The main functions and tasks of the human resources department in the enterprise 

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We all understand that any department has functions necessary for the existence and development of each business. Among them, Human resouces department It also contributes a lot because no matter how big or small a business needs to have this department. So what are the main functions and tasks of the human resources department in the enterprise? Please join CoffeeHR to find the answer in the article below.

What is the Human Resources Department?

Human resources department or human resources department in English is also known as Human resources (HR), the task of this department is to ensure that the company's employees are adequately managed, with appropriate compensation and effective training.

What are the duties of the Human Resources Department? Human resouces department of a company or organization tasked with training and developing employees or workers, who are considered one of the company's most important resources.

Phòng nhân sự là gì?
What is the Human Resources Department?

In addition, the responsibility for recruitment, firing or benefits management is also the responsibility of the human resources department. Most businesses today attach great importance to this department because of their importance and necessity. Management often allows employees to participate in additional training courses human resources management aimed at improving human resources as well as increasing work efficiency.

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The role of the HR department

Role of Human resouces department is extremely necessary and important for businesses or organizations. The reason is because they will be the department directly responsible for human resource management issues.

Although, they may not have to directly conduct business activities, but it is undeniable that the importance in planning, formulating strategies, policies and developing effective resources for businesses.

Vai trò của phòng nhân sự
The role of the HR department

Each part of the organization is considered as a part of the human body. Once one part has a problem, it will affect other members continuously and cause harm to the whole system.

Thus, the functions of personnel are the jobs and Main duties of HR department in an organization. In each function, it is a series of activities that are linked together to perform different tasks and roles to meet the needs of the business. The human resources department will carry out such activities in order to bring comprehensive benefits to both employees and the overall business goals.

Functions of the HR department

What does the HR department do? To help you understand more about Functions of the HR departmentCoffeeHR would like to share some information below.

chức năng của phòng nhân sự
The functions of the HR department need to know

Recruitment planning and implementation

Planning and implementing recruitment is considered a fundamental function of Human resouces department. This function includes:

  • Identify needs and roles: How will HR personnel need to determine the recruitment needs of the department or business? Besides, how does that recruitment play an important role in the work chain of the organization?
  • Write job description: After identifying needs and roles, HR needs to write detailed job descriptions.
  • Identify the requirements of the role and the soft skill sets of the right candidates: Soft skills are essential for candidates, it contributes to their development potential in the future. HR will review and evaluate those skills to see if the candidate is a good fit for the position and the company's long-term goals.

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Lập kế hoạch và triển khai tuyển dụng
Recruitment planning and implementation
  • Set up a salary budget: HR will be responsible for setting a budget for salary and bonus payments to all employees in the business.
  • Set up your ad budget: Advertising costs or marketing costs are also managed by HR.
  • Interview and select suitable personnel: This is the most visible task of each individual in Human resouces department. They will search, interview and decide on the most suitable candidates for the business and corporate vision.

When the department does it correctly, clearly defining job characteristics and materializing employee profiles will have a profound effect on potential employee retention.

Human resource information management

An essential function of Human resouces department that is the management of human resource information, undertaken by the administrative department. Human Resources will manage and be responsible for the employee's contract including paperwork and dispatch.

  • Manage all employment contracts, personnel files and HR related documents.
  • Guide employees to make labor contracts, clarify salary, bonus as well as welfare policies at the company.
  • Implement all benefits, leave or contract expiration as prescribed for employees.
  • Delivery, delivery of documents, contracts and invoices for the company and related departments.
  • Store and manage employee procedures, labor contracts, certificates of merit, procedures for accepting jobs or terminating labor contracts, etc. of employees.
Quản lý thông tin nguồn nhân lực
Human resource information management

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Training and developing

The training and development function is critical to being able to address employee training or skills shortages. At the same time, Human resouces department It also gives employees the tools they need to improve their skills and confidence to operate more efficiently.

We see that businesses that invest in their workforce have seen significant improvements in factors related to employee satisfaction and morale. Each individual will be appreciated and feel more motivated in their own efforts.

Đào tạo và phát triển nhân sự
Staff training and development

Besides, training and developing human resources also bring great benefits to the company. Keeping staff retention and recruitment costs to a minimum is one benefit of this function. It also contributes to the image of the company with potential candidates who want to improve their skills and opportunities.

Training is also essential for industry changes and innovations, keeping employees up to date with the latest trends. This helps maintain the organization as a leader and a formidable competitor in its field.

Manage employee activities

For Human resouces department, has two main functions when it comes to employee relations (ER), which are:

  • Prevent and resolve all problems or disputes between employees and management: In the event of disagreements between employees and management such as employees disagreeing with the calculation of the quality of work work, then the personnel will be the one to mediate. They need to find the best and most suitable measures to balance the two sides.
  • Support the creation and implementation of a fair and consistent policy for the workforce: Human resources have the function of proposing a compensation system for employees, so they need to have fairness and consistency, bring about Good policy for employees.
Quản lý hoạt động của nhân viên
Manage employee activities

A good relationship will reflect the efforts of the organization, helping to maintain positive contacts between employees and employers of the business. A united enterprise is a strong business and vice versa, without the connection between employees and employers, it will be difficult for the business to develop in the long run.

Control work performance

Performance control is an important function of Human resouces department Because HR's performance management helps to track progress and evaluate employee performance and working attitude. A good performance control process includes quarterly or annual reviews or performance reviews of the organization.

