HRM software? 5 reasons businesses should use HRM software

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Software HRM gradually become an important tool to help enterprises systematize management and optimize internal resources. Considered a new trend in the Argument Transition period, HRM . system What are the benefits and what are the 5 reasons why businesses should use it.

What is HRM?

HRM (Human CHEAPesources USAmanagement) is understood as Human Resource Management. Including people management, building organizational culture and developing quality resources. HRM is the central platform connecting HR with the organization. Simultaneously between managers and employees.

What is HRM software?

Software HRM (Human Resource Management software) is a tool to support Human Resource Management. In there, HRM . system designed to optimize manual operations on digital platforms. Specifically, Case Management, C&B, Recruitment, Evaluation, Training and Internal Process. HRM software helps to optimize the work of employees and managers. From there, it can help businesses navigate the right path of development.

Software HRM also known by many different names such as: HRMS (human resource management system; HRM (human resource management); HRIS (human resource information system).

HR solution software HRM Coffeehr

The role of HRM . software

First of all, Human Resource Management is a must-have for all organizations. Good management and promotion of human resources will increase the strength of enterprises in the market. Not only meeting the needs of the business but also ensuring the interests of all internal members.

Công nghệ Quản trị Nhân sự
HR Technology is a tool for the whole organization

Using HR management software helps businesses systematize data and optimize management processes. Besides, it saves costs, time and resources in management. In the long run, it will improve the working environment and help businesses maintain stability and still go up day by day. At the same time, increase the competitiveness of the talent attraction area in the labor market.

In addition, making good use of human resources by creating conditions for employees to develop is a good way to prevent the flow of gray matter. Especially when recruiting gradually becomes more intense. Meanwhile, the capacity and knowledge of employees will create the results of the business.

How many types of HRM software are there?

There are 3 types HRM software mainly for different business audience, according to FinancesOnline:

1. Basic human resource management

Concentrating on 3 basic modules: Personnel records management, Public management and Payroll calculation. This is HRM software suitable for small businesses, the management problem does not have many complicated questions. Accordingly, the software mainly supports Human Resources Administration and administrators.

2. Full human resource management

With complete human resource management software, businesses can carry out internal processes and recruitment and evaluation. However, it only stops at basic operations, not in-depth and has much impact on resource planning. So, HRM software will be fully suitable for SME businesses.

3. Strategic HR Management

The strategic human resource management system will be more open than the rest of the software. In addition to the basic must-have modules, the software supports recruitment, evaluation and training with HR strategy. Specifically, the system for forecasting and managing staffing and budgeting and targeting all members of the organization. Even potential talents have not joined yet. This is a solution for businesses and corporations that are focusing on developing resources.

Cân nhắc phần mềm HRM phù hợp để tăng hiệu quả trong quản trị
Consider the right HRM software to increase efficiency in administration

5 reasons to use HRM system in business

Transform Human Resource Management with HRM software bring many great benefits to businesses such as:

Improve employee satisfaction

Currently, the HRM . system are open to the interests of all members. It's not just software for the HR department. Therefore, use HRM software will speed up internal processes in the business. You do not need to worry too much when you often have to deal with thousands of applications and complaints from employees, not to mention the utilities to help employees work easier such as timekeeping, tax tracking, insurance payment progress, and payment processing. degree, contract.

Sử dụng phần mềm HRM để tăng sự hài lòng và gắn kết nội bộ
Use HR software to increase satisfaction and internal engagement

Manage employee records effectively

HR system provides enterprises with a repository of all basic information and the working process of an employee. Data is not scattered in many different Excel files. HR doesn't need to search through hardcopy files or troublesome folders. From personal information to employment contracts. An information storage platform (HRIS) will make it easy for you to find, track, and adjust the data you need.

Timekeeping, salary calculation is easier

Human Resource Management software helps managers track employee working hours better without unsophisticated questioning. All public data is standardized and continuously updated in real time. Even if employees come home late, leave early, take compensatory leave, take maternity leave or work overtime, overtime. Thereby minimizing situations of miscalculation and lack of working days of HR.

With standard input data, HRM . system will conduct automatic salary calculation quickly, automatically according to the preset formula. In addition, the software also integrates with the evaluation, insurance and transparent salary regime for employees. Some HRM software supports the calculation of insurance, PIT and ensures transparency in the calculation of rewards and penalties. Instead of spending 1 to 2 days to finalize payroll, HRM software can be done in a few hours.

