What is HR Management Software? What are the great uses of HR management software you already know?

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Learn the modules and functions of Human Resource Management Software Payroll CoffeeHR – the choice of today's leading enterprises in the industry.

What is HR Management Software?

HR management software - salary is a tool in the management of tasks such as personnel and salary within the enterprise. Including: employee information management, timekeeping, detailed statistics of salary, tax, personnel situation reports, .. So administrators and human resources can easily manage the work. calculation of wages and salaries of employees.

Phần mềm quản lý nhân sự tiền lương là gì?
What is HR Management Software?

The challenge of managing human resources and wages

In the operation of an organization, salary is always a complicated issue that causes headaches for managers. Because in businesses, the salary of each employee is not the same, requiring detailed and accurate calculation of salary for each employee. This leads to difficulty and confusion in the HR and Payroll Management of the enterprise.

Việc quản lý nhân sự - tiền lương có những khó khăn nào?
What are the difficulties in managing human resources - salary?
  • Inaccurate or erroneous salary calculation causes unnecessary internal conflicts
  • The continuous delay in salary can easily lead to salary complaints, making a bad impact on the image and brand of the unit
  • Miscalculation and delayed salary make the reputation of the manager as well as the image of the unit affected, making it difficult to retain qualified employees.
  • Resolving errors, complaints, and salary adjustments takes a long time
  • It is easy to lose valuable human resources because of unexpected incidents.

Unscientific salary management leads to many different consequences and causes the operator to lose time and effort in each pay period. Therefore, finding Payroll management software is the optimal measure to minimize risks in timekeeping and payroll management. So with CoffeeHR, let's take a look at what are the 10 highlights of salary management software!

>>> See more: Top 18 Employee Attendance Software Best Free 2023

10 Highlights of CoffeeHR payroll management software

CoffeeHR is the supplier Payroll management software with more than 10 years of experience in deploying for many businesses in many fields. In which, CoffeeHR successfully automates 70% manual tasks in C&B and improves more than 80% performance in many businesses.

Giao diện Mobile App và Website phần mềm CoffeeHR
Mobile App interface and CoffeeHR software website

Some outstanding features of Payroll management software CoffeeHR:

  1. Solving the problem of Public - Salary is difficult, industry-specific
  2. Allows flexibility of the calculation formula according to the needs of the business
  3. Track the details of the shift by each department, employee, worker
  4. Support remote management, staff working outside the office
  5. Store employee information with more than 300 HR data fields
  6. Building an HR cost management center with a real-time reporting system
  7. Allows integration of other management software such as ERP, CRM, etc.
  8. Decentralize features by user level
  9. 24/7 support team, support to fix system errors and operate in 4 hours
  10. Streamline recruitment process, standardize assessment and improve training quality
Khách hàng đã sử dụng phần mềm quản lý nhân sự tiền lương CoffeeHR
The customer has used the CoffeeHR payroll management software

Coffeehr's payroll management solution

About CoffeeHR payroll management software

CoffeeHR's salary and personnel management software features

Personnel records management system

  • Build system HRIS flexible, unlimited scaling, stop double import errors and multiple edits
  • Store all personal information: contact, education, experience, ...
  • Track an employee's work history: salary history, evaluation results, previous recommendations, measure leave rate, leave early, leave early, etc.
  • Manage information about: asset allocation, kinship relations, compensation policy, changes in insurance and tax rates, maternity, salary increase, promotion
Giao diện HRIS
HRIS interface with 300 data fields of CoffeeHR . software
  • Divide personnel by member companies, departments, organizations, and positions for convenient tracking
  • Give warnings about contract term, practice certificate, relevant degree
  • Payroll Management Software CoffeeHR provides personnel reports: personnel costs, staffing, personnel by department - age - gender, ...

Recruitment management module

  • Make a plan according to the recruitment needs of each department, position - position to be recruited, number, candidate criteria, etc.
  • Integrating leading recruitment channels: Vietnamworks, Vieclam24h, TopCV
  • Manage, screen and categorize candidate profiles on CV Pools of businesses. Can be reused in the future
  • Score candidates directly during the interview process
  • Measure the effectiveness of the recruitment period, export reports in the form of Dashboard, Visual Report
Quản lý tuyển dụng và data ứng viên dễ dàng với phần mềm CoffeeHR
Recruitment record management interface of CoffeeHR salary personnel management system

Training management subsystem

  • Formulate a training strategy based on the development orientation of the organization
  • Create a test to evaluate the quality of students
  • Create a survey to evaluate the quality of teachers
Giao diện quy trình Onboarding trên phần mềm CoffeeHR
Onboarding process interface on CoffeeHR payroll software

Timekeeping and salary management module

With the public problem

  • Connecting multiple forms of time attendance: GPS, FaceID, timekeeper, export file
  • Allows businesses to dynamically set working time, timekeeping scope, break frame, allow late to leave early
Giao diện thiết lập ca làm việc trên phần mềm CoffeeHR
Interface for setting up shifts on CoffeeHR . payroll software software
  • Unlimited setting of working shifts: broken shift, day shift, night shift, 4-hour shift, 8-hour shift, weekday shift, holiday shift with different regulatory policies
  • Split shift, change shift, lock shift, register right on Mobile App
  • Support for permit management: calculation of accrual, redundancy, etc.
  • Automatically normalize public data by shift code and personnel
Giao diện tổng hợp công của phần mềm CoffeeHR
General interface of CoffeeHR salary management software

With the salary problem

  • Digitizing specific salary calculation: 3P salary, part-time salary, package salary, variable salary unit price, OT salary, ...
  • Manage allowance policy, deduction, commission bonus, capacity bonus
  • Customize the salary calculation formula according to the company's own regulations
  • Track salary slips directly via Mobile App and Personal Website
Giao diện phiếu lương trên phần mềm CoffeeHR
Payroll interface on CoffeeHR . HR and salary management software
  • Calculate salary quickly in 1 hour with thousands of employees. Instead of daily, weekly like manual method.

Tax and insurance management subsystem

  • HR and Payroll Management Software CoffeeHR supports businesses in Tax Finalization by building a formula to automatically calculate PIT.
giao diện báo cáo biến động thuế
Report on changes in tax, insurance, salary
  • Estimated tax rate according to the change in salary of each employee
  • Manage insurance book information, increase or decrease employee's insurance
  • Summary of employees' insurance premiums
  • The software regularly updates the latest tax and insurance declaration forms according to the current Law.
# Packages Essential Advance
I  Organizational Management (OM)
II  Recruitment (Hiring)  
III  Onboarding, Offboarding
IV  Profiles
V  HR Process
VI  Time Attendance - Payroll - PIT - Insurance (C&B)
VII  Employee Self - Service
VIII Competency Management  
IX Training Management  
X Perfomance Management  
XI  Assetment Tracking  
XII Workplace (GapoWork)
XIII Mobile App
XIV Supporting Services
XV System Admin
XVI Calender  
XVII HR Reports, Dashboards

Description of features of CoffeeHR . software

Find more information about the product here:


With the above subsystems, Human Resource Management software salary CoffeeHR will be an effective tool in human resource management of enterprises. With the HCNS department, they not only work faster, but more accurately. Above all, there is more time to focus on building culture and connecting personnel. For administrators, it is a subtle, intelligent, and less inquisitive management style. For employees, it is a modern technology working environment, not a manual process.

CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. Contact now for receive advice on Payroll Management System for your Business.

Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459

Facebook: CoffeeHR – HR Coffee

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