5 Professional candidate rejection letter samples in the recruitment process

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Candidate rejection letter This is a pretty important document for recruiters. This is also a polite notice or a clever sharing with candidates who do not meet the set criteria. This will create professionalism and face for both the recruitment board and the business. Let's refer to 5 samples with CoffeeHR candidate rejection letter Professional in the recruitment process below!

What is a candidate rejection letter?

định nghĩa thư từ chối
What is a rejection letter?

Candidate rejection letter is a sample document sent by an employer to candidates who have not been selected or are not selected for the next stage in the recruitment process.

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Why is it necessary to send a candidate rejection letter?

Candidate rejection letter is considered to be quite necessary for all businesses in recruitment personnel. The reason for employers not to skip the step of sending a rejection letter or a reply is because:

  • Every candidate deserves feedback from an employer: It would be pretty bad if the candidate spent the time and effort himself submitting a resume or attending an interview, and then not hearing from the company.
Lý do thư từ chối
Reason for rejection letter
  • Leave the best impression for candidates: When employers show respect to their candidates through a professional rejection letter. This contributes to leaving a good impression on the candidate. They can share positive feedback and reviews about your business, as well as jobs advertised by your business.
  • Help candidates improve: When employers send a letter with helpful and honest responses. The letter will help them further evaluate their knowledge, experience and skills. In order for them to understand and improve themselves better. This will also be an opportunity to help them become a suitable candidate if a new job opening comes from your own business.

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Important contents of candidate rejection letter

Some important contents of candidate rejection letter below, let's find out with CoffeeHR.

Nội dung quan trọng
Important content of candidate rejection letter

Candidate's Personal Information

When writing a rejection letter to a candidate, include his or her own name as well as the job position for which he or she is applying. This helps show that you're really spending time with them.

Thank you

Lời cảm ơn quan trọng
Important Thank You

Thanking the candidate for their time and interest in applying to your company is essential. Always thank them for their interest in the business as well as the job position you are applying for.

Or because it took the time to complete the application and attend the interview. A thank you note is not only polite, but it also shows that you appreciate the candidate's time and effort.

Feedback from recruiters

Feedback is quite important. You need to briefly and clearly explain the reasons why the candidate was not selected for the next round of recruitment. Candidates often value more than the feedback from the employer.

Please give the most constructive and detailed opinions as to why you decided to reject them. This can also help them develop themselves for future employment opportunities.

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Invitation to reapply

Where you find that the candidate fits the corporate culture. Or they are a good match for another position, let them know you hope they will continue to apply when the opportunity arises. However, in case you see that it is not a potential candidate, you can completely skip this part.

Here are 5 Candidate rejection letter sample The most professional and sophisticated:

The most professional and sophisticated candidate rejection letter template

You will have these rejection letter sample vary from case to case. Let's refer to some samples with CoffeeHR below!

Mẫu thư từ chối ứng viên
Candidate rejection letter sample

Candidates are not invited for interview

Of course, you don't have to send rejection letter for candidates not selected for the interview round. But sadly if they don't get a response, they won't know if you received your application or if they are being considered for an interview.

Wonder if they were rejected or your hiring process took longer than usual. Most candidates will not have the courage to contact the employer to ask about the results of the application round. Because they fear that this may negatively affect their chances of being selected.

Ứng viên không có cơ hội tham gia phỏng vấn
The candidate did not have the opportunity to participate in the interview

Reference form:

To [candidate_name],

Thank you for your interest in the company [company name] and the position [job position name]. After reviewing the applications received, we regret not being able to choose you to continue.

The hiring committee appreciates the time you spend applying for a job. Good luck in your job search and we look forward to working with you in other positions in the future.

Best regards,

[Recruitment department].

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Candidate failed the interview round

Each hiring process can include more than one interview round. Candidates who have passed the first round of interviews deserve a more personal rejection letter.

Please make sure that you do not send them an additional notice of failure. Any attempt to show your appreciation, thanks or encouragement will not be acknowledged.

Ứng viên trượt phỏng vấn
Candidate failed interview

Reference form:

To [candidate_name],

Thank you for your valuable time interviewing for the position of [job title]. We appreciate your hard work and enthusiasm for [company name] and your work in the interview and your commitment to contribute towards the company's goals.

However, we [Company_Name] interviewed some impressive candidates and decided to go ahead with them at this point. We [Company_Name] considered a lot before making a decision.

We [Company_Name] will keep your record and ask for permission to contact you again when there are any suitable opportunities for the business in the future.

Best of luck in your search for the right job.

Best regards,

[Employer's name].

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Candidates with a high probability of being selected but not being accepted

In case the candidate is in the top of those who have a high probability of being selected. They will be able to perceive it themselves. As a result, candidates may be disappointed when they receive bad news.

Along with the rejection letter, you can also call to give feedback and thank you. You should also encourage the candidate to stay in touch in case suitable job openings arise in the near future.

Ứng viên có khả năng cao nhưng trượt phỏng vấn
Candidates with high ability but failed the interview

Reference form:

To [candidate_name],

Thank you for your valuable time in recruiting for the position of [job title]. We [Company_Name] were really impressed by your resume as well as what you showed during the interviews. However, we [Company_Name] decided to reserve this position for another more suitable candidate.

In order to make this decision, we [Company_Name] had to consider it very carefully. We [Company_Name] are delighted to have had the opportunity to meet you and learn about your knowledge, experience and skills.

We [Company_Name] believe that your contributions will be very valuable to our company. We [Company_Name] will keep your records and ask permission to contact you again when appropriate opportunities arise. You can contact me at [phone number] if you have any questions about this.

Good luck.

Best regards,

[Employer's name].

Other popular candidate rejection letter templates

Besides, the employer can also send a number of sample interview rejection letter used for many different cases see below.

Reference form 1:

Dear ………….(candidate_name)!

Thank you for sending your resume to the human resources department of the company [Company_Name] with the position……Through the assessment of the profile/interview results, we [Company_Name] found that you have some points that are not suitable for you. our request. Therefore, we [Company_Name] are very sorry, but we [Company_Name] will keep records so that we can contact you again in time with new and more suitable recruitment needs.

Good luck and hope you find a job that suits your interests soon.

Best regards,


(Recruitment department).

Another form of rejection letter

Reference form 2:

Dear …………..- Dear [candidate_name],

First of all, we [Company_Name] would like to express our sincere thanks to you for your interest and application for the position of [position name].

Through your profile, we [Company_Name] appreciate your prior knowledge and experience. But it's a pity that you are really the right fit for the job that we [Company_Name] need.

Hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you in future recruitments!

Good luck!

Best regards,


(Recruitment department).

How to write a professional candidate rejection letter


With sample candidate rejection letter Above, hope that employers can refer, select and adjust to become the most suitable sharing. At the same time, the rejection letter will also ensure the courtesy and professionalism of the business for the candidates.
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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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