19 Qualities & Skills required in a talented, professional leader

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Leaders play an important role in any group, team or business. Have you ever wondered what a leader needs? Then in this article, CoffeeHR will share with you 14 leadership qualities good and professional.

What are leadership qualities?

Tố chất lãnh đạo là gì?
What are leadership qualities?

Talk about leadership qualities is referring to the innate abilities and qualities inherent in each person that determine whether they have the potential to be good leaders or not. Good leaders are not only people with good knowledge and skills, but they need to have the right characteristics to lead. In other words, they need to have their own qualities. Leadership qualities helping leaders in their efforts to create new value for society, by tapping into and developing the potential of themselves and the organizations they lead.

11 Qualities of a Successful Leader

Passion for work, creativity, inquisitiveness, foresight, good communication skills, the ability to plan - organize - manage, work effectively in a team... A leader with a passion for work The job will always try to work hard to complete the task and achieve the achievement. Besides, enthusiasm at work will also help leaders come up with many creative ideas and make informed decisions at work.

Các tố chất người lãnh đạo cần có
Qualities a leader should have

Passion for work

A leader who is passionate about his work will work and focus his best to get what he wants. Besides, this passion will help them have more ideas and creativity in their work.

Nhà lãnh đạo cần sự đam mê trong công việc
Leaders need passion in their work


Creativity is also considered as one of the leadership qualities required. That ability must always be promoted at the right time and in the right place to promote work progress. Besides, a creative leader will have more flexible and timely work handling measures.

Sự sáng tạo của một nhà lãnh đạo
A leader's creativity is essential

Ready to learn

Even if a person becomes a leader, the head does not mean that there is no need to cultivate anymore. Therefore, the willingness to learn is Essential qualities of a leader.

Leaders are always eager to acquire and expand knowledge for their area of expertise, in order to come up with good solutions for the job. Besides, working hard to hone their knowledge will help them have a longer vision at work.

Sẵn sàng học hỏi
Willing to learn even as a leader

Have a broad vision

Leaders need to have a broad vision to lead employees in the right direction at work. Besides, having a broad vision is leadership qualities help them make the right plans and achieve the desired results.

Nhà lãnh đạo cần có tầm nhìn sâu rộng để phát triển
Leaders need to have a broad vision to develop

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The ability to empower

A good leader needs to know how to lead so that employees can complete the assigned tasks on their own instead of letting them obey orders. Therefore, leaders need to know how to empower employees so that they can handle the assigned and arising tasks themselves.

khả năng trao quyền
The ability to empower employees to flexibly handle assigned and arising tasks

Always listen and understand

Leaders should not be too conservative. They need to listen and understand from employees to have a full view of the problem. As a result, they can make better decisions at work.

Sự lắng nghe

The ability to lead

A leader needs to be someone who has the ability to lead or "drive the boat", motivating the team to work. To do this, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of each member to assign work accordingly.

Khả năng dẫn dắt
The ability to lead

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Think logically and differently

Thinking differently is the foundation for rapid success. This is leadership qualities required at work. Thinking differently gives you breakthrough directions to solve problems and achieve better results.

khả năng suy nghĩ logic
The ability to think logically is an important quality important of good leader

Flexible conflict resolution

When working in groups, employees will inevitably have personal conflicts. In addition, one study found that employee loyalty to the company is more influenced by job positivity than monthly salary.

The positivity here is a positive working environment, spreading good energy to them. Therefore, leaders need to delicately recognize conflicts and promptly resolve them to avoid affecting the working process.

Linh hoạt giải quyết xung đột
Flexible conflict resolution

Honestly give advice

Leaders need to honestly give advice and effective direction to subordinates. This will help employees recognize mistakes and correct them, helping them to get the job done better.

thẳng thắn đưa lời khuyên
Honestly give advice to subordinates

Don't hesitate to make important decisions

Making important decisions at work definitely belongs to the leader. Therefore, in many large organizations, they desperately need a good leader.

It is better to boldly make important decisions than to make no decisions that lead to wrong actions. Therefore, boldly making important decisions is qualities leader required at work.

Đưa ra những quyết định quan trọng
Make important decisions

Essential Skills of a Leader

Every organization is looking for an effective leader possessing the skills mentioned below. If you aspire to build a career in leadership roles, here are must-have skills that will prove valuable to anyone applying for a job.

