What is Human Resource Management? What is an effective human resource management process?

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Every organization, large or small, uses a variety of resources to do business: finance, fixed assets, or goods used to generate income for a business. However, they all have one thing in common: it takes people to operate the resources optimally. So how do businesses? HRM effective? What are the tasks and skills required when managing human resources? The following article of CoffeeHR will bring useful information, don't miss it!

What is Human Resource Management?

Profiles (also known by the phrase Human Resource Management) is the process of recruiting, selecting, introducing employees, providing orientation, training and developing, and evaluating employee performance. Human resource management also determines compensation and benefits provision, motivates employees, maintains the right relationship with employees and the organization, ensures employee safety as well as benefits and compliance. in accordance with state regulations.

Quản lý nhân sự là công tác quan trọng trong doanh nghiệp
Human resource management is an important task in an enterprise

Human Resource Management is one of the strategic and comprehensive approaches to managing people and the environment and workplace culture. Effective human resource management will enable employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall direction of the company and the accomplishment of organizational goals.

Can say, Human Resource Management is one of the most important jobs that need to be focused on implementation if businesses want to develop strongly.

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Why is it important to manage human resources in an enterprise?

Tầm quan trọng của quản lý nhân sự
The importance of human resource management

Strategic management: This is an important aspect of any organization and plays a vital role in HRM. HR managers must understand the strategies to ensure the organization achieves its business goals, as well as make a significant contribution to the company's decision-making process, including evaluations of current employees. present and predicted for those in the future based on business needs.

Benefit analysis: HR managers work towards reducing costs, such as hiring and training. HR professionals are trained to conduct effective negotiations with potential and existing employees and understand the benefits of employees who are able to attract quality candidates and retain the existing workforce.

Training and developing: For the house HRM Since they contribute significantly to training and development programs, they also play a key role in strengthening leadership-employee relationships. This contributes to the development of employees within the company, thereby enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity.

Employee interactions: HR managers are responsible for conducting activities, events, and celebrations within the organization, facilitating team-building opportunities. Enhance employee-to-employee, employee-to-leader interaction, and create a sense of trust and respect among colleagues.

Conflict management: The department is needed when any conflicts arise in the work between employees who are human resources. They must ensure that problems and conflicts are resolved effectively, approach problems with objectivity, and encourage effective communication to reach a solution. In addition, helping employees understand and sympathize with each other to develop effective working relationships and not let personal judgment affect their behavior.

Establish a healthy work culture: A healthy working environment and culture is key in bringing out the best in employees. House's HRM make a significant contribution in establishing a healthy, friendly and positive work culture, which in turn translates into better productivity among employees.

Follow: HR managers always want to work towards keeping their organizations compliant with labor laws, as well as maintaining the recruitment process and keeping candidate records secure.


6 Main tasks of human resource management

Human Resource Management performed by dedicated HR professionals who are responsible for the day-to-day performance of HR related functions. So specific work HRM What is included?

công việc chính của quản lý nhân sự
The main tasks of human resource management

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Manage work performance, ensure work

Performance management is essential for businesses or managers to know that employees are working effectively and engaged. Good performance management is reflected in good leadership, clear goal setting, and open feedback.

Quản lý hiệu suất đảm bảo người lao động luôn làm việc hiệu quả
Performance management ensures employees stay productive

The performance management process can begin with phased performance appraisal activities, in which employees self-assess or are assessed by a manager. The process also includes evaluation methods, 360-degree feedback as colleagues, managers, subordinates and sometimes even customers evaluate employee performance. This will help employees continuously have feedback on their performance to improve and bring more value to the business.

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Training and developing human resources

Once businesses spend the money and time to hire new employees, businesses want to ensure that employees are not only trained to do the job, but also continue to develop and develop new skills at work. , helping to improve employee productivity. Training is also an important component of employee motivation. Employees feel they are developing their skills, thereby being happier at work. This will help increase employee retention and build an organization's work culture.

Đào tạo giúp nâng cao năng lực làm việc của nhân viên
Training helps improve employees' working capacity

Some of the training activities in the process can be mentioned HRM like:

  • On-the-job skills training
  • Training in communication, public speaking
  • Team building activities
  • Training on the history, culture, vision, mission of the organization
  • Training knowledge about business products

Manpower contingency planning

Building and training the next team, making contingency plans for human resources is an important activity in the process HRM. This helps businesses have a system of potential employee records to replace and transfer when there is a change in personnel. The role of human resource contingency planning is clearly shown during the Covid pandemic period when businesses are forced to cut staff, suddenly quit, etc.

Lập kế hoạch nhân lực giúp doanh nghiệp sẵn sàng với biến động nhân sự
Human resource planning helps businesses to be ready for personnel changes

This job also comes into play when there is a change in personnel in senior positions: enterprises have available resources for immediate replacement from within instead of spending time looking for external personnel, ensuring ensure that the operation of the organization is not interrupted.

