is not only a form of solving the disease problem but also brings a lot of benefits to businesses. So, do you really understand? What is WFH? as well as the benefits it brings? In the article below, let CoffeeHR give you some information to know.

What is WFH?

WFH is an acronym for the phrase Work From Home, which translates into Vietnamese as working remotely or working from home. It can be understood simply that this form is that you can work in any space you want, without going to the company but still have to make sure to complete all your work.

định nghĩa về wfh
Definition of wfh

This way of working has been around for a long time, applied by some businesses to a few positions or all employees, but it is not too popular because of the risk of reducing work performance. WFH Popular in the context of the raging COVID epidemic, mass gatherings in companies are not allowed.

However, now that the pandemic has somewhat subsided, many businesses and companies still continue to apply this method of working. Can see, WFH offers more advantages than a form created to deal with the COVID-19 epidemic.

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WFH – Work trends of the future

In the past, forms of teleworking or working from home were often unpopular. Because employees will be easily distracted, thereby not being able to fulfill their KPIs well. The leadership also has no way to control the attitude and performance of employees, leading to a serious decrease in overall work efficiency.

xu hướng làm việc trong tương lai
WFH is considered to be the working trend of the future

However, in the current 4.0 era, this form may have shown many advantages. With the development of information technology, the leadership can easily monitor and control remotely, helping to complete the daily work. Employees in the same department can also connect with each other to hold meetings, exchange or propose ideas. According to statistical reports, WFH has shown its advantages in many aspects:

  • Employee working hours increased significantly. While the company's full-time employment is limited to a maximum of 8 hours, WFH allows employees to work 1.4 times as long.
  • The break time of each employee when working from home will increase, but their working time will also be increased proportionately.
  • According to statistics, the lost time of employees working at the office is about 37 minutes/day, while this figure for remote workers only fluctuates around 27 minutes.
  • Up to 22% employees working in the office said that the leadership distracts them from work. However, this number for WFH people only stops at 15%.

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4 Benefits of Work From Home

Besides the question What is WFH?, many people also question the benefits of this form of work. Work From Home Help: Save costs, improve work productivity, reduce stress, diversify human resources for businesses, ensure safety for employees.

lợi ích của wfh
What are the benefits of WFH?

Cost savings

One of the biggest advantages of WFH is that it saves a lot of money. For businesses, there will be no need to pay for electricity and water at the headquarters, the cost of staff equipment as well as other related fees such as car allowances, meals at the office. place.

For employees, Work From Home also helps them save on transportation costs such as gas, car tickets, etc. At the same time, WFH also does not need office clothes, helping employees reduce clothing costs. , shoes or makeup…

Improve work productivity, reduce stress

Benefits of What is WFH?? Improving employee productivity is one of the advantages. Specifically:

  • The WFH form allows employees to be more comfortable in choosing clothes, eating and drinking everyday… Therefore, they will have more time to focus on work and accomplish their goals every day.
  • Employees working from home are not affected by office noise, colleagues' talking, phone ringing, etc., so they will have the most comfortable spirit. Thereby, improving the ability to concentrate at work.
  • Remote mode allows employees to not have to get up early or travel long distances to the company. This helps reduce stress, easier to focus on work.
WFH giúp nâng cao hiệu quả làm việc
WFH helps improve work efficiency

Diversify human resources for businesses

This form of work allows businesses to access more talented employees. There are many reasons that limit the cooperation between talents and businesses such as having no means of transportation, a remote address that cannot reach the office, etc. and WFH is capable of solving almost all of the above problems.

Ensure employee safety

One of the answers to the question of the benefits of What is WFH? is to ensure absolute safety for employees. Not only limiting the risks on the way, the WFH form is also the perfect choice in the time of the raging epidemic. Limiting person-to-person contact at the company is abiding by the necessary rules, responding to the anti-epidemic movement.

Along with the advantages, WFH also has some disadvantages that need to be mentioned. Working from home will definitely limit the connection between employees as well as between superiors and subordinates. There are many jobs that need debate, face-to-face negotiations, but working remotely is still quite limited on this. The effective implementation of WFH depends on technology conditions as well as the self-discipline of employees when working from home.

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Why WFH is good for businesses

Pros and cons of working from home

Object Advantage Defect
Staff – Save time and travel costs (such as gas, parking tickets, train tickets, ...) or expenses incurred when going to work (such as clothes, food, equipment, ...)

Reduce risks (unfortunate accidents, health due to pollution, ...) 

– When at home, workers have the ability to freely create a working environment, a working corner that they love, make themselves comfortable and achieve the best working state.

– Comfortable, non-restrictive clothes, giving you more time to focus on work. 

Limit distractions by noises, gossip from colleagues around, pressured voices from superiors. Thereby helping you to be in the best spirit, focus your mind on processing and completing the assigned work well.

Lack of initiative in work and reduced professionalism compared to working directly. 

If employees do not have the ability to manage and control their time well, it is easy to fall into a state of ineffective work. 

Working online for a long time will make employees in the company not have the opportunity to connect and understand each other. Since then, when working in teamwork, people are prone to conflicts, disagreements or lack of harmony when giving solutions.

