Review 6 of the best recruitment management software today

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The interview process is the first process by which the candidate comes into contact with the business, so a professional recruitment process will give a better impression, helping to attract as many talents as possible to the organization. Therefore, many businesses have invested in Recruitment management software to improve work productivity, create a more methodical and faster process. Let's take a look at CoffeeHR top 6 HR recruitment management software Most used today!

What is recruitment management software?

Recruitment software part of the human resource management software system. This is a solution to help manage the entire recruitment process, from recruitment proposals, the process of finding candidates through websites, interviewing, evaluating and emailing candidates as well as giving reports after finishing. recruit. Basically, Recruitment management software HR is a repository of candidate data, storing all information about the recruitment process, performance evaluation, etc., helping to improve productivity, save time and costs for businesses.

Phần mềm quản lý tuyển dụng là công cụ tối ưu quy trình tuyển dụng
Recruitment management software is a tool to optimize the recruitment process

Recruitment trends in Vietnam are increasing day by day, and "talent hunting" campaigns are also increasing after Covid. The recruitment process plays a big role in the campaigns to attract and retain talented candidates because this is the input base, the first step to create the reputation and credibility of the business with talented people. Therefore, if before the Recruitment management software Only deployed for large enterprises, now there are many tools applicable to small and medium enterprises.

>>> See more: Top 18 HR management software Best Free 2022

Criteria for choosing effective HR recruitment management software

When choosing a software or any tool for an organization, it is necessary to determine whether the software meets the needs and tasks of the business. One Recruitment management software Professionals will have the following features associated with recruitment:

  • Set a recruitment plan: Recruitment processes are often built according to the organization's personnel schedule such as the number of positions, the staff of the department, the plan to expand resources or the change in personnel in the organization.
  • Manage recruitment proposals to each department: Recruitment management software can allow creating, approving proposals as well as comparing recruitment needs with established schedules and plans.
  • Recruitment notice to relevant personnel and departments To identify the personnel responsible for recruitment as well as develop an effective recruitment plan
  • Collect and select candidates: recruitment software There should be features to optimize the performance of personnel such as forming candidate stores, classifying candidates and allowing suitable candidates to be selected.
  • Schedule an interview: The recruitment software has tools to interact with candidates such as sending emails, scheduling interviews and notifying the interview panel, conducting interviews, grading and determining the candidate's level of success.
  • Job offer letter, employment decision, with available forms, as well as a thank you letter according to the set up form, through which the successful application file will be stored as a new employee file.
  • Analysis of recruitment effectiveness: recruitment costs according to many sources and channels used, recruitment time, through which to compare between plan and reality

>>> Don't miss: Construction steps recruitment process Standard for business

Benefits of using recruitment management software

For Businesses

For businesses that focus on developing human resources, Recruitment management software offers many benefits such as:

  • Save time.
  • Cost optimization.
  • Better candidate data management.

Previously, candidates were managed individually through each recruitment officer or scattered excel files Recruitment management software helps businesses find and contact candidates faster, build a store of potential candidates to contact at many different opportunities, helping businesses make the most of this resource.

Phần mềm quản lý tuyển dụng tạo ra quy trình tuyển dụng chuyên nghiệp
Recruitment management software creates professional recruitment process

For applicants

Recruitment management software brings a methodical process such as scheduling an interview, sending an interview invitation, a job offer, a rejection letter, etc. to create a professional and good impression on the candidate. So, whether or not candidates are accepted after the interview, they can happily share their experiences at the organization with friends and family, contributing to building the brand and corporate culture.

Here are the top 6 Recruitment management software best now

Top 6 trusted HR recruitment management software

Recruitment software CoffeeHR

Introducing CoffeeHR recruitment software

As a feature module in the CoffeeHR Intensive Human Resource Management Solution, Recruitment management software CoffeeHR will automate, shorten the recruitment process and manage candidate data according to an intelligent system. Thanks to its experience in implementing human resource solutions for many large corporations, CoffeeHR builds a comprehensive and professional recruitment process that delves into business details, turning recruitment into an advantage of enterprises. , attracting the most potential candidates.

CoffeeHR xây dựng nên một quy trình tuyển dụng toàn diện, chuyên nghiệp
CoffeeHR builds a comprehensive and professional recruitment process

Outstanding advantages:

  • Develop a recruitment plan associated with human resource allocation: The software helps businesses set up monthly and yearly staffing schedules, thereby building recruitment plans to promptly meet the organization's resource needs.
  • Recruitment Proposal Management: The software allows departments to propose recruitment needs and be approved by authorized personnel. Recruitment proposals include full information: vacancy, candidate requirements, job description, personnel in charge of recruitment, salary, ... and are available for each position, convenient convenient for users.

