Steps to build a standard recruitment process for businesses

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Currently, the recruitment problem is a big question for many businesses. In fact, many organizations still recruit with short-term goals to fill vacancies. Or spontaneous recruitment, no Recruitment process Specifically. This puts businesses in a situation where they can't find the right people or leave them on leave.

Therefore, the construction of recruitment steps Details will help businesses avoid wasting time, costs and human resources. At the same time increase competitiveness in the labor market in the future. Here is an example of 10 basic steps that can be applied in staff recruitment process of the business

What is the recruitment process?

Recruitment is the work of finding and attracting human resources from many different sources to fill vacancies in the organization's activities.

Recruitment process is the entire recruitment process. Including from identifying recruitment needs, building job descriptions, job requirements to performing the job of finding and selecting candidates. In which, the ultimate goal of the process is to find the most suitable candidate for the organization.

4 Benefits of the employee recruitment process

Recruitment is a must for all organizations. Businesses that want to grow need to regularly add new human resources and knowledge. An effective recruitment process helps businesses attract as many potential candidates as possible, building their own talent pool for the future.

Quy trình tuyển dụng chuẩn đem lại nhiều lợi ích dài hạn cho doanh nghiệp
The standard recruitment process brings many long-term benefits to businesses

So, applying a standard recruitment process will bring 4 main benefits:

Save time

Construction investment recruitment steps Standards allow businesses to reuse processes. You only lose the initial time and the faster the progress, the higher the conversion rate. Moreover, a quick process helps to impress the candidate and show the professionalism of the employer.

Employee Engagement

The goal of recruitment is to find the best fit for the organization. So one recruitment process Quality will reduce the risk of leaving early, quitting while on probation, and being unsuitable after the trial is over. Instead, the organization selects candidates who align with the company's vision and culture. Thereby increasing their long-term commitment to the organization

Increase initiative

Not only allows businesses to reuse many times, recruitment process Standards will simplify the work of HR. They actively grasp the work responsibilities and the order of implementation. Thereby less dependence on management thanks to the homogeneity from the beginning.

Improve the performance

Through careful preparation, employers better determine the qualifications and skills of candidates. At the same time, it supports the construction of appropriate interview questionnaires, increasing the accuracy in candidate screening.

>>> See more: Employee training process New and effective for businesses

What elements does a perfect recruitment process need?

Choosing the right talent for an organization is not an easy task. Currently, this is still a difficult problem for many businesses in the labor market. Therefore to build personnel recruitment steps To optimize, businesses need to consider the following factors:

  • Internal factors: the recruitment process must reflect the organizational culture to the candidate, must be suitable for the structure and nature of the business, must be suitable in terms of budget and deployment manpower
  • External factors: industry environment, salary of that position in the labor market, competitors, ..
Cân nhắc yếu tố nội tại và môi trường bên ngoài
Consider internal and external factors when building the recruitment process

So, the recruitment process Every business will not be the same. You should optimize your recruitment plan based on the above factors to improve the effectiveness of your organization's recruiting.

10 steps of an effective recruitment process

Recruitment steps popular to help businesses improve and optimize recruitment process personnel:

Xác định chiếc ghế trống trong tổ chức
Identify the “empty chair” in the organization

Recruitment usually starts from vacant positions in the organization. In addition, some businesses rely on staffing to forecast recruitment needs early. Regardless of which method you use, you need to specify your recruitment needs, not just the title or position. As follows:

  • Find out the gaps in terms of position, capacity, skills, personality in the current business. Make a list of the elements your business is lacking.
  • Calculate input and output work to see if the workload increases when new employees are recruited.
  • Analyze the organization's expected performance when hiring new employees.

Plan the best recruitment

kế hoạch tuyển dụng chi tiết
A detailed recruitment plan helps you increase efficiency when looking for people

Outline a detailed recruitment plan with specific job titles, personnel and deadlines. The tighter the plan, the higher the efficiency in recruitment. The easier it is for businesses to attract and select the most suitable and potential candidates.

Job analysis of the position to be recruited

Mỗi vị trí trong tổ chức sẽ có công việc và chức năng khác nhau
Each position in the organization will have a different job and function

This is the process by which employers determine the duties, responsibilities, skills, and work environment of the position that are lacking. This will ensure the candidate is most likely to fulfill the job. Specific steps include:

  • Collect information about the job through the department that is recruiting, the direct manager of the position
  • Check that the job information is consistent with the reality of the business and the market
  • Develop general job descriptions
  • Build necessary levels of knowledge, expertise and skills

Design job descriptions for candidates

After completing the above step, the HR team will draft a complete job description. This is a detailed guide for finding and selecting candidates. Job Description, also known as Job Description - JD, is an interactive tool between employers and job seekers.

