What is the working process? 11 Steps to create an effective workflow for your business

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For businesses, building a working process Efficiency is essential. However, many businesses still face many difficulties and time consuming in building this process. So how is it possible? build workflow effective? Let's learn with CoffeeHR the steps to effectively build and manage the workflow below this article!

What is the working process?

Working process is understood as the way to perform the steps of the job according to a previously set standard and regulation in order to achieve the job goal. The working process in the company can be adjusted and optimized to suit the requirements of each stage in the work.

Definition of workflow

In which, the working process includes a collection of all tasks and jobs performed in a fixed order to complete the set plan. Based on each function and task, the working process in the company is divided into 4 groups: operation management process, innovation management process, customer management process, social/organizational process state administration.

Benefits of building a workflow

Job build workflow It will help employees to clearly define goals and tasks that need to be done to achieve the best results. A correct, standard process will bring a lot of benefits to businesses if done well. Specifically:

  • Improve work efficiency to be more efficient at work
  • Ensure smooth execution
  • Save time and money
  • Enhance competitive position in the business
  • Minimize risks and errors during operation

11 Steps to Create a Workflow

Building working process bring many benefits to businesses. However, not all businesses know how to build a standard workflow. Here are the steps to help managers build and manage effective workflows:

11 steps to build a workflow

Identify needs

The first step in developing the process is for the manager to identify the needs of the task. This need can come from managers or employees:

  • Better system upgrade.
  • Use new standards into the process.
  • Requests from superiors
  • Restructuring needs.

Determine the goal

Next, businesses need to clearly define the purpose of the process. This will help managers know the method, implementation time, steps to do, ... in a specific way. However, to determine your purpose, you need to answer the following questions:

  • Purpose of the construction What is the working process??
  • What policies does this process need to adhere to?
  • What is the nature of the process?

The meaning of defining goals is to set goals, control methods, and deadlines based on the set goals of the business. From there, the workflow can be set up.

Define scope

To make the workflow accurate in terms of time, cost and resources; Businesses need to define the scope of the process as follows:

  • It is necessary to determine who will comply and implement the process. Individuals or only certain parts.
  • Workflows can be tailored across the enterprise, or across space, time, or different sectors.
Xác định phạm vi trong quy trình
Define scope in the process

Identify the main content in the workflow

Next, you also need to determine the number of work steps to do, plan specific steps to Workflow run more smoothly and efficiently. At the same time, the process should be clear, scientific, avoiding many steps that are confusing and difficult to control. Specifically:

  • The number of steps can be determined based on the nature of the work.
  • The number of steps of the process is not specified. However, too many steps will be difficult to manage and monitor, and too few steps will not be enough to manage.
  • A suitable workflow should have between 8-15 steps.

In addition, to analyze the steps in the work process, businesses need to rely on the following factors:

  • Input: What are the inputs to the process?
  • Output: What are the outputs of the process?
Apply the 5W-1H formula to analyze the process steps

Currently, businesses often apply the 5W-1H-5M method to analyze and clarify the steps of the process.

Formula 5W-1H includes:

  • What?: Work content.
  • Why?: Objectives, job requirements.
  • Who?: The person doing the work.
  • When?: When to do the work?
  • Where?: Where is the work done?
  • How?: How to do the work.

The 5M formula (determining resources) includes:

  • Man: Are the employees of the enterprise fully equipped with skills, knowledge, etc.?
  • Money: How much does it cost to do these jobs?
  • Machine: How should machines/technology be applied at work?
  • Material: What are the standards of the supply system?
  • Methods: Using which working method?

Identify control points

Next, you need to define the control points. During your workflow, you must ensure that the 80/20 rule is followed. Namely, the number of job steps will correspond to the number of control points. However, many businesses are limited in terms of resources, not enough to be able to control all steps. So they only need to focus on establishing a few key points in the process.

" See more:

Identify the implementer

At each step in the process, you need to identify which department or individual is responsible for that step. To do that, you have to find out if they have the capacity and knowledge to do the job. Then, assign the main person in charge, the person in charge of the secondary and the support person to make the implementation process go smoothly.

Xác định người thực hiện công việc
Identify the person doing the work

Create manuals

An explanation of definitions, abbreviations, and terms is essential. Readers can use these documents to understand the content of the work process. At the same time, forms, regulations and accompanying information should also be clearly annotated, easy to understand.

Determine control method

To ensure smooth work productivity, managers need to define control methods. From there, they can come up with suitable solutions to improve the working system. Factors to be considered in determining the control method:

  • Need to perform check steps
  • Key points to check.
  • Who is the tester?
  • Number of checks in the workflow.

Identify points to check and put to the test

After doing a series of work above, businesses need to identify the points to check and put to the test. These points need to satisfy all of the following factors:

  • Are the jobs being carried out according to the set process?
  • Pre-test: the tasks need to be tested before being put into the main implementation.
  • Check regularly during implementation.
  • Process performance needs to be measured.
Xác định những điểm cần kiểm tra và đưa vào thử nghiệm
Identify points to check and put to the test

Description of steps

Next comes the description of the steps to do the job. At this stage, you need to have a document describing how to work specifically at each step so that employees can understand and apply it easily. In case the interpretation is too long, complicated, etc., you can add the accompanying documentation for further assistance.

Complete the definition, accompanying documents

After finishing working process In business, you need to complete the definition and the document go with:

  • Definition part: Explain process terms and abbreviations.
  • Accompanying documents: Identify the attached forms, the codes of those forms.

The more specific and clear the working process is, the smoother, easier the work will be, and the highest efficiency will be achieved.

" Looking for more information:

How to manage workflow more efficiently

Today, with the trend of digital transformation, the application of software to support management working process attracted the attention of many businesses. Applying technology, managers save time and costs while improving organizational productivity.

Having to store too many files, papers or remember important milestones such as holidays, birthdays, contract term, new personnel... makes HR overloaded, leading to forgetting or shortcoming. However, with CoffeeHR software, these jobs will be supported by an alert system, helping the operation process to be seamless and professional.

Quản lý quy trình làm việc hiệu quả hơn với phần mềm nhân sự
Manage your workflow more efficiently with HR software

The process of approving changes to information is also done quickly on CoffeeHR software. When there is a need to update personal information such as CCCD, phone number, bank account, etc., each employee just needs to go to their own Portal account that has been granted to edit. All these changes will be communicated to the authorized person or HR for approval.

Besides, employees can apply for leave, OT right on the Mobile App without emailing or writing a paper application. Managers get instant notifications and approvals. The information is automatically transferred to the Human Resources department for aggregation. The entire workflow is fast and accurate.

CoffeeHR software makes the workflow more efficient

" Do not miss: 10 Enterprise management software simple, smooth operation


Here is some useful information about working process that CoffeeHR wants to share with you. Hopefully this article will help you build and manage the process effectively, saving time and money for your business.


CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. Contact us now to optimize management for your Business.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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