QC and QA definition – Difference between QC & QA staff

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QC and QA are two idioms frequently encountered in the industry related to quality management. So, What is QC?? What is QA? Are these two terms different? In the article below, let's find out with CoffeeHR immediately what you need to know about the two positions of QC and QA staff in each business.

What is QC?

First, CoffeeHR will provide you with some information to answer the employee position question What is QC?


QC (or Quality Control), translated into Vietnamese means quality management. QC staff are defined as those responsible for monitoring and managing product quality in all stages of the production process. Ensure that the quality of the given product meets the requirements. In addition, QC needs to control the product production process through controlling factors such as machines, equipment, materials, employees, etc.

QC (Quality Control) còn gọi là quản lý chất lượng
QC (Quality Control) is also known as quality management

Currently, QC is classified into 2 types as normal QC - Manual QC (no programming skills required) and Automation QC (requiring programming skills).

Job description

  • Through the plan set out earlier, QC staff will perform analysis related to production system and design test products for delivery to customers.
  • The Quality Control Leader position will make specific plans for product testing.
  • If applying automated testing, QC staff will have to write scripts for automated testing.
  • The QC staff is the person who uses the test tools and is also responsible for writing and executing the actual test cases.
  • Coordinate with stakeholders to implement bug fixes, write reports to send to the project manager (Project Manager) about problems in the product production process.

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Mô tả công việc của nhân viên QC
Job description of QC staff

Skills required of a QC

4 Kỹ năng cần thiết của một QC
4 Essential Skills of a QC

Management skills

Professionally, management and executive skills are certainly important not only for QC staff but also for all other professions. With staff QC – Quality Control, Management skills will help you/they master their time and work, as well as maybe do better in managing their subordinates if any. If you cultivate well Management skills Good then will help manage productivity, work time and standards other during production. A good QC staff will catch, evaluate the productivity of each worker to organize the distribution, ensure the production schedule and product quality. With good management skills, QC staff will Accomplish assigned work targets at the highest level of efficiency.

Supervision skills

Do QC's work is to control each stage of the product production process from input materials to output products, so that Supervision skills are one of the important skills, skill obligatory must have of a QC staff. A QC staff with good supervision skills will detect errors and defects disability of the product faster, for from that promptly offer optimal solutions to overcome the consequences in the shortest time while ensuring quality and production schedule.

On the contrary, if this skill of QC staff is not good, they will be difficult to detect go out technical errors in the production process. This can lead to serious consequences, directly affect the image of the company in the eyes of customers and partners.

Kỹ năng giám sát
Supervision skills

Handling skills

In the production process, the occurrence of small errors is inevitable. Because there are many subjective and objective factors affecting the production process., Therefore So QC staff must always be mentally prepared for situations such as damaged materials, technical errors in the production process, substandard products, etc.

With every risk that occurs, in addition to quick perception skills, employees QC Must also have the ability to handle situations flexibly and sensitively in handling. As soon as problems are discovered, QC staff must quickly find the cause and solve the fastest solution while ensuring the quality of the product.

In addition to agile perception skills, QC staff must also have skills in handling situations flexibly and sensitively to all risks. As soon as problems are discovered, QC staff must quickly find out the causes and solutions to overcome but still ensure the quality of the product.


Due to the specific nature of the work should require QC staff require Must be careful and meticulous. But To do this, indispensable heart events patient is indispensable. The fact that you are in a hurry at any what stage in producing process any Even the smallest can lead to dire consequences correct like The grandparents taught old people said: "A miss by a mile".

Learning material for QC

  • Software Testing Help: Contains basic to advanced testing knowledge for basic QC staff.
  • Tutorials Point: Have knowledge related to advanced testing.
  • Automation Beyond: Specializing in Automated Test knowledge
  • Test this Blog by Eric Jacobson: Useful testing experience by author Eric Jacobson.
  • SQA Forum: Answer all questions related to testing on software
  • uTest: Forum for QC staff to exchange and ask questions about work
  • Rainforest QA Blog: Blog specialized in writing about QC-related knowledge for your reference
Một số tài liệu của nhân viên QC
Some documents of QC staff

The role of QC in the business

QC is an important department in a manufacturing company. Mission of the doers Quality Control is to manufacture and supply the most perfect products with the best quality:

  • QC will work directly at factories and workshops and monitor each stage of the product to avoid unnecessary risks in the production process.
  • QC staff will be the person responsible for the product from the beginning of input materials until the manufacturing products to consumers Final.

The work of QC staff in the enterprise takes place regularly and continuously and requires them to be able to withstand great pressure. QC is also a part that plays a role important work  building a name, brand for products and businesses.

What is QA?

A concept next to What is QC? Also asked by many people is QA. So What is QA??


Quality assurance employee (Quality Assurance) is also a position in the product quality control system. QA ensures that the product is in accordance with the requirements, by creating pre-existing standards and establishing a workflow that the relevant teams can execute smoothly and easily.

The documents and processes developed by QA must be easy to understand so that the people involved can follow the standards properly. Thereby, non-standard manufactured products are identified and eliminated early, reducing costs and time for businesses.

Job description

  • Plan and devise a development process for the product. This plan must conform to the standard requirements of the project. QA can be based on V-model, Agile or ISO and CMMI.
  • Provide documents and instructions so that relevant teams can develop the right product quality as required.
  • Check and monitor whether the production process is according to plan or not.
  • Regularly remind the HR team to follow the established process.
  • Adjust established procedures and standards if necessary.

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Mô tả công việc QA
Job Description QA

Skills required

  • Describe QA's work more than QC, so it requires a diverse knowledge of software and machinery.
  • Strong analytical and planning skills for each project
  • Ability to process data, work well with numbers is an advantage
  • Communication skills are extremely important, because QA staff need to discuss with teams about product and project information to proceed with building the process.
  • Having certain knowledge about CMMI, ISO certificates…. important for the quality control process.

Learning material for QA

  • CMMI Wikipedia: Basic knowledge of CMMI certification required for the accreditation process.
  • Wibas: Detailed Job Description of a QA Officer
  • Tim Landerville: Details on 7 steps to be productive
  • Quality Assurance and Measurement: how to implement and ensure the quality assurance process for QA staff.
Một số tài liệu dành cho nhân viên QA
Some documents for QA staff

Distinguish between QC and QA

QC and QA are two positions that are often confused because their roles are quite similar. How to distinguish Quality Control and Quality Assurance:

The same point

The reason why QC and QA are often confused is because these two positions work in the same system quality management product. Whether QC or QA, the common goal is to create products of the best quality to meet the expectations of customers.


Comparison point QC staff Quality assurance employee
Target Correcting and renewing errors in the process Avoid mistakes in advance by planning specifically
Techniques of use Use proactive measures and direct remedial and repair techniques Use passive measures and prevention techniques
Working process Control the quality of the product throughout the production process. Ensure requirements are fully met Make plans to ensure product quality in the process. As the creator of the requirements and policies that the production process needs to follow
The ultimate goal Ensure the output quality of the product Make sure the product is tested in the right direction from the start
Relevant personnel Only related to the implementation team to control and correct errors arising during quality inspection Involve all departments involved in planning for project implementation and product development
Statistical tools and techniques Statistical Process Control Tool SPC SQC . Statistical Quality Control Tool

Some characteristics comparing QA and QC

Here is some information to answer the question What is QC? as well as how to distinguish QC and QA staff. Hope this article you have better understand about 2 important positions of this business.

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Watch more videos about QC (Quality Control) definition


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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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