2 Recruitment methods help businesses achieve both quality and quantity

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Recruitment New employees are an important process for any business, because it is people, not great strategies, that bring success to the business. Companies are always looking for ways to attract top talent, while ensuring that they have a large pool of candidates to choose from. However, achieving both quality and quantity in recruitment can be a difficult task. In this article, we will discuss recruitment methods that can help businesses achieve both quality and quantity in their recruitment process.

I. External recruitment

Tuyển dụng bên ngoài
External recruitment

1.1 What is external recruitment?

External recruitment is the process of hiring new employees from outside the organization. This means that the company is looking to fill vacancies by hiring employees who are not currently working in the organization.

1.2 External recruitment process

  • Identify job vacancies and agree on recruitment criteria.
  • Build detailed job descriptions for each vacancy and post job vacancies.
  • Search for suitable candidates on many channels such as TopCV, Company website, Social network, … 
  • Receipt and screening of candidate resumes and job applications: Dispose of unsuitable resumes and select suitable candidate profiles.
  • Send invitations to interview and arrange suitable appointment.
  • Conduct interviews and evaluate candidates.
  • Check background and select the most suitable and potential candidate profiles.
  • Notification of results to candidates: Employers will notify about recruitment results, job offers as well as information about salary, bonus, allowances, benefits, ...
  • Introduce employees: Employers will introduce new employees to everyone in the company and work position, helping them quickly integrate into the job.
  • Monitor the capacity and working attitude of new employees.

1.3 Pros and cons of external recruitment


  • Access and more options with a larger pool of potential candidates: External recruitment can help businesses access a broader talent pool, instead of relying solely on current personnel or internal candidates. Karma.
  • “New wind” of views and ideas: Externally hired candidates can bring new perspectives, ideas, and perspectives to the organization. They will share different experiences and skill sets that may not be present in the organization, making recommendations to improve performance in the department, team, office or the whole business.
  • Building a diverse workforce: This recruitment method will create diversity in the enterprise's human resources team. As a result, it will help the team and collective of the enterprise to have diverse personalities and abilities, bring new ideas for positive change and promote work more effectively.
  • Minimize internal competition: External recruitment will reduce tension between employees in the business when competing for vacant positions. Creating fairness for the recruitment process, potential candidates with professional qualifications will be recruited.


  • Time consuming and costly: The external recruitment process will cost more than internal recruitment, especially if the company is using recruitment services and advertising on multiple platforms. In addition, HR must spend more time on efforts in the process of recruiting, posting, interviewing, screening, integrating and training candidates.
  • Integration and training: Hiring external candidates can take more time and resources to integrate them into the company culture and provide the necessary training.
  • Potential cultural mismatch: There is a risk that external candidates may not fit the company culture, which can lead to conflict and negatively impact team dynamics.

In short, outsourcing can help businesses access more talent and fresh air. However, it can also be time and cost consuming, and carries the risk of cultural mismatches and high job hopping rates. It is important for companies to carefully consider the pros and cons of outsourcing before deciding on the best recruitment strategy for their needs.

II. Internal recruitment

Tuyển dụng nội bộ
Internal recruitment

2.1 What is Internal Recruitment?

Internal recruitment is the filling of vacancies within a company through promotion or transfer of existing employees rather than hiring new employees from outside the organization. This is often done to reward and retain good employees, increase employee engagement, and save time and costs associated with external recruitment.

2.2 Internal recruitment process

Depending on the size and characteristics of the business, the internal recruitment process will be different, usually the process of this recruitment method will be implemented as follows:

  • Internal recruitment notice: Employers will send recruitment notices and job descriptions to all their employees.
  • Participating in recruitment: All employees in the enterprise can apply or suggest other employees suitable for the position that the business is looking for.
  • Review and selection: The leadership, the head of the recruiting department of the enterprise or the human resources department will act as the recruiter to review, analyze and evaluate the entire application. employees, thereby making appropriate choices.
  • Announcement of matriculation: Employers send notices of admission to employees via text or email.
  • Position transfer: Employers will assist employees in handing over work and taking them to a new office to take over the job.
  • Track new employees: Human resources and department heads will monitor the working capacity of new employees to make timely decisions if they do not meet the nature of the job.

2.3 Pros and cons of internal recruitment

Advantages of internal recruitment:

  • Save time and costs: Internal recruitment helps businesses save costs, time and effort for recruitment services, advertising, screening, interviewing, training and introducing new employees. In addition, the human resources department will easily capture, analyze and evaluate the capabilities of employees to shape their role in the business. In addition, employees are familiar with the environment and corporate culture, so managers do not need to spend a lot of time helping employees adapt.
  • Increase employee engagement: By motivating and developing employees, they will actively apply their knowledge, professional skills and experience to jobs that bring value to the business. Thereby, boosting employee morale and productivity and especially increasing employee's long-term commitment to the business instead of considering job-hopping factors.
  • Boost employee morale: Internal recruitment boosts employee morale so that they actively challenge themselves and get ready for new roles. Depending on the level of dedication, businesses will recognize and transfer or change roles for employees when the time is right.
  • Attracting more external candidates: In addition to giving employees the opportunity to advance their careers, internal recruitment is also one of the ways to attract external talent. Businesses can leverage and share employee success stories to set themselves apart from competitors.

Disadvantages of internal recruitment:

  • Limited pool of candidates: Internal recruitment limits the pool of candidates, reducing the chances of finding the best possible candidate for the job, leaving out potential candidates that current employees don't have. 
  • Unknowingly Causing Internal Conflict: Internal recruitment can lead to conflict if multiple employees are competing for the same position. If the employer does not ensure fairness and transparency in the internal recruitment process, it may unintentionally create grievances among employees. 
  • Lack of diversity: Internal recruitment will not increase diversity as much as external recruitment, resulting in a less diverse workforce.
  • Skills Gap: Internal candidates may not have all the skills needed for the new role, resulting in longer learning curve.
  • Create a personnel gap: Internal recruitment can create a staffing gap in a group or department of an enterprise. This type of recruitment can disrupt business until the employer fills the position with another suitable candidate. At the same time, this form is also difficult to meet the quantity requirements if many employees are needed.

III. When to use internal and external recruitment methods?

Tuyển dụng bên trong vs Tuyển dụng bên ngoài
Internal Recruitment vs External Recruitment

3.1 Option to recruit internally if

Businesses should use internal recruitment methods when they want to fill a vacancy with an existing employee of the organization. This can be beneficial as it can boost employee morale, improve retention rates, and save time and money on training and orientation. Internal recruitment can also provide opportunities for advancement and career development for employees, which can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and productivity. Internal recruitment methods include job postings, employee referrals, transfers, and promotions.

3.2 Option to hire outside if

External recruitment methods should be used when businesses cannot find suitable candidates internally or when they want to bring in new perspectives, skills and experiences from outside the organization. External recruiting can expand the talent pool and provide new ideas and approaches to business challenges. External recruitment methods include job advertisements, recruitment agencies, job fairs, etc. However, external recruitment can be more time consuming and expensive than internal recruitment and additional training and orientation for new employees.

CoffeeHR can cover most of the jobs of recruitment From Collecting candidate profiles, Screening CVs, Comparing evaluations to performance reports and providing analysis and recruitment forecasts

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Doan Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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