How to manage personnel records effectively and professionally

quản lý hồ sơ nhân sự
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Human resource data is the property of the Enterprise. So that personnel records management has always been an important part of business operations. It not only helps managers clearly grasp the personal information of employees. Which can effectively solve the problems that arise during working. Therefore, each organization needs to be equipped with a strict personnel records management system to ensure stability in business operations.

What does HR profile include?

Each company will have its own requirements and regulations on personnel records. Accordingly, combined with the employee's contract, this set of documents includes the basic documents, the most common are:

  • Job application form
  • Profile
  • Identity card/citizen identity photo and notarization
  • Relevant degree with notarized photo
  • 3×4 or 4×6 . photo
  • Labor contract
  • Notarized household registration book
Các giấy tờ cần có trong hồ sơ nhân sự
Documents required in the personnel file

Why should you manage personnel records?

The storage and personnel records management is mandatory as required by the Vietnam Labor Law. All companies and businesses must adhere to this principle. In particular, the administrative department is responsible for recording all personal information directly related to employees of the enterprise.

Quản lý hồ sơ nhân sự là việc bắt buộc mà các doanh nghiệp phải thực hiện
Managing personnel records is a must for businesses

In terms of scope, personnel records include information such as resumes, degrees and certificates, employment contracts, working history, personal relationships and dependents, permits, social insurance ... These are information that are used continuously in different mining needs. Personnel records management is always the first problem that businesses need to pay attention to and come up with an effective solution. Because:

  • Effective records management will help you manage your personnel well, contributing to the development of the company.
  • Solve problems related to employees if unforeseen circumstances occur.
  • The basis for providing resource strategies such as training, development, expansion, transfer, appointment, etc.
  • Depending on the type of data, the management time may be different, short-term or long-term or permanently stored for many purposes.

" Explore more: What is Human Resource Management?? Concepts and skills required

Principles of keeping personnel records need to know

The purpose of keeping personnel records in the enterprise is to use in the inspection of the operation of the enterprise. In addition, this file is also directly related to the calculation of wages for employees, when necessary, it will be submitted to the tax agency for inspection.

Hồ sơ cần được phân loại để lưu trữ tiện dụng hơn
Records need to be classified for easier storage

Each company with the nature of work and size will have different personnel records. Accordingly, the application file will be divided into many different categories, including: Labor contract, salary and bonus regulations, salary payment type, etc. That's why businesses have a way personnel records management difference.

During the process of an employee working at the enterprise, personnel records will be stored continuously and associated with the operation process of the company. This file is taken over by the administrative - human resources department from the employee.

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Effective methods of storing and managing personnel records for businesses

The 3 most updated regulations on keeping personnel records today

  • Personnel records in the enterprise must be attached to the salary records when the enterprise submits it to the tax authorities. Because normally, the personnel records in the enterprise will be stored by the enterprise and when the tax inspector comes to check the tax agency's finalization, then the enterprise will submit the dossier.
  • And during the working process of employees in the company, the employee's records will be stored in the enterprise and it is also associated with the entire labor process of the company.
  • HSNS stored in the enterprise will include the following elements: Type of labor; labor regulations; regulations on salary, bonus and fine payment of employees; form of payment of employees. However, not all businesses have the form personnel records management alike. Depending on the regulations, each business will have changes in record keeping.
Quy định quản lý hồ sơ nhân sự
Regulations on management of personnel records

Given the importance of personnel records, the human resources administrator needs to be the one who best understands all requirements for records. Pay special attention when storing personnel records in the enterprise.

Scientific and effective steps to manage personnel records

There are 4 main steps:

  • Classify personnel records before storing
  • Choose a location to store records
  • Maintain personnel records
  • Check and update personnel records regularly
Quy trình 4 bước quản lý hồ sơ nhân sự
The 4-step process of managing personnel records

Classify personnel records before storing

To work personnel records management be easy and convenient, it is necessary to perform classification of records. This is the method that companies and businesses should apply. This classification is usually divided into the following basic types of records:

  • Personnel Profile
  • Personnel insurance records
  • Working profile

In these basic record groups, you can also further categorize them into smaller groups for easy storage, management and search when needed.

Bộ phận hành chính nhân sự cần phân loại hồ sơ trước khi tiến hành lưu trữ
The HR department needs to classify records before storing them

One effective HR record management practice that you can apply is timeline-based archiving. With this method, you can easily categorize records into many groups and easily search when needed.

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Choose the right location to store your records

For personnel records management Efficient and secure, businesses can choose to store it at the office or rent a storage space depending on the number of records. Based on the business budget and the characteristics of each type of business, you choose the right way to keep records.

Regardless of where records are kept, businesses need to ensure:

  • Breathable, clean, waterproof
  • No animals such as mice, cockroaches, insects, etc., as they can damage the record
  • Capable of storing records for a period of many years

Maintain personnel records

Once you have classified specific records, you can now design separate repositories based on soft copies. The soft copy will be saved with a file on the computer, along with the hard copy will be stored scientifically in the warehouse.

Triển khai công tác lưu trữ hồ sơ nhân sự
Implement personnel record keeping

Check and update personnel records regularly

For personnel records management effective both on excel platform and hard copy in stock, you need to regularly check and update. Today, businesses are gradually replacing the management of records with excel and papers with software to manage and store personnel records.

Bên cạnh việc quản lý, hồ sơ nhân sự cần được kiểm tra và cập nhật thường xuyên
In addition to management, personnel records need to be checked and updated regularly

Choosing management software helps to ensure that data is not lost in the event of unexpected problems such as fire, mold, loss, etc. Besides, the application of modern storage technologies also helps to update Update new data quickly, easily and securely. Thereby minimizing errors and losses during storage.

