Recruiting senior personnel: Things employers need to keep in mind

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Recruiting high-level personnel plays an important role in the development of each business. Senior personnel take on important positions and manage business operations. Furthermore, these resources are also scarce, so recruitment is quite difficult, requiring businesses to have a clear and scientific recruitment process to achieve high efficiency. 

How is recruiting senior personnel different from recruiting regular personnel?

According to the report, senior personnel account for less than 10% of the number of employees, but they are the ones who bring 90% of profit to the organization. Therefore, recruiting senior personnel is not simple, requiring the recruitment department to clearly define their profile to set appropriate recruitment criteria.

Senior personnel are positions from Manager level to higher levels such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Business Officer (CRO). ), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chief Production Officer (CPO) and other positions with great power and responsibility in the organization.

So what criteria are there to determine the portrait of a senior employee?

We often base on the following three criteria to evaluate the qualities of senior personnel: their knowledge, skills and attitude at work.

However, reality shows that finding standards for senior personnel is very difficult. Because each industry and business of different sizes will have separate criteria for evaluating personnel. But to put it simply: senior personnel are people with enough skills, knowledge and good demeanor to successfully complete the strategic work of the business. Furthermore, senior personnel are those who achieve certain achievements in their job evaluation.

According to a survey by Robert Walters - Senior Personnel Recruitment and Consulting Company: Senior personnel positions are sought after by businesses in many fields. The need to recruit high-level personnel in Vietnam is mainly in fields such as consumer goods, banking and finance, manufacturing, and information technology.

To recruit talented personnel, businesses need to carefully evaluate and select personnel with qualities and skills such as:

  • Have rich professional and social knowledge
  • A person with strategic vision and good leadership skills
  • Good situation handling skills
  • Analytical and problem solving skills
  • Negotiation and decision-making skills
  • Independent working skills, teamwork skills
  • Behavioral skills
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Criteria for recruiting senior personnel

In addition, senior personnel must be passionate about their work, have a serious working attitude, have a strong working spirit, confront, and accept challenges and difficulties at work.

Recruitment process for senior personnel for HR

Just like the normal recruitment process, recruiting senior staff includes basic steps. But the difference is: the person interviewing senior personnel must be a higher leader and the human resources department also needs to ensure confidentiality related to this issue.

The senior personnel recruitment process includes the following steps:

Identify needs recruitment use

Each employer needs to clearly identify recruitment needs, for example, need to see what position they are recruiting senior personnel for, which department they belong to, what are the specific job requirements, and how long they need to recruit. ,…

All senior staff recruitment needs are compiled and then presented to the Director for approval. Information related to this issue is confidential and only known to senior leaders and human resources managers. If authorized by the Director or General Director, other management levels can also know.

Make a detailed recruitment plan

After approval of recruitment needs, the human resources department carries out recruitment planning. In this step, it is necessary to ensure some criteria as follows:

  • Security: Clearly state the method of sending candidates' CVs to relevant people such as organizing recruitment interviews.
  • Attractiveness: This is shown in two aspects: the content of the job advertisement needs to be attractive, attracting many candidates, and the recruitment channel needs to be consistent with the behavior and class of the candidates applying for this position.

Post recruitment announcements

After making a scientific and thorough recruitment plan for senior personnel, businesses and human resources departments need to prepare recruitment content and post recruitment notices. Recruitment postings need to mention a number of contents such as: detailed job description, job requirements as well as candidate benefits, and contact information for the recruitment department.

Receive, evaluate and screen applications

After posting the job advertisement, many candidates will send their resumes to the human resources department. Employers need to gather profiles, then evaluate the quality of each candidate profile.

Not all applications are suitable for the vacancy, so the human resources department needs to screen applications based on the given and agreed recruitment criteria. From there, find the most suitable profile to move on to the interview round.

The process of evaluating and screening candidate profiles needs to be accurate and objective to ensure the quality of human resources recruited into the enterprise.

Interviewing candidates

After screening and selecting suitable candidate profiles, the human resources department will schedule interviews, send interview invitations to candidates and conduct face-to-face interviews to exploit and select suitable candidates. best.

The interview process consists of 2 stages as follows:

  • Preliminary interview: Employers can give a set of multiple-choice questions to screen candidates one more time.
  • Selection interview: During this stage, HR needs to ask specific questions related to the job, business, etc. to reassess the candidate's qualifications and suitability for the position being recruited. At the same time, some information about the candidate's working regime or benefits can be given.

After finishing the interview, employers need to inform candidates when they will receive the interview results. Action not only helps candidates wait for results with peace of mind, but also shows professionalism from the business and employer.

Try new employees

Candidates who pass the interview round will begin a probationary period. During this time, candidates must show employers that they are suitable personnel for senior positions in the business.

At this time, employers also need to closely monitor work activities and candidate performance to make the final decision.

Make hiring decisions

After the probationary period, the employer will make a decision whether to officially hire the candidate or not. At the same time, candidates also express their opinion on whether to accept this job or not. Once the employee has been officially recruited, the business will sign a labor contract and the candidate officially becomes an employee of the business.