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Building regimes, benefits and welfare for employees

Human Resource Management helps ensure fair compensation, meets industry standards, and is high enough to attract talent to the organization. Besides, Human Resource Management help control and balance the salary equivalent to the employee's contribution to the organization. This involves setting up a pay system that takes into account years of service, years of experience, education and similar aspects. Well-developed mechanisms for employee benefits and benefits also help to increase employee job satisfaction, create employee motivation and increase employee trust and loyalty. with the organization.

Quản lý nhân sự giúp đảm bảo lương thưởng công bằng
Human resource management helps to ensure fair compensation

Human resource information management

Human resource information management includes the management of personnel data such as qualifications, qualifications, working history, skills of personnel, etc., thereby making accurate assessments of strengths and weaknesses. of personnel to allocate to suitable positions and projects. Businesses that manage this well will have more bases to evaluate employees, maximize the capacity and performance of employees when placing them in their right fields. Employees also feel valued, accurately evaluated and work better, improving the overall performance of the organization.

Recruiting and selecting suitable candidates

One of the best known functions of HRM is recruitment. To stay competitive in the industry, businesses need to attract and retain top talent.

Tuyển dụng đúng giúp doanh nghiệp có được nhân viên xuất sắc
Right recruitment helps businesses get excellent employees

The human resources department will develop a long-term recruitment strategy and plan in line with the company's growth goals. This plan includes creating job postings, screening incoming applications, conducting interviews, performing background and reference checks, as well as finalizing recruitment procedures. Doing this job well will help businesses get excellent candidates and great employees, ensuring the development of the business strategies set out.

5 Essential Skills of a Human Resource Manager

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, one of the most in-demand and fastest-growing occupations today is HRM, hiring of HR managers is expected to grow by 9% between 2014 and 2024. As the field of HR has evolved, so have the duties of professionals in HR roles. HR professionals need a multitude of different skills to do their job well. Here are some of the most sought-after overview skills in the HR industry!

Chuyên gia nhân sự cần có vô số kỹ năng khác nhau để làm tốt công việc của mình
HR professionals need a multitude of different skills to do their job well

Advanced skill

Technical skills are still an important skill of HR roles. These skills can include:

  • Manpower allocation, development of recruitment plans and implementation of recruitment campaigns according to business strategies
  • Develop mechanisms for salary, bonus and welfare for employees
  • Building an organization's work culture
  • Orientation of training and resource development
  • Develop and implement HR strategies and apply tools to systematize processes and improve organizational performance.

Despite the proliferation of digital tools, HR professionals remain at the core of operations. HRM organization's. This is why mastering technical skills can be a huge boon to any aspiring HR professional.

HR skills

Administrative duties are still a major part of the HR role. These tasks involve areas such as leave records, employee absences, absences, employee entry and exit, payroll, and other topics.

kỹ năng nhân sự
Administrative duties are still a major part of the HR role

In addition, home HRM It also requires reporting and summarizing skills. When you can effectively report on key metrics, you can better advise managers and employees, create improved people policies, and make more evidence-based decisions. than in general.

Communication skills

Kỹ năng giao tiếp giúp nâng hiệu suất công việc
Communication skills are an important skill of an HR professional

Communication is an important soft skill for HR professionals, as the field involves a lot of talk and interaction. Home HRM need to give a presentation, conduct a series of interviews, or even resolve conflicts within the organization. The ability to communicate both formally and informally in different ways (such as verbally and in writing, both face-to-face and online) is essential.

Work skill

Kỹ năng làm việc
Working skills are important skills for human resource managers

Human resources is a field with many different responsibilities, which can change on a daily basis, therefore requiring HR professionals to have multitasking skills. Because you'll need to manage interviews, training, compensation, job ads, and complaints all at once. The ability to multitask and manage time wisely is therefore very important. In addition, HR professionals also need teamwork skills because you will work with many departments, positions within the organization or even with partners outside the business.

Negotiation skills

Kỹ năng thuyết phục
Persuasion skills increase the competitiveness of recruitment

This is an important skill of an HR person because you need to attract potential candidates to the organization. Having persuasion skills will help human resource workers increase their competitiveness in the job of “hunting talent”. In addition, human resource managers also inevitably resolve internal conflicts, or need to convince the leadership team to agree with the proposed HR strategies.

Skills that every human resource manager should have

6 steps of the human resource management process

Quy trình quản lý nhân sự thường thấy trong doanh nghiệp
Human resource management process commonly found in enterprises

Each industry, each field, each corporate culture will have human resource management process varies depending on the business strategy, leadership culture of the head of the organization, customer files, etc. However, the human resource management process will basically have a certain "skeleton" and be applied. Common uses include:

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Personnel recruitment

Recruitment is one of the most important steps in the human resource management process. The recruitment process of a company depends on the human resources department to put out recruitment announcements through websites, social networks, recruitment channels, etc. In other words, it is a process of inviting new candidates. Eligible candidates join the organization through a variety of methods.