Company – Thanks to the WFH model, companies will save a lot of costs (from space, equipment, electricity, water, costs incurred when employees come to the office).

– In an era where technology is increasingly developing and becoming everyday, the way of working online will help businesses better adapt to the digital transformation process.

– When working remotely, managers will find it difficult to monitor and track the working process of employees. This will affect the overall work schedule and progress. 

– It is not possible to directly check and urge employees to work so that the work may not go as the head of the business wants.

What do we need to prepare for WFH to be effective?

To understand clearly What is WFH?, here are some things you need to prepare for the WFH form to be highly effective when applied:

For Businesses

  • Internal communications: Work From Home has limited connections between employees and colleagues and superiors. Therefore, preparing well internal communication is extremely important to improve work performance as well as employee focus.
  • Prepare for work: For WFH to be effective, the day's tasks need to be rigorously scheduled and assigned. For example, what can be done online, offline or something that can be digitized such as time attendance, online meeting, etc.
  • Make strict regulations: When WFH, a lot of employees will fall into a state of stagnation at work, distraction from work, causing overall work performance to go down. To solve this situation, it is extremely necessary to establish clear regulations, with rewards and punishments.
Những điều cần chuẩn bị khi WFH
Things to prepare when WFH

For individuals

  • Workspace layout: One of the advantages of WFH is that you have the freedom to organize your workspace. To create excitement at work and increase work productivity, clear your desk and arrange everything to suit your preferences.
  • Prepare tools when WFH: When working from home, to connect to work and receive the fastest notifications, you must have the minimum tools. One of them is a laptop for work and a phone with a connection to common websites to update work status.
  • Set up working hours: When working from home, you are free to choose your working hours. However, to optimize performance, set the most reasonable schedule, choose the right time frames to work more productively.
work from home đối với cá nhân
How to work from home effectively
  • Self-discipline and commitment: Without intense focus and clear discipline, you will most likely be distracted and reduce your overall performance. Therefore, be strict with yourself for the most effective form of WFH.
  • Interact with colleagues: Working online will greatly limit the interaction between colleagues. To overcome this, you should be proactive in discussing and interacting when having joint meetings. Improved connectivity will make working from home significantly more efficient.
  • To-do list and report: To optimize your daily work, get yourself a to-do list to record the things that need to be done. At the end of the day, don't forget to write a report to check if you have completed all the work today, there is still any outstanding work to have a suitable solution.

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See more notes and difficulties when working with WFH

6. Notes when WFH

Ensure the schedule of activities and basic personal needs

Arrival office/company every day, work schedule, lunch break, keep working and scheduled breaks help you maintain a relatively regular and orderly routine. But if you have to work from home, everything sure There will be a little disturbance because the time frame is flexible. So before we start week Working from home, you should prepare snacks and some foods to help maintain focus.

Set reminders on your phone and desk calendar

Đặt thời gian để hoàn thành công việc đúng thời hạn
Set a time to complete the work on time

A comfortable and familiar space at home will make everyone more easily distracted than ever. So establish/make a detailed plan before all important online meetings, deadlines that need to be completed, and also working time and breaks in accordance with the daily work schedule.. So It will help you keep your normal routine instead of letting your mind remember everything on its own.

Don't forget to exercise

Similar to every day at work, you also need to do a few simple exercises to improve your health and reduce stress, fatigue. Allow yourself to relax a bit, because when working from home everything is quite flexible and time has been saved thanks to not having to travel from home to work and vice versa. However, everyone needs to remember that they are not on a vacation, but work at home. So the relaxation must also be… professional.

Notes on clothing and electronic devices

According to the advice of experts who have pursued a flexible working regime for many years, absolutely avoid overly comfortable clothes such as pajamas, pajamas or short t-shirts. Because of them/ those costumes will make you feel like you're on a vacation and sleepiness can strike at any moment.

You also do not need to put on a shirt, trousers or office dress that makes you secret and constrained. It is best to choose casual clothes that you can easily apply in many situations (like when going to a convenience store to buy things, having coffee with friends or receiving an unexpected guest).

Trang phục chỉn chu giúp bạn tập trung hơn
Well-groomed clothes help you focus more

Comprehensive management solution when WFH for businesses

If you are looking for a remote employee management tool to build websites, common systems in the company to support WFH . form then CoffeeHR is the top solution for you. CoffeeHR will support businesses in managing employee working time and digitizing online human resource activities such as Recruitment, C&B, Evaluation, Training. Work From Home performance will increase significantly with the aforementioned solutions.

Besides, CoffeeHR is also one of the units that have been implementing digital transformation and digitization of businesses. If your company is aiming for a modern working environment, keeping up with the trend of the 4.0 era, do not immediately refer to the top services at CoffeeHR.

giải pháp cho wfh
Solution for WFH with CoffeeHR

Here is some information and questions about it What is WFH? as well as the benefits of WFH. If you have any further questions, do not forget to contact CoffeeHR through the following address:

CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. Contact us now to optimize Human Resource Management for your business.

Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459

Facebook: CoffeeHR – Human Resources Coffee

Statistical document on the effectiveness of WFH for employees

Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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