How does CoffeeHR HR software support businesses in managing personnel records?

The 6 benefits that CoffeeHR software brings in managing personnel records can be mentioned as follows:

  • Easily track personnel records
  • Put an end to double-entry errors and multiple updates
  • Ensure data safety and security
  • Alert utilities
  • Reports & Analytics
  • System integration capabilities

Easily track personnel records

CoffeeHR helps HR staff keep track of all the information of an employee, only on one platform, making it easy to manage, saving time and not being distributed. With more than 300 fields of information about personnel:

Theo dõi dễ dàng trên phầm mềm quản lý hồ sơ nhân sự CoffeeHR
Easy tracking on CoffeeHR personnel records management software
  • General information: Personal information such as name, address, citizen identification, tax code, ...
  • Job information: department, position, contract information, contract progress, working process, reward process, discipline, transfer, appointment, bank account, etc.
  • Information about social insurance: The process of paying social insurance, number of social insurance books, payment rate of social insurance, ...
  • Salary developments information
  • Spell information: the number of spells used, the number of remaining spells, etc.
  • Information about the training process
  • Information about relatives and dependents
  • Information about pregnancy
  • Distributed Asset Management
  • Manage scan files, complete documents and procedures

CoffeeHR moves your HR database away from scattered spreadsheets and paper files forever, putting organized, centralized data at your fingertips whenever you need it.

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Put an end to double-entry errors and multiple updates

With the old way of managing personnel records, it is difficult to keep employee information accurate because HR data is distributed in many places: excel files, papers, even notes, etc. Every time If there is a change in information, personnel must inform HR through email, word of mouth or text messages. Then there is the process of HR finding the file, updating the information and storing it.

This leads to errors or omissions in information, employees reporting but HR forgetting to update, or entering information multiple times.

Dứt điểm các lỗi thường gặp cho quy trình quản lý hồ sơ nhân sự
Eliminate common mistakes for HR records management process

CoffeeHR built a quick information change approval process right on the software. Each employee will have a Portal account to track personal information, as well as use HR services. Whenever there is a need to update information such as identity card number, phone number, bank account, family member, etc., employees can actively use their account to do so. All changes will be notified to HR or authorized person for approval (easily installed on the software).

Ensure effective data safety and security

Data security is always the top requirement of businesses. When using Excel, enterprise data is still at risk of leakage when staff handover is incomplete, security mechanisms have holes, or when businesses do not have enough IT staff to protect against attack. of hacker.

With CoffeeHR, businesses can easily decentralize personnel management features on the software: customize the viewing area, edit, customize certain positions and levels to have access to data. Whether. The data on the system is backed up every day, businesses do not need to worry when there is an unfortunate fire or force majeure reasons.

In addition, CoffeeHR offers security commitments with protected servers from a team of technology experts, commitments to compensate when security risks occur, helping businesses limit losses to the point of loss. the shortest.

Timely warning utilities

One limitation of manual personnel records management methods is that although it is possible to store data on paper and excel files, HR still has to make notes on the timelines to remember such as:

  • Expiration date of probationary contract
  • Official contract expiration date
  • Holidays, …
  • Employee's birthday
  • Dependent expiration date
  • Having to memorize too much information can overload HR, leading to forgetting to renew contracts, failing to congratulate in time or organize commemorative activities.
Hệ thống cảnh báo tự động của phần mềm quản lý nhân sự CoffeeHR
Automatic warning system of CoffeeHR . human resource management software

CoffeeHR makes it easier for HR to work with an automatic alert system:

  • Contract expiration warning
  • Dependent expiration warning
  • Announce employee birthdays, export files, send congratulatory emails automatically on the software
  • Notify employees of the end of maternity leave
  • Warning about the arrival of new employees
  • Warning about expiration of degrees and certificates
  • Warn employees who have not fully completed the requirements for personnel records
  • HR will reduce the need for memorization more than ever, and businesses will also build a good internal culture from seamless, professional operations and timely care for employees.

Detailed reporting system

CoffeeHR builds a diverse reporting system including headcount reports, personnel changes, reports on social insurance such as:

  • New personnel joined in the month
  • Probationary personnel
  • Official personnel
  • Personnel are on maternity leave
  • Reports on personnel changes by month, quarter, year
Doanh nghiệp có thể phân quyền báo cáo tới từng cấp nhân viên, quản lý. Đồng thời có thể truy xuất dễ dàng và xem báo cáo mọi lúc, mọi nơi.
Enterprises can assign reporting rights to each level of employee and manager. At the same time can easily access and view reports anytime, anywhere.

System integration capabilities

Personnel records management is a feature of CoffeeHR Total Human Resource Management Solution. Data can be seamlessly linked to form a complete solution:

  • Link the data from the Labor Contract to transfer to the Salary calculation module, social insurance, tax, ...
  • Linking information on maternity leave, job leave, new joining, personnel from probation to official, etc. Give notices of increase and decrease of social insurance
  • Track the number of dependents and automatically link to tax management modules
  • Not stopping there, CoffeeHR can expand its connection to many online business solutions.

With modules Personnel records management, CoffeeHR associated with Efy electronic contract, digital signature. Businesses can create and sign contracts quickly and conveniently right on the software.


CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. Contact usay to optimize Human Resource Management for your Business.

Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459

Facebook: CoffeeHRHR Coffee

Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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