Coffeehr recruitment management software

CoffeeHR quản lý đề xuất tuyển dụng dựa trên định biên nhân sự
CoffeeHR manages recruitment proposals based on personnel schedules
  • The system opens connections to recruitment websites and imports candidates: The software can link to most of today's recruitment websites such as Vietnamworks, Vieclam24h, Timviecnhanh, Jobstreet, CareerBuilder, etc. automatically update candidates who submit their resumes to the CV pool warehouse or push them to each current recruitment job. perform. In addition, the software also allows importing candidates from outside via excel file, candidate CV in PDF format, etc.
  • Centralized management, optimizing candidate resources: The CV pool warehouse makes it easy for businesses to search, filter records and manage data. All the candidates who have come into contact with the business, the interview history will be fully archived so that the business can take advantage of the source of candidates instead of painfully searching for new candidates.
Kho CV Pool giúp dễ dàng tìm kiếm, lọc hồ sơ và quản lý dữ liệu
CV Pool makes it easy to search, filter records and manage data
  • Build a professional interview process: Businesses with potential candidates can easily set up an interview schedule, send emails to candidates and the jury, score and evaluate candidates after the interview.
  • Communicate with candidates more easily by sending emails right on the software: Businesses can send interview invitation emails, job invitations, thank you letters, etc. with available templates set up according to business needs. Mass sending tools help quickly notify candidates. Recruiting mass is no longer a worry!
CoffeeHR giúp tương tác đa chiều giữa Nhà tuyển dụng và Ứng viên
CoffeeHR helps multi-dimensional interaction between Employers and Candidates
  • Convert candidate profile into HR profile easily with just one click
  • The system of recruitment reports is diverse and detailed: The software provides reports on costs, efficiency of recruitment sources, recruitment KPIs for each employee, etc. quickly and continuously. The decentralization feature helps reports only show to specific objects, maximum data security.
CoffeeHR xây dựng Báo cáo & phân tích thông minh
CoffeeHR builds Smart Reports & Analytics
Khách hàng đã sử dụng phần mềm quản lý tuyển dụng CoffeeHR
Customers have used CoffeeHR recruitment management software


  • Currently the software has the only drawback is that the interface is at a basic level, not attracting users yet

GreenHouse recruitment software

About Greenhouse

Greenhouse is Recruitment management software created by American programmers. Even though it's a recruitment software Although it belongs to the next generation, Greenhouse has learned from the mistakes of previous software to become one of the most customizable HR systems on the market today. This software supports users in various recruitment activities including recruitment planning, sourcing candidates, managing interview rounds and organizing post-recruitment activities.

Giao diện báo cáo phần mềm tuyển dụng GreenHouse
Recruitment software reporting interface GreenHouse

Outstanding advantages:

  • Candidate Management: Provides candidate tracking and comprehensive HR database information under candidate pipeline model.
  • Screening and evaluating candidates: the process of assessing candidates' relevant skills, characteristics and qualifications according to a scorecard
  • Automated email: The software will automatically send email notifications to recruiters, candidates and any other person participating in the interview.
  • Report: can make up to 30 recruitment reports at the same time according to many different criteria.
  • Built-in APIs: Greenhouse has the ability to integrate very well with external software and applications


  • The software does not support posting job advertisements on Vietnamese websites
  • There is no online interview feature yet
  • As foreign software, the cost is higher than the demand of the Vietnamese market

>>> See more: 7 Sample job description details for common professions

Workable recruitment software

Introduction to Workable software

Recruitment software Workable is developed based on the cloud platform, launched in 2022 with the aim of helping recruitment staff to select potential candidates and spend more time on evaluating that candidate's prospects. Built with the aim of becoming a comprehensive recruitment management solution, including recruitment branding for businesses, posting job ads on different job posting sites, managing candidate data, evaluating Assessing candidates and reporting on the recruitment process, Workable is a modern recruitment solution that helps businesses track and increase operational efficiency throughout the recruitment process.

