What is corporate governance? Build and manage an effective corporate governance process

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Effective corporate governance is what any business leader desires because it is the key to business success. However, not all businesses understand this, leading to inefficient management that affects revenue and internal corporate culture. The following article will help clarify business management what is and where is business management process Efficient, detailed.

What is corporate governance?

Business administration process is to manage the coordination and organization of activities in the business such as growth goals, financial goals, brand goals, etc. The top management is responsible for planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities. resources so that they can meet strategic goals.

To effectively manage a business, it is necessary to build business management process. This process consists of tasks, work performed in a fixed order to transform input data into output results. Processes are usually divided into 4 groups: customer management processes, operations management, innovation processes, social processes.

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Good corporate governance helps businesses grow and achieve their goals

Normally, building a management process often takes a lot of time and effort because this is a complicated job that requires experience and high management expertise. Even so, build business management process Effectiveness will bring a lot of benefits such as:

  • Increase employee productivity
  • Optimizing costs, minimizing wasteful and unnecessary expenses
  • Minimize errors, limit risks during operation
  • Creating breakthroughs, new ideas because human resources do not need to focus too much on repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

These great benefits make building business management process This is a must work if your business wants to develop sustainably and achieve a lot of success.

See more What is corporate governance?

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5 steps to build a business management process

When unorganized and not codified, the business management process Failure can lead to chaos. Leaders only see part of the process and it is difficult to scan out the full impact of the process, where it starts and ends, critical data needed, and potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies. fruit.

Xây dựng quy trình quản lý doanh nghiệp
Building a business management process is a necessary job of an administrator

Using a good corporate governance process, businesses can improve their processes and keep all aspects of their operations running optimally. The following steps will help businesses better shape the effective management process:

  • Step 1: Building core values, vision, mission, corporate culture
  • Step 2: Set goals and business strategies to implement
  • Step 3: Set up the organizational chart of the business, assign work and KPIs
  • Step 4: Develop a system of regulations, procedures and guidelines
  • Step 5: Use business management software

Detailed construction steps business management process:

Step 1: Build core values, vision, mission, corporate culture

This can be considered as a guideline and an important factor for the business's activities to take place effectively.

Step 2: Set up business goals and strategies that need to be implemented

Want to rate? business operating process Whether the operation is going well and in the right direction, the business needs to have business goals and strategies. From there it is possible to compare performance results with goals and adjust processes.

" Do not miss:

Step 3: Set up the organizational chart of the business, assign work and KPIs

This system will help businesses have a clear and transparent view of how to operate their jobs. Including the organization of the personnel apparatus, details of assignment and tasks, evaluation of work results, ranking of achievements and employee rewards.

Thiết lập bộ máy tổ chức
Set up organizational structure with CoffeeHR . management software

Step 4: Build a system of regulations, processes and guidelines

These regulations, procedures and guidelines will help business operating process smoothly, the enterprise manages effectively and strictly according to the law, avoiding disputes. Many businesses often ignore or build poorly, do not apply these regulatory systems, leading to errors.

Step 5: Use business management software

Currently, businesses are gradually digitizing their processes with business management software. These software will help businesses save time as well as optimize the entire system, operate more smoothly and quickly. Some software can be mentioned such as business management software ERP, human resource management software CoffeeHR, sales management software, ....

" See more: 10 Enterprise management software simple, smooth operation

Methods for effective business management

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Good methods for effective business management than

Enterprises cannot have an effective management system if people business management Lack of experience and management style. Here are methods that can turn a struggling business into a lean system:

Plan clear business strategies

Strategic planning is the process by which managers determine strategic goals, analyze the business environment, and map out the actions necessary to achieve those strategic goals. This is a very important step in the construction process business operating process.

Strategic planning is like creating a “guideline” for the process. Then the administrator will know first what to do, time, details, ... to complete the work in order to achieve the common goal, bringing benefits to the business.

Division of work for each individual, scientific department

Employees will work most effectively when they are assigned tasks that match their capacity. From there, it will improve the performance of the whole organization, helping to fulfill the set strategies. Therefore, managers need to understand the positions, attitudes, and working skills of employees to effectively divide work by department, team or individual.

Reasonable work allocation for employees will make the business operation process smoother

Reasonable corporate organizational structure

Decentralizing the system will help "empower people", so that employees in many positions can work better and be more proactive. In addition, this also helps with decentralization, approval operations are done quickly, according to the flow.

Always have good control over important business data

Data is a very important business asset. To business operating process Well, administrators need to know how to classify data and build appropriate management mechanisms. Enterprise data typically includes:

  • Cash flow
  • Flow of goods sold
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Inventory
  • Employee productivity
  • HR data in the enterprise

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Modern business management software application

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CoffeeHR business management software interface

When building business management process The application of management software is very necessary. The software is not only a place to store all the important data of the business, but also has features to help businesses optimize the planned processes, saving time, effort and costs. operate. Besides, business management software also helps to optimize resources for maximum work efficiency.

Đánh giá năng lực nhân viên giúp quản lý dễ dàng với phần mềm CoffeeHR
Evaluate employee capacity for easy management with CoffeeHR software

One of the best business management software today is CoffeeHR Management Software. The software is built on more than 10 years of experience in designing management solutions for many large enterprises and corporations. The software can directly connect to other systems such as ERP, sales management software, SAP, etc. to form an overall business management system. Outstanding features of CoffeeHR software such as:

  • Human resource planning associated with business strategy
  • Organizational hierarchy: organizational charts with many departments, branches and different delegations for each department and individual
  • Develop approval processes, personnel processes, and division of tasks for each department
  • Centralized HR data management
  • Manage results, evaluate employee productivity, attitude, and work capacity
  • Provide timely management reports

Introducing CoffeeHR software


The above article has shared all the information about corporate governance as well as the steps to build business management process effective. Hopefully these shares will help you to apply better corporate governance, bring more success, and complete the set goals.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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