What is risk management? Enterprise risk management process

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Risk management It is an important task for each business, to analyze, evaluate, and anticipate the risks that may occur to the business from time to time, so as to proactively find solutions to overcome and limit the risks. adverse effects. So risk management what? What is the professional risk management process like? You can find the answer through the article below!

What is risk management?

Risks to an organization, enterprise or company are activities and events that take place that leave negative impacts on the goals, business activities, etc. of the organization or enterprise.

Risk management is the process of activities such as: identifying, analyzing, evaluating, pre-thinking about potential risks that may occur to the enterprise in a certain time, period, and proposing measures methods and ways to handle such risks or minimize the impact of risks on organizations and enterprises.

Quản trị rủi ro là quy trình xác định trước các rủi ro với doanh nghiệp
Risk management is the process of identifying risks to the business in advance

Thus, the management of these risks is essentially the process of thinking about and controlling all risks that may occur in the near or distant future for the organization or business, in order to proactively prevent, respond, and limit risks. mitigate the adverse impact of that risk on the current operations of the enterprise.

Risks that have adverse effects on businesses can come from many different directions, such as: financial, legal, liability, errors in production, commerce, cooperation, management, accidents. or natural disasters, etc., directly or indirectly affect the set goals or the projects and plans that are being implemented, or even the current operation of the organization or enterprise.

The role of risk management in the enterprise

For all organizations and businesses, when strictly implemented risk management may occur, will bring the following benefits:

It is an effective tool for business investors to seize opportunities

For every investor, choosing a project or business to invest in always focuses on stability and long-term benefits. Therefore, this all-risk management process will be an extremely useful tool for investors, helping investors to evaluate a project or business, which is stable and earns high profits, thereby making decisions. Should I invest there or not?

Quản trị rủi ro giúp nhà đầu tư đánh giá dự án doanh nghiệp có khả thi
Risk management helps investors evaluate business projects as feasible

Because in one aspect about benefits of risk management, is being able to assess the disadvantages and disadvantages of an enterprise at a certain time, evaluate its ability to create more business values, profits, and large revenues, evaluate an upcoming project. whether the business has the potential to succeed or not in the future, thereby seizing the opportunity and investing in the "right place".

Limit loss of investment budget

Risk management It will also help businesses manage all costs that may arise to deal with and handle risks correctly, thus helping businesses and investors to make better decisions on capital mobilization, thereby reducing Minimize wasted costs, reduce budget loss, eliminate unnecessary costs, thereby increasing profits and cash flow.

Helping businesses make the right decisions

Because of the management of possible risks, it helps businesses to proactively make decisions, suitable business strategy during that time to minimize risks, to make the operation of the business least affected, to achieve the set goals.

Quản lý được trước rủi ro giúp doanh nghiệp trong nhiều vấn đề
Managing risks before helping businesses in many problems

Helping businesses proactively respond to risks

When anticipating possible limitations and risks, businesses will certainly proactively take the best measures and adjustment directions to prepare before that bad situation comes. Enterprises are not in a passive situation like when they do not implement risk management, so they do not fall into a difficult situation to solve.

Ensure stable business operations

Risk management process for businesses, the organization will help businesses proactively prevent possible bad changes, whether directly or indirectly, thereby taking measures to prevent and limit risks, but ultimately aim to protect the operation. inherent in the business, creating a safe and stable working environment for employees to work with peace of mind.

Besides, it also helps to build trust with partners and customers, so that they realize that the business is capable despite many big and small events, and trust long-term cooperation.

Doanh nghiệp quản lý tốt rủi ro để vận hành ổn định hơn
Enterprises manage risks well to operate more stably

>>> Do not miss:

Factors affecting risk management

Includes the following elements:

  • Size of business, organizational apparatus of the enterprise
  • Market, business field
  • Economic situation, market fluctuations in the geographical area where enterprises are operating and developing
  • Is the business structure complex or simple?
  • Qualifications of leaders and senior management
  • Competition in the market of the business field of the enterprise
  • Customers, partners, investors of the business
Có nhiều yếu tố có thể ảnh hưởng đến quản trị các rủi ro với doanh nghiệp
There are many factors that can affect risk management for businesses

Effective risk management process

Procedure risk management for businesses will be done according to the following basic steps:

Step 1: Set up the risk situation

From time to time, the market context, economic fluctuations in the country and the world, etc. will arise different groups of risks for businesses. And this process helps businesses predict all the worst cases that can happen in the future to establish and set up timely response measures.

Step 2: List the risks

In this step, enterprises need to investigate in many aspects about the business environment, business marketing, ... to accurately identify the risks that may come in the future, then classify and list them according to a specific list.

Step 3: Assess risk

When you have listed all possible risks, the business will join with economists, market analysts, experienced employees of the company, etc. to work together. assess each risk, effects on business operations, on-going projects, on the company's development goals, etc.

Doanh nghiệp chủ động đánh giá rủi ro để có biện pháp ứng phó tốt
Enterprises proactively assess risks to take good response measures

>>> See more: 

Step 4: Analyze the risk

After the assessment, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis, determining the overall likelihood of the risk, the overall consequences, and the severity of the risk. From there, businesses consider and make possible decisions proactively take risks or find solutions to change the context and minimize the consequences of the risk.

Step 5: Minimize risk

Based on the results of the analysis, risk assessment, businesses will assign tasks to individuals who have the ability to plan, have specific processes to minimize the consequences caused by risks, and measures to control risks. specific risk, most effective at that time.

Step 6: Monitor risks

A part of all risk management plan It is necessary to continuously monitor the existing risks, new risks and possible future risks to catch up in time.

Step 7: External consultation

Business leaders should not only keep information about risks to themselves, need to discuss with stakeholders, such as internal shareholders, investors, etc. to get suggestions, receive advice, advice on how to proceed, etc. at each step of the risk management process.

Quản lý tốt rủi ro sẽ giúp doanh nghiệp vận hành ổn định hơn
Good risk management will help businesses operate more stably

So after the information shared by the article, readers have a clear understanding of the concept risk management and the roles and factors affecting the business and the steps to take.

See also Latest Risk Management 2022 | Th.s Le Tham Duong

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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