Teamwork skill

Leaders never work alone, they always lead the team to the last. Therefore, teamwork skills are leadership qualities required. For teamwork to have good results, they need to know how to listen to employees and make decisions and organize work effectively. Besides, in the process of teamwork, teamwork skills will help the leader handle internal conflicts in the team in the best way.

kỹ năng làm việc nhóm
Leaders or leaders need to have teamwork skills

Communication skills

Leaders need to have communication skills, to convey information and what they want clearly to subordinates. Besides, good expression and communication will make it easier for them to convince customers.

Kỹ năng giao tiếp tốt trong công việc
Good communication skills at work are essential for leaders

Planning and management skills

Leaders choose the direction for the group, and sometimes the entire department or organization. It is important for leaders to align projects and activities with business goals. While the workforce as a whole tends to be more focused on independent tasks and immediate results, leaders need to use longer-term and interconnected thinking. These managers have a thorough understanding of possible outcomes and influencing factors and can create a roadmap that takes teammates from point A to point B. The best leaders also can recognize when strategies are no longer working and outline new plans.

Kỹ năng lập kế hoạch trong công việc
Planning skills at work are very important for leaders

Relationship building skills 

Some leaders will say that they don't need to be liked in the workplace to be successful. This may be true, but to build a more cohesive and cohesive team, good managers need leadership skills to forge strong working relationships with their employees. 

Kỹ năng thiết lập mối quan hệ
Relationship building skills

Relationship building is one of the most essential traits in leadership qualities good. To achieve a leadership position, a professional should demonstrate the ability to get along with others. Leaders interact and work with a wide variety of people, from the team they manage, to those at higher levels, to fellow managers and collaborative departments, to customers and suppliers. grant. To do their jobs effectively, leaders must know how to connect and communicate with these different groups and individuals. 

So even if you think you don't need to be liked in the workplace, you will definitely need to have good relationship building skills to be an effective leader. 

Decision-making skills

A leader is tasked with making decisions all the time. Great decision makers can anticipate consequences and complications, and can prepare for best and worst scenarios. These leaders are also able to explain and defend their decisions to their superiors, their teams, and other departments, and know how to involve others in the plan. Some decisions may not always be favorable. Making an uncommon but necessary decision is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks as a leader, but it is important that as a leader you are able to recognize the responsibility. and make clear decisions for your group or organization.

Problem-solving skills

Kỹ năng xử lý vấn đề là 1 trong những tố chất quan trọng của người lãnh đạo
Problem-solving skills are one of the most important qualities of a leader

Problem solving is one of the skills and leadership qualities the most neccesary. Leaders spend a lot of time putting out fires and solving problems for customers, companies, and teams. Leaders are the people to whom peers seek advice and help, and often have the final say on the course of action.

These individuals need to know how to think outside the box, imagine new solutions, predict consequences, and test theories in low-risk ways. This quality distinguishes leaders from the rest of the workforce. Even without a formal title, leaders come to support their colleagues, brainstorm, and try to come up with better solutions and troubleshooting.

Time management skills

A leader's time is in high demand, and their to-do list often seems never-ending. A good sense of time management is crucial for professionals in charge of mission-critical projects. These individuals know how to organize their workday, estimate projects, keep meetings on schedule, meet deadlines, and keep their schedules uncluttered. Professionals can limit the time they spend on tasks and have a sense of urgency that helps them prioritize.

Managers must ensure that team members use their hours productively and make changes or suggestions to improve processes and make systems more efficient.

Organizational skills

In theory, leaders can outsource all the work of the organization. But in reality, no one wants to work under these types of leaders. Working for a messy manager adds unnecessary stress at work and makes it hard for teammates to trust or rely on them. Disorganized leaders can be confusing and create more work for employees. Not to mention, the leader sets an example for the rest of the team, and disorganization sends the message that this is a sloppy, disorganized organization. Therefore, solid organizational skills and good systems provide structure and help teammates focus their time and energy on higher-level tasks instead of busy work.

Learn more about the qualities of great leaders

Hopefully through the above article, you can grasp 14 leadership qualities good and professional required. Hope you become confident to become a talented leader. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact HR CoffeeHR for advice.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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