Phần mềm tuyển dụng Workable
Recruitment software Workable

Outstanding advantages:

  • Manage candidate data: Workable manages candidates according to Talent Pools including full contact information, candidate sources, contact history with the company, etc.
  • Screening and evaluating candidates: A major highlight of Workable is the candidate comparison browser that helps HR staff compare multiple candidate profiles at once, or compare their qualifications against predefined criteria.
  • Automated email sending: Automate and personalize the process of sending emails to candidates
  • Report: Effective reporting system makes recruitment easier
  • Use on mobile devices: has a mobile version, compatible with both Android and iOS operating systems


  • To use Workable, businesses need a LinkedIn account to connect to the software. The software is also not connected to Vietnam's recruitment websites
  • High cost of use

Recruitment software Zoho Recruit

Introducing Zoho Recruit

Zoho Recruit is a Online recruitment software relatively old, developed since 2009 on the cloud platform. Zoho Recruit was developed to meet the needs of recruitment service providers as well as human resources departments in enterprises. The software has a friendly interface that helps businesses save time in the recruitment process by managing candidate profiles and customer lists. Zoho Recruit provides automatic resume assessment, posting to business websites and recruitment websites, arranging interviews, and tracking the candidate recruitment process.

Giao diện quản lý ứng viên của Zoho Recruit
Candidate management interface of Zoho Recruit

Outstanding advantages:

  • Manage candidate data: like CoffeeHR, Zoho can track and view candidate details such as photo, name, phone number, email, ... or tag candidates by status such as: interviewed questions, rejections, leads, blacklists, etc.
  • Screening and evaluating candidates: The software has the criteria a candidate needs and the system will automatically withdraw candidate files when one of those criteria is missing.
  • Automated emails: Software to build automated emails to exchange and send invitations to candidates
  • Reporting: Zoho also has a variety of administrative reports, recruitment reports for managers to monitor.


  • Like other foreign software, Zoho has not yet integrated to Vietnamese websites
  • The software is still limited when connecting to other business management software and systems
  • High cost of use

Talent Solution recruitment software

Businesses are no stranger to CareerBuilder - a famous website for job recruitment. Talent Solution is a recruitment and talent management solution developed by this website. The software that applies the most advanced technology to attract candidates on all sources and devices is an effective tool to help businesses digitize the recruitment process.

Phần mềm tuyển dụng Talent Solution
Recruitment software Talent Solution

Outstanding advantages:

  • Build a candidate database: Talent Solution attracts and focuses job seekers to become fan members of the business. The search feature allows businesses to find candidates efficiently.
  • Published Recruitment: This software allows posting jobs on social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn, CareerBuilder's recruitment websites.
  • Automated email: Talent Solution helps connect employers and candidates through an automated email system, saving time and costs.
  • Candidate Rating: Talent Solution helps businesses evaluate candidates, screen to eliminate unsuitable candidates.
  • Report: The reporting feature of this software allows businesses to know about the status of the job postings that the business posts, the candidate's application processing status,


  • No mobile app yet
  • There is no comprehensive interview process
  • Posting job vacancies on websites outside of CareerBuilder is limited

Recruitment software Base E-hiring

Base E-hiring is Recruitment management software Popular in Vietnam market, developed with the aim of providing a comprehensive recruitment management solution for businesses. The software is an effective tool to help businesses optimize the recruitment process, save costs with many useful features. Base is applied in many large and small businesses.

Phần mềm tuyển dụng Base E-hiring
Recruitment software Base E-hiring

Outstanding advantages:

  • Employer branding: Base E-hiring allows businesses to build their company's recruitment website based on available website templates. Brand building is no longer a difficult problem.
  • Create a candidate profile source: Businesses can access a huge source of candidate profiles compiled from job websites and social networks.
  • Automate the recruitment process: Employers can directly receive and send emails to candidates right on the system. Base E-hiring provides email templates for interview invitation, candidate rejection email, etc. and will be automatically sent to candidates when there is a decision from the employer.
  • Report: The system will periodically report to help businesses know the efficiency of the recruitment process and costs so that they can give appropriate orientation in the future.
  • Integration with recruitment websites: Base E-hiring integrates with leading recruitment websites in Vietnam such as Vietnamworks, Vieclam24h, Timviecnhanh, Jobstreet, CareerBuilder, Talent Solution.


  • The software is still limited in integration with other business management solutions outside of the Base system.
  • Use only 1 template when sending emails to candidates

Overview of Base E-hiring software

Looking for more information:


Here is the list 06 part recruitment manager the best. Depending on the needs, finances, and business characteristics of each business to choose the most suitable software.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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