Make the right HR decisions

The software provides administrators with an overview of the organization's human resources. Not only helps to evaluate more objectively, but also forecast changes in manufacturing and budgeting through visual reports. This is an effective tool to help administrators analyze multiple dimensions and make the most appropriate decisions.

Nhà quản trị đưa ra nhận định đúng đắn về bức tranh tổ chức
Managers make the right judgment about the picture of the organization

Support online recruitment

Applying technology in recruitment is a necessary strategy. When 80% activities to attract and search for candidates take place on digital platforms such as recruitment websites, social networks, etc. HRM software, the recruitment process is streamlined and simplified. No more wasting time with lengthy work items.

Most HRM software links directly to the recruitment website. The candidate profile will automatically transfer to the general system. Create time to allow HR to search and evaluate candidates. Instead of focusing too much on posting job ads, screening CVs, sending emails, etc. In addition, candidates can track their own recruitment process.

6 Main features of HRM . software

Personnel information management

The software helps to store all information such as contact, personal information, job title, professional qualifications, kinship relations, etc., according to the system in a complete and detailed manner. Including current employees to employees who have left. Businesses can easily find and edit information when needed. Most software does not limit the number of records stored. Therefore, businesses do not need to worry too much if they have to expand in the future. The process of storing, controlling, rewarding or changing are all optimized.

Contract management and employee lifecycle

Enterprises and working individuals must have labor contracts in accordance with the law to ensure employees' interests and the professionalism of the organization. Software HRM Support management and warning of contract period. Thereby, the enterprise can extend the contract, suspend the contract or keep the resignation record.

Labor contracts signed between management level with internship, probationary period, official; with or without a term are stored on the software. The information about the labor contract is very important, so the manager needs to carefully control it.

Phần mềm HRM theo dõi hợp đồng và thông tin công tác của một nhân sự
HRM software keeps track of an employee's contract and work information

Developing resources through training and assessment

Periodic assessment and additional training are routine activities with enterprises. Not only helps to develop internal capacity and knowledge, this is an opportunity for employees to cultivate and they feel their merit is recognized. Training and evaluation will help managers make more accurate judgments about the capacity of employees. From there, businesses can set training goals to be reasonable.

Currently, some HR software has a combination of evaluation and training modules. With objective assessment results, you know where the weak link lies. At that time, the effectiveness of the training program is increased and internal fairness is created. Just the right content, right audience, professionally and effectively deployed. In addition, the system supports tracking training costs and training advances for each employee and program.

Support management of benefits

Rewards are a good way to motivate employees and create job satisfaction. Businesses have many different forms of bonuses. For example, commission bonus, capacity bonus, hot bonus, holiday bonus, etc. Not to mention the forms of rewards in kind.

Thúc đẩy nhân viên qua quản lý phúc lợi tốt hơn
Motivate employees through better benefits management

Therefore, the management of the welfare regime is necessary for enterprises to allocate finance and monitor changes in policies. In the long run, this is a factor that helps leaders make decisions.

HRM HR software supports public management and salary calculation

The salary payment period is implemented quickly, accurately and fully ensures the interests of all employees when using the software. Compared with manual salary calculation or Excel, HRM software is the most optimal solution in calculating salary. Technology will simplify 90% manual tasks and deliver 100% accuracy. HR does not have to self-aggregate and standardize public data. HR doesn't have to manually enter data and enter formulas over and over again. Transparent salary period, on time will create peace of mind of employees with the organization

Online recruitment process

Recruitment is fundamental to all organizations. Attracting talent will help expand human resources to support growth and create competitive advantages for businesses. However, businesses all face the same problem in recruitment. It is difficult to recruit quality personnel and the recruitment process is too many stages.

Tuyển dụng Online để tăng sức cạnh tranh khi thu hút nhân tài
Online recruitment to increase competitiveness when attracting talent

The software with the recruitment module will be the platform for interaction between candidates and businesses. In particular, AI technology helps to screen CVs faster and more accurately. Self-assimilation technology accelerates recruitment, avoiding manual email input. Thereby cutting down HR time spent posting jobs, selecting CVs, sending each email. They have more opportunity to focus on finding people and choosing the most suitable person.

>>> See more: Top 18 Employee Attendance Software Best Free 2023

4 Notes when choosing HRM software

Friendly interface, easy to operate

A software that is too complicated will make it difficult to operate. At the same time, the training process to use the software is prolonged. Not to mention not all employees in the organization are also quick to technology platforms. Therefore, businesses need to choose software that is easy to use, in order to help employees quickly familiarize themselves with and improve the feasibility of deployment. HRM software.

