Top 9 effective recruitment skills for HR

Top 9 kỹ năng tuyển dụng nhân sự hiệu quả cho HR
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Human resource recruitment skills are one of the prerequisites if you want to become a human resources expert. Adequate preparation of skills will help work take place effectively and professionally. So how can you master effective recruitment skills and bring real value to your business? Follow CoffeeHR's article below to improve your recruitment skills! 

What are human resources recruitment skills?

Businesses often have several recruitment rounds to supplement quality human resources. At that time, the recruitment specialist is the person who will manage tasks such as: Posting recruitment ads, screening resumes, CVs, and interviewing candidates to find talented candidates that suit the business's requirements.

Any field, not just recruitment, requires you to possess certain skills to do the assigned tasks well. Human resources recruitment skills will help you save maximum costs but still be able to find suitable candidates with the given criteria. Therefore, for those working in the human resources industry, recruitment skills are indispensable.

Kỹ năng tuyển dụng nhân sự là thứ mà HR cần trau dồi để phát triển con đường sự nghiệp
Human resource recruitment skills are something that HR needs to hone to develop their career path

Recruitment skills that HR should not ignore

Recruitment specialists have the main task of filling vacant positions in the business. To do a good job of recruiting, employers need to carry out a number of accompanying activities such as: Searching candidate profiles, screening candidate profiles, interviewing candidates, negotiating salary with suitable candidates. , prepare recruitment reports.

Recruiters have the main task of finding people who fit the requirements and culture of the business. Below are the skills that employers need during the working process to achieve the best results.

Communication skills

A recruitment officer must come into contact with many people with different positions such as candidates, superiors, and partners. Therefore, their job is to communicate and ensure the most accurate information is given to all parties. Communication methods are also through many means such as direct communication, text messages, emails, etc.

At work, communication skills are very helpful, especially in a recruitment profession that puts people at the center. Communication is an important recruitment skill, it will evaluate your professionalism and ability to handle work.

Time management skills

Each recruiter has about 8 hours to handle all recruitment processes, training, resume screening and many other tasks. Meanwhile, every business wants to recruit vacant candidate positions as quickly as possible. Therefore, employers need to equip themselves with time management skills, know how to allocate working time during the day in the most reasonable way, determine which tasks need to be prioritized first and make the most of them. available time frame to find the best candidate within the time allowed.

Business Marketing skills

Quality candidates are rare and difficult to find, but businesses' recruitment needs are quite large, especially in hot industries such as information technology, logistics, etc. Therefore, employers also need to be talented marketers. The ability to promote your company's recruitment brand in the eyes of potential candidates. In this case, the business item is the vacancy and "selling" it to the most suitable person.

Corporate Marketing skills can be understood as how HR builds the employer brand. From there, candidates can feel the value that the business can bring to them. These values benefit their careers without making money too important.

Recruitment skills – Knowing how to listen

As an HR, what you do is listen to the opinions of the remaining members of the recruitment committee, the candidates' wishes as well as the business's requirements to know what they are looking for from the recruitment round. this time.

Once you understand more about the candidate, you can easily ask insightful interview questions to understand them better, at the same time grasp important information and make the most reasonable hiring decision.

Problem-solving skills

The recruitment process includes many stages from posting job advertisements, screening resumes, to interviewing candidates, etc. At the same time, employers need to interact a lot with candidates. Therefore, employers will encounter different problems and challenges. Therefore, recruiters must be able to problem-solve and be flexible to handle surprises during the recruitment process effectively.

DON'T MISS: Steps to make an effective recruitment plan that managers need to know

Kỹ năng tuyển dụng cũng là yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng nhân sự
Recruitment skills are also factors that affect personnel quality

Organizational skills

During the recruitment process, HR needs to manage many candidates at different stages, applying for different positions at the same time. If you do not have the necessary organizational skills, potential and quality personnel may be overlooked among a pool of candidate profiles.

Meticulousness and perfectionism

An important recruitment skill is meticulousness and perfectionism. Businesses need to recruit many employees in each recruitment and not every position needs to pay attention to the details. But meticulousness is not only important for candidates, but also for employers. Is a person personnel recruitment, you must be able to observe meticulously to choose the most worthy person among countless candidate profiles. For example, when you post a job on Facebook, you need to be careful to choose the most suitable candidate.

Recruiting quality personnel, no matter how few, is better than recruiting a series of unsuitable personnel. If you are meticulous and careful, HR can help businesses save significantly on recruitment costs. However, if someone does not know how to balance, HR is the one who prolongs the company's recruitment process, wasting money and time.

Teamwork skill

Recruitment is the job of all departments. Even if you are the only recruiter in the company, you still need to communicate with other departments, management or experienced employees in the position. need recruitment. Therefore, in addition to human resources recruitment skills, recruiters need to have teamwork skills to achieve the best results.

Relationship building skills

One recruitment skill that HR needs is relationship building skills. A good relationship will bring certain advantages in the working process. Building potential relationships, expanding and establishing quality relationships with people around you brings great opportunities for employers.

Relationships are also a place to help you find candidates in a natural and reliable way that is suitable for your business. Especially when you need to fill positions suddenly and in a short time, having a close relationship will help you complete the job as quickly as possible.

Rất nhiều kỹ năng cần trau dồi để trở thành chuyên viên tuyển dụng giỏi
Many skills need to be honed to become a good recruitment specialist

How to improve human resources recruitment skills?

Improving human resources recruitment skills with technology is a solution that many HR think about and choose. In the age of digital technology, HR not only cultivates and trains itself and has all the skills mentioned above, but also needs to apply technology to improve work efficiency. The reason is that the target audience and recruitment habits are constantly changing.

We can take for example, today's young workers are mainly generation Z, they have a lot of access to technology and social networks. Therefore, providing an automated recruitment experience through CoffeeHR recruitment software is a big plus with many useful features such as:

  • Integrate with reputable recruitment websites such as Vietnamworks, TopCV, Glints,... to automatically post recruitment ads and collect candidate data to the business's own repository (CV pool)
  • Increase multi-dimensional interaction between recruiters and candidates: Recruiters promptly contact potential candidates, saving 80% recruitment time thanks to the feature that automates steps: emailing candidates, scheduling interviews, offer letters,...
  • Provide visual reports and tables to support the process of analyzing and measuring recruitment effectiveness: recruitment costs, recruitment time, candidate reports,...
CoffeeHR mang đến giải pháp phần mềm quản trị, tuyển dụng nhân sự hiệu quả, tiết kiệm thời gian, chi phí và các nguồn lực khác
CoffeeHR provides effective management and recruitment software solutions, saving time, costs and other resources.

Above is a summary of 9 important recruitment skills that every HR needs to know. We hope that the information we provide above will help employers know what they need to add to become an excellent recruitment specialist in the business.

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With more than 10 years of experience and accompanying 300+ businesses in 20+ fields, CoffeeHR has been increasingly strong in building effective human resource management software.

CoffeeHR understands that each business is a unique journey, and that is why we are committed to consulting and accompanying you to build the most effective human resources training solutions, reflecting the true values and core goals. core of the business.

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Doan Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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