Mô tả công việc chi tiết
Detailed job description makes the business easy to attract

Through JD, candidates better understand the position and determine the suitability before applying. Typically, a job description will have the following information:

  • Company name and description (field of operation, introduction to culture, vision, core values, ...)
  • Title - position - department is recruiting
  • Specific job responsibilities
  • Requirements on skills and expertise for the above job responsibilities
  • Additional advantages
  • Employee benefits: salary bonus + material benefits + spiritual benefits
  • Recruiter contact information
  • Call to apply

>>> See more: 7 Sample job description details for common professions

Search candidates through many sources

To increase efficiency staff recruitment processMost businesses use multiple sources to find candidates. Using a single source of recruitment can cause businesses to limit their access to candidates. However, spreading job postings at all sources is often time consuming and costly. Therefore, HR needs to choose the most suitable recruitment source to optimize performance.

Sử dụng đa nguồn để tăng tiếp cận ứng viên
Use multiple sources to increase candidate reach

Some sources you can consider are internal recruitment, through social networks, through recruitment websites. Or even attend recruitment seminars and advertise in newspapers. HR can consider budgetary sources, potential candidates or find jobs through this channel, etc. to make an appropriate decision.

Screening CVs submitted by candidates

According to a survey by Jobsoid, 46% businesses have difficulty attracting talent. In which, 52%, the employer confirmed that the screening of candidates is the most difficult stage. Here are 4 steps that can solve this problem:

  • Build minimum requirements. Then filter suitable records
  • Consider the certifications, experience, expertise, competencies and other skills required for the job to prioritize profiles.
  • The final group of candidates needs to meet the above two criteria
  • Mark the items that need candidates to explain more clearly during the interview
sử dụng công nghệ để sàng lọc ứng viên tốt hơn
Many businesses use technology to better screen candidates

Some businesses choose ATS software to increase accuracy and fairness in candidate CV filtering. Moreover, this way also avoids hiring the wrong person and saves time in reviewing resumes.

>>> Don't miss: Review 6 Recruitment management software best now

Interview potential candidates

Once you have a list of potential candidates, you need to schedule an interview as soon as possible. Depending on the nature of the job and recruitment needs, businesses can choose for themselves the following forms:

  • Interview by phone/video call: This is an easy, convenient and fast way to interview. Not only is it an opportunity to determine a candidate's fit right from the start, it's also a good way to make an impression on them. Telephone interviews usually should not be long, should focus on the main question to assess the most general about the candidate.
  • Psychological test: Employers can build a profile of a candidate's personality, behaviour, aptitudes, skills, and problem-solving skills through psychological tests.
  • Interview: Face-to-face interviews are typically conducted by management and focus on a small group of well-screened candidates. At this stage, businesses need to make a unified selection, as well as make a list of backup candidates. The interview should not be encapsulated, build a detailed interview questionnaire so that the exchange will bring good results
Phỏng vấn
An interview is a face-to-face meeting between an employee and an employer

Interviews are two-way interactions. Businesses should show their respect and professionalism in recruitment process. In addition, emphasize the benefits of working and the company's culture. Because they will evaluate whether your company is right for them. In addition, the HR department also needs to practice interviewing skills for the participants the recruitment process.

Assess candidate's potential through interview

Businesses will decide whether the candidate meets their needs or not based on the candidate's performance in the interview. At the same time, to verify the candidate's information, businesses need to refer to their old company or can view the information on social networks.

Đánh giá ứng viên là cách sàng lọc sau phỏng vấn
Candidate evaluation is a way of screening after interview

Send job offer letter to selected candidate

After completing the above steps, the enterprise will prepare a labor contract and make an offer to the successful candidate. The job offer letter should include full information such as: working start date. , working hours, salary and bonus, remuneration regimes, etc., according to the information discussed before. Avoid conflict from day one.

Thư mời nhận việc phải có đầy đủ thông tin
The job offer letter must contain all information

Onboarding – introducing and integrating new employees

New employees are inevitably confused on the first day of employment. Therefore, onboarding is the time to help them get used to the new environment and quickly catch up with work. This process helps businesses build trust with new employees, as well as help retain talent for longer.

Chào đón nhân viên mới để rút ngắn khoảng cách trong nội bộ
Welcome new employees to bridge the gap internally

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What is the most important step in the recruitment process?

The most important thing in the recruitment steps is that you must accurately determine the needs and desired characteristics of a potential candidate. Because this is the premise for the search and recruitment activities later in the process. In addition to identifying vacancies, you need to consider the skills, expertise, and qualities that the business needs to add. The wrong design of the job description not only prolongs the recruitment process, but also costs and affects the overall productivity of the business, especially when the position is vacant for a long time.

Xác định đúng để tuyển đúng người
Identify the right to hire the right people

Learn more 7 steps to building an effective recruitment process


One recruitment process Good will bring many benefits to the business. First of all, improving the efficiency of the job search, helping to better manage and retain talent. In the long run, standard procedures help to increase a company's competitive advantage in the labor market. Currently, many businesses choose to use Recruitment Software when implementing the recruitment process. Streamlining the process, optimizing recruitment, saving costs are the strengths of these software.

CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. Contact now for Get Consulting Software Recruitment for your Business.

Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459

Facebook: CoffeeHR – HR Coffee

Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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