Ability to integrate with other systems

Most businesses are oriented to build a common management platform. So ask HRM software with OpenAPI, can link with ERP, CRM, Accounting, ATS, etc. The integration ability will help you to reduce the time to export, standardize and download data between systems. This is a factor businesses should consider when choosing HR software

Phần mềm với OpenAPI
Software with OpenAPI helps businesses manage their organization and personnel more effectively

Highly customizable

Each profession will have its own specific problems in human resource management. Each business will have different regulations, policies and operating procedures. A flexible software that allows businesses to adapt recipes to real changes will increase the life of the product HRM . system. Simultaneously meet many human resource management problems and operate more efficiently.

Existing customer care team

Wrong operation or system error is an unavoidable situation during use HR software. Look for suppliers with a good, fast support team to promptly resolve arising. No lasting impact on the overall operation of the organization.

CoffeeHR – The best HR software today

Introduction of HRM CoffeeHR software

CoffeeHR is a Cloud-based Advanced Human Resource Management software trusted by more than 200 businesses and 160,000 individuals.

Giao diện Mobile App và Website phần mềm CoffeeHR
Mobile App interface and CoffeeHR software website

Outstanding features of HRM CoffeeHR software:

  • Build HRIS to store and track personnel information with 300 data fields. Support for asset management; warning of contract term, certificate, practice license.
  • Smart organization management by location (Position Management). Create hierarchical organizational charts and manage member companies and departments on a centralized platform
  • Multi-time attendance: GPS, FaceID, timekeeper, export file. Unlimited setting of work shifts: OT, day shift, night shift, broken shift, 4-hour shift, 8-hour shift, etc.
  • Automatically calculate salary: OT salary, Khoan salary, 3P salary, Luong Ngach, Luong Kiem Nhiem, Salary unit price changes, ...
  • Multi-channel recruitment integration: Vietnamworks, TopCV, Careerbuilder, Vieclam24h,...
  • Flexible assessment of ASK capacity and performance evaluation of KPI, BSC, etc.
  • Digitizing internal processes: Time attendance; ask for permission; register shift, OT, work; Proposal – Approve and explain late arrival and early return;…
  • More than 30 Dashboard reports set up according to business needs
  • Support Digital Signature – Electronic Invoice
  • Allows customization, dynamic setting of C&B recipes and evaluation
  • OpenAPI two-way integration of ERP, CRM, Accounting, ATS, other management systems,...
  • Easy-to-use interface, NDA security, fast data processing
  • 24/7 Care & Support Team

List of HR software functions HRM Coffeehr

List of 10 HRM software most used in 2022

Khách hàng đã sử dụng phần mềm HRM CoffeeHR
Customers have used HRM CoffeeHR software
  1. Software HRM CoffeeHR
  2. Human resource management software Zoho People
  3. HRM software BambooHR
  4. HRM software
  5. HRM software SINNOVA-HRMS
  6. HRM software MISA AMIS
  7. Software HRM Fast HRM online
  8. HRM Software OOC DigiiHR
  9. Software HRM SV-HRIS
  10. Software HRM Perfect HRM

Some frequently asked questions about HRM software

What is HRM software?

Software HRM (Human Resource Management software) is a tool to support Human Resource Management. In particular, the HRM system is designed to optimize manual operations on digital platforms. Specifically, Case Management, C&B, Recruitment, Evaluation, Training and Internal Process. HRM software helps to optimize the work of employees and managers. From there, it can help businesses navigate the right path of development.

Why use HR software?

Businesses use HRM software so they can automate HR processes and manage employees better. HR tools help do this by providing insights from employee data and enabling HR professionals to easily make talent management decisions.

What is the best HRM software today?

phần mềm hrm
Top 10 most popular HRM software on the market

CoffeeHR, Tanca, BambooHR, Zoho People… are HR software popular and best today, trusted and used by many businesses. Each software has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the needs of the business that considers using it accordingly.


Use HRM . system will optimize the human resource management process in the enterprise. In the long term, HRM software bring a lot of value in terms of time, cost, resources and development strategy of the organization. In addition to the above benefits, enterprises should consider the module and characteristics of HR software in order to make the most suitable choice for the management problem and future orientation.

CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. Contact now for Get advice on HRM software for your Business.

Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459

Facebook: CoffeeHR – HR Coffee

" Looking for more information:

Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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