Tuyển dụng là một trong những phần quan trọng nhất của quy trình quản lý nhân sự
Recruitment is one of the most important parts of the human resource management process

Recruitment can be divided into two types: internal recruitment and external recruitment. Internal recruitment is when the organization has positions that need to be replaced or supplemented when there is a change in personnel, candidates are selected from the potential employees in the enterprise. External recruitment refers to when a company or organization recruits qualified candidates outside of its workforce by opening a notice.

Training, development, human resource planning

Training, development and human resource planning are the foundation of the process HRM. Employees must be systematically trained if the business wants them to do their job well. The introduction of human resource development strategies is also an important task for enterprises to orient and improve the quality of human resources and increase competitiveness in the market.

Developing human resource policies and regimes

One of the basics of HRM are salaries and benefits. Fair remuneration is considered the key, a key factor in motivating and retaining employees.

Xây dựng các chính sách nhân sự cũng rất quan trọng
Developing HR policies is also very important

In addition, developing HR policies is equally important. This includes setting up working rules, reward and punishment regulations, etc. for employees and organizations to implement. Doing this well will reduce risks for the business, build a good relationship between employees and the organization.

Human resource policies and appropriate regimes are also one of the factors that attract talents to the organization, and at the same time retain talented employees who stick with the business longer.

Document system applied in the company

Each business and organization will have different working processes and regulations, so the construction of document systems will need to be customized to suit the needs and characteristics of each business.

Some types of documents commonly applied in enterprises are documents specifying job positions, functions of departments, types of labor contracts, organizational rules, documents on regulations. rewards, punishments, etc. Building a document system will help employees have grounds and instructions to work as well as adjust their work behavior according to the requirements of the organization.

Building and developing corporate culture

Xây dựng văn hóa làm việc lành mạnh sẽ mang lại nhiều lợi ích
Building a healthy work culture will bring many benefits

The key to a successful organization is building a corporate culture. When an enterprise has a healthy work culture, it will bring benefits: Employees understand the leader's vision, mission and purpose; Employees can be comfortable with contributions that build a good organization; Employees are more motivated because they know they will get the recognition they deserve.

To build corporate culture, businesses can refer to the following 6 steps:

  • Step 1: Define your ideal company culture
  • Step 2: Compare the current culture and the ideal culture of the business
  • Step 3: Evaluate employee motivation and work goals
  • Step 4: Evaluate, propose to change management processes
  • Step 5: Evaluate and propose to build information exchange and internal connection systems in enterprises
  • Step 6: Synthesize and build movement activities for businesses, rules and regulations of enterprises

Learn more ways to build a healthy, professional work culture through the video shared below

3 Ways to build the best working environment – Chris White

Easier personnel management with CoffeeHR . software

Along with the development of technology, more and more software HRM was born to serve the digital transformation in enterprises. CoffeeHR is a software that is trusted by many large and small businesses because of its useful and valuable features.

Introducing CoffeeHR human resource management software

Some outstanding features of CoffeeHR such as:

  • Recruit faster and more efficiently: The software builds a professional recruitment process, connects directly to recruitment websites such as Vietnamnet, Vieclam24h, etc. In addition, CoffeeHR builds a CV pool to store candidates, search and send emails automatically.
Quản lý tuyển dụng và data ứng viên dễ dàng với phần mềm CoffeeHR
Manage recruitment and candidate data easily with CoffeeHR . software
  • Manage C&B, reduce workload for HR: The software has online timekeeping tools, connecting automatic timekeepers, synthesizing timesheets and salary calculations, summarizing permission, summarizing overtime,... to give a complete payroll accurately and quickly.
  • Paperless process – twice as convenient: Approval processes, leave, proposal, ... labor contracts are fully digitized and customized for each business, approval faster from anywhere with just one click.
  • Centralized HR data management: Records, papers, personnel information, etc. are managed and synchronized on one system, easy to search, edit and update flexibly.
Các báo cáo nhân sự đa dạng
Various HR reports, updated continuously and quickly
  • Manage training and develop maximum resources: Training programs, training materials, training courses are updated continuously. Easy registration, quick test. The software also builds a clear promotion and development roadmap for employees, keeping employees engaged for a long time.


As can be seen, after learning about the definition What is human resource management? can see work HRM It's not a simple job. This requires cross-departmental skills and contributions, combined with the organization's strategies and vision. Hopefully with the above article, your business has an overview of the tasks as well as the skills required to apply. Effective human resource management.

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Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459

Facebook: CoffeeHR – HR Coffee

Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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