Quy trình tuyển dụng nhân sự cấp cao cho HR
Recruitment process for senior personnel for HR

Types of costs for recruiting high-level personnel

Each business will have its own formula for calculating recruitment costs to easily control costs. This helps businesses manage their recruitment budget and quickly adjust if new costs arise.

However, businesses must hire recruitment companies to find suitable candidates, costs may increase. Therefore, adjusting the recruitment cost calculation formula is necessary to ensure an effective recruitment budget and save costs for businesses.

Below, CoffeeHR points out some of the costs incurred to recruit senior personnel for the business.

Media costs, posting recruitment advertisements for senior personnel

To increase the chance of finding quality senior personnel, in addition to free recruitment websites, employers should use a number of paid recruitment channels such as social networks, newspapers, television, and radio. ,... to shorten recruitment time and bring prestige to the company on these platforms.

Cost of screening suitable candidates for the position

Nowadays, there are many forms of candidate screening applied by many businesses such as: using software, manual assessment or phone screening, etc. Businesses need to spend some costs. Currently there are many Forms of candidate screening being applied by businesses include: using software, manual assessment or phone screening...

Businesses have to spend money to use software and phone costs for recruiting staff. Furthermore, for businesses that wish to recruit high-ranking personnel in large numbers for screening, the cost of paperwork is not small.

Costs for organizing candidate assessment exams

Small and medium-sized businesses only need to interview 1-2 times: preliminary interview by phone and face-to-face interview to select candidates. However, in large enterprises, candidate evaluation often takes place in focused sessions lasting 1 to 2 days.

Organizing evaluation sessions costs a lot of money for businesses, including location rental costs, management personnel costs, electricity and water costs, paperwork, exam questions and other costs.

Cost of training new employees

Investing in high-level personnel training is an unavoidable cost for businesses. This cost includes salaries for trainers, costs for equipment and classrooms for training.

An effective cost-saving option is to use experts and experienced employees within the company to take on teaching roles. Furthermore, businesses can also hire outside trainers if internal personnel are not suitable. However, paying for an outside trainer will be expensive and must be considered carefully before deciding.

Mistakes to avoid when recruiting senior personnel

In the process of recruiting senior personnel, businesses need to avoid making the following mistakes:

Opportunities should be shared instead of recommending jobs to the senior human resources team 
Simply introducing the job is not enough to attract their interest. Instead of just providing vacancy information, employers need to share and present a detailed picture of the company's future and future sustainable development opportunities.

This helps senior candidates see the company's investment in employees, helping them feel like they are part of a team working together to achieve common goals.

When seeing the development opportunities and long-term vision of the company, candidates will be more motivated to decide whether to join the company or not.

Forget corporate culture factors
Experienced and highly qualified candidates are not only looking for a stable job but also want to work in a dynamic, professional environment with high team spirit. Businesses need to focus on building a positive corporate culture, employees are encouraged to develop themselves and contribute ideas to the company's development.

Inaccurate evaluation and screening of candidates
The large number of candidates, screening and recruiting suitable candidates for the job position also becomes a problem for the recruitment department. Currently, there are many methods used to screen candidates, but if subjective thinking or inaccurate assessment methods are used, it can lead to the selection of candidates who are not suitable for the job.

Therefore, businesses should use software to evaluate, classify and screen candidates to minimize errors and select candidates that suit the business's requirements.

CoffeeHR – Solution to improve recruitment efficiency

As shared above, screening thousands of candidates takes time for the HR department, and errors are inevitable. Therefore, applying recruitment management software is an effective solution to solve recruitment and human resource management problems of businesses.

CoffeeHR recruitment software can help you solve the above problems, covering most of the recruitment operations from Collecting candidate profiles, Screening CVs, Comparing reviews to reporting effectiveness and providing Recruitment analysis and forecasts:

  • Manage recruitment process: Integrate all recruitment activities on the same system, with a friendly interface that will help you manage the recruitment process scientifically.
  • Collect and store records in one source: All candidate profile information will be collected in one source, automatically updated into the system, creating a rich and quality source of records.
  • Manage candidate profiles according to each stage of the Recruitment funnel: From CV submission screening stage to capacity testing, first interview, second interview, offering,... to understand conversion rate
  • Optimize time, increase recruitment efficiency: Ability to integrate with recruitment sites Vietnamwork, TopCV, Careerbuilder,... to help find, screen and keep in touch with candidates more easily, proactively create candidate sources for recruitment plans.
  • Enhance candidate experience: Multi-dimensional interaction between Employers and Candidates, building a "Friendly" recruitment brand in the hearts of candidates
  • Easily plan recruitment strategies through the analysis and measurement report system from CoffeeHR: cost, quantity, rate, performance, etc.

CoffeeHR hopes that the above sharing can help employers and businesses understand the process of recruiting high-level personnel in the most cost-effective and effective way. In the context of a scarcity of senior personnel, businesses need to consider and wisely choose scientific and convenient recruitment solutions to select the most talented senior personnel.

See more at: Why CoffeeHR?

With more than 10 years of experience and accompanying 300+ businesses in 20+ fields, CoffeeHR has been increasingly strong in building effective human resource management software.

CoffeeHR understands that each business is a unique journey, and that is why we are committed to consulting and accompanying you to build the most effective human resources training solutions, reflecting the true values and core goals. core of the business.

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Doan Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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