This allows direct communication between employees and direct managers that help establish clear individual and team goals that align with the strategic goals of the business.

Kiểm soát hiệu suất làm việc
Control work performance

The performance management process will include diverse aggregate activities that form a cycle of performance control. This is demonstrated including planning by setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals. And as well as personal development plans to achieve stated goals, review and evaluate the progress of these plans, develop the knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve everyone's goals .

Human resource planning

The human resource planning function is demonstrated through the monitoring and arrangement of personnel in the enterprise. Evaluation and statistics of indicators are necessary to help Human resouces department Forecast of future human resource needs or resources. As a result, managers at all levels can take measures to improve the working quality of personnel as well as provide solutions to overcome limitations in the working process of personnel.

Hoạch định nguồn nhân lực
Human resource planning

For example, when HR assesses that some employees are making great progress and efforts in their work process, they will make suggestions to management. It is possible to arrange them in more important positions such as department head, team leader, etc., as well as raise the salary and bonus accordingly. This will help employees in the whole business to make more efforts and strive to indirectly help increase efficiency for the entire organization.

Salary and benefits system

Human resources department is the person who will manage the salary and benefits of all employees. We all know that compensation is a key to motivating, attracting and retaining effective talent.

Besides, to be able to attract more potential candidates, Human resouces department It is also necessary to make appropriate salary and bonus offers.

Most candidates when coming to a business have a prior understanding of the regime and policies of that business. And of course, the more potential environment will attract more talent.

Quản lý chế độ lương thưởng và phúc lợi của nhân viên
Manage employee compensation and benefits

Maintain company culture

Each business has its own culture, which is considered a valuable asset to create a brand. Company culture is the unique values, beliefs and characteristics that only that business has. In addition, managers will also play the role of a pioneer in building and developing culture, linking personnel with leaders and personnel with businesses.

Duy trì văn hoá công ty
Maintain company culture

Departments in HR

What departments does the Human Resources Department have?? The division of departments in the HR department will depend on the industry and the size of the business. Below are the main parts as well as the specific tasks of each of them.


Recruitment, also known as the recruitment department, is the department that directly searches for good and suitable personnel for the business. Their main task is to plan, post job ads, implement communication campaigns for recruitment.

In order to find suitable personnel, this department needs to coordinate with other departments to understand the recruitment needs of each department. Then, they will give criteria to be able to select the most suitable candidate. In addition, the above bases will help the recruitment department know how to write job postings as well as which channels can best attract human resources.

Bộ phận tuyển dụng
Recruitment department


As part of salary, bonus and benefits of Human resouces department, is considered an important part of determining the level of income of employees in the enterprise. They have the ability to efficiently process and analyze the metrics that are of most interest to employees.

The main task of this department will be to build and manage the entire system of salary, bonus, welfare or other policies of the enterprise. Therefore, the personnel in charge of this job need to have solid knowledge of labor law, insurance law as well as relevant official documents and decrees.

Bộ phận lương, thưởng và phúc lợi của phòng nhân sự
Salary, bonus and welfare department of HR department

HR Admin

HR Admin is an administrative department, who is responsible for tasks such as paperwork, procedures, personnel records and company assets. Not only that, HR Admin also performs administrative tasks related to human resources such as stationery, meeting schedule, phone service, company events, etc. And they can also perform additional tasks. other related departments.

Bộ phận tuyển dụng
Recruitment department

Training & Development

Training and Development Department – Department located in Human resouces department plays an important role in the enterprise, having the function of training and developing personnel in the enterprise. As a result, they help improve individual or team performance through fostering knowledge, enhancing and improving soft skills for employees. Therefore, training to improve capacity and skills is an indispensable activity in the process of comprehensive and effective human resource development.

Bộ phận đào tạo và phát triển
Training and development department

Skills of HR department personnel

Do you want to become a professional human resource manager? To become a talented human resource, in addition to having a good professional knowledge base, you also need to possess other soft skills. Here are some essential skills CoffeeHR introduces you to.

  • Communication skills
  • Create and execute HR strategy
  • Human resource skills of managers in the organization
  • Decision making skills
  • Listening Skills
  • Budgeting skills
  • Skills training and skill development
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Evaluation of work performance
  • Software skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Team building skills
  • High pressure resistance
Kỹ năng của nhân sự phòng HR
Skills of HR department personnel

Modern human resource management software

One of the tools many HR uses to increase productivity and work efficiency is CoffeeHR Human Resource Management Software.

The outstanding features of the software:

  • Time attendance GPS, fingerprint, FaceID quickly
  • Automatically aggregate work and calculate accurate salary, saving time
  • Support annual Tax Finalization activities
  • Flexible construction of salary calculation formulas and KPI evaluation
  • Develop a promotion roadmap, calculate staffing
  • Effective recruitment with AI sorting CVs from recruitment websites
  • Improve the quality of training programs
  • There are 2 versions of Mobile App and convenient Website

Currently, CoffeeHR Human Resource Management Software has been used by 200+ businesses and nearly 1000 HRs. Smart software, solving many specific problems of many fields. In particular, CoffeeHR has been a reliable partner for many years of leading enterprises such as SHB, Kangaroo, Doji Group, King Mattress, etc.

Learn more about human resource management in the enterprise


Here are the enthusiastic sharing of information about Human resouces department as well as related knowledge. Hope you will contact and hone your skills to have the opportunity to become a professional human resource. Good luck!

Contact now CoffeeHR to receive a FREE DEMO optimal management solution for your Business.

Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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