What is effective human resource assessment software for businesses?

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The review and assessment of human resources should be carried out periodically to keep abreast of the work progress, monitor the quality and working capacity of the personnel. The employee evaluation software is an effective support tool to help businesses ensure this activity takes place accurately and efficiently. So what is Effective HR evaluation software for Business? Let's find the answer with CoffeeHR through the article below!

What criteria should be used to evaluate staff capacity?

What is employee competency assessment? Evaluation of human resource capacity is an activity of commenting and commenting on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of each subject's work. Through assessing and commenting on the employee's ability to work, managers will properly consider the effectiveness of salaried employees. From there, businesses will have bases and data to facilitate and pay salaries in accordance with the capacity of personnel.

đánh giá năng lực nhân viên là gì
What is Employee Competency Assessment?

Employee competency assessment is also known as ASK assessment. This is a common assessment method applied by businesses, including: Attitude – Attitude, Skill – Skill and Knowledge – Knowledge.

mô hình ask
Evaluation of employee capacity according to the ASK . model

Each company has different criteria for evaluating employees. Below are two criteria commonly applied by businesses.

  1. Evaluation by goal
  2. Evaluation by form

Evaluation by goal

This can be considered the most fair assessment method, including specific goals such as:

  • Judging by administrative goals: evaluate the job completion rate through the previously given KPI system. Based on the results of the completed work to evaluate the capacity of each individual as well as the KPI index to have a basis for rewarding and disciplining...
  • Evaluation according to development goals: consider long-term and short-term development goals of an employee and specify the evaluation indicators clearly. From there, employees will actively develop to achieve the set goals.
  • Evaluation based on the level of work done: The level of work completion is a signal for the manager to best assess the employee's working capacity. From there, businesses have a database to evaluate the organization's personnel qualifications and offer training and skill improvement plans for employees.
Đánh giá năng lực nhân viên theo mục tiêu
Evaluate employee capacity according to goals

Evaluation by form

  • Rating by rank: is the simplest employee evaluation method of the current methods and is widely applied to small-sized companies. Managers only need to compare the performance of employees, then rank from the best to the weakest or vice versa. The ranking criteria include: sales, recruitment quality; annual savings budget…
  • Appreciate staff at the same level: Employees of the same rank will self-evaluate each other based on common criteria that the business has built.
  • Comprehensive Employee Appraisals: This method is not only encapsulated within the enterprise, but it will take data from many sources of opinions such as customers, managers, colleagues, self-assessment employees, etc. provide complete, objective, and fair evaluations.
Đánh giá ngang cấp
Peer review: employees of the same rank evaluate each other

4 Tools to evaluate employee performance

Nowadays there are many employee evaluation software For businesses to choose from, here are the 4 most popular tools:

OKR . goal management

Short for Objectives and Key Results, OKR is a tool deployed to support the management of goals, ensure the cooperation between individuals in the organization takes place throughout, measure the contributions of individuals to help the organization grow. Many famous companies in the world have applied this method such as Twitter, Google, etc. and are now starting to be applied in some large corporations and companies in Vietnam.

Phương pháp quản trị mục tiêu OKR
OKR . goal management method

This is a method of focusing on what must be done instead of judging by the process or the way it works. The elements of OKR can be represented as:

OKR =  Objective (Target) + Key Results (Key effect)

Thus, when businesses set goals according to OKR, it will help individuals and organizations manage their goals more effectively, thereby ensuring that the coordination between individuals in the organization takes place throughout, at the same time. measurable contributions to help the organization grow.

Learn more: How to set up effective OKRs

KPI's performance metrics

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are job performance evaluation indicators, a tool to measure and evaluate work performance. Enterprises develop evaluation criteria and KPIs, and the results are expressed through data, ratios, quantifications, and parameters. From there, it reflects the working efficiency and activities of each individual and department in the enterprise.

KPI là phương pháp đánh giá phổ biến trong doanh nghiệp
KPI is a popular assessment method in businesses

In the practice of corporate governance, KPIs are used to measure success in achieving important goals. Once the KPI is completed or exceeded, the business is considered a success. On the contrary, businesses need to adjust and improve working performance when the KPI achievement rate is lower than desired. This is also a popular method of personnel evaluation today.

The evaluation of KPIs is often cumbersome and time-consuming because it is necessary to develop different sets of criteria depending on each job position, department, department, etc. Therefore, businesses often apply assessment software. KPIs. The highlight is the CoffeeHR KPI software with many features:

  • Build a diverse set of criteria for each object
  • Professional assessment process: Staff self-assessment -> assessment management ->…
  • Multi-way data linkage: sales, work completion rate, etc.
  • Build flexible KPI calculation formulas
  • Return the results to a scale, percentage or grade A, B, C, ..
  • Link and automatically calculate KPI salary, 3P salary calculation, ...
Giao diện báo cáo đánh giá KPI trên phần mềm CoffeeHR
The interface of KPI evaluation reports on CoffeeHR . software

Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard (Balanced ScoreCard - BSC) is a set of metrics that help senior management quickly form a comprehensive view of the business situation. Performance measurement system is established on the aspects: customer, financial, internal operations, training and development. The balanced scorecard also allows businesses to aggregate information in a single report, helping administrators better understand service and quality. From there, the business has an effective improvement plan.

Đánh giá nhân viên bằng thẻ điểm cân bằng
Evaluate employees with a balanced scorecard

Performance leaderboard

With this assessment, the administrator will compare the employee's performance results and rank them from high to low. The ranking criteria can be sales, recruitment quality; annual savings budget... depending on the set of criteria of the business. Thereby, managers have grounds to award bonuses, increase wages, employees are also encouraged, improve work morale.

Bảng xếp hạng hiệu suất
Performance leaderboards boost employee morale

5 Criteria of effective HR evaluation software

As mentioned, HR evaluation software only works effectively when the software ensures the elements of function, manipulation, and is applied to the right object. So what are the criteria for choosing one? Effective HR evaluation software? Take a look at the list of criteria below:

  • Friendly interface: The software has an easy-to-use and easy-to-operate interface that will save time and training costs for businesses
  • The software provides flexible evaluation rights: Employee self-evaluation, department manager, Board of Directors...
Phần mềm CoffeeHR cung cấp quyền đánh giá linh hoạt
CoffeeHR software provides flexible review rights
  • Software that supports evaluation on multiple devices as different as laptops, PCs, phones, etc.
  • The software provides quick reports, accurate, reasonable, helping businesses make human resource decisions
  • Software suitable for many different businesses

Comprehensive staff training and assessment with CoffeeHR . competency assessment software

Top best employee evaluation software today

What is HR software? Manual HR assessment tools and systems are often cumbersome and time consuming. Employee evaluation software is a tool to help automate, optimize and save resources for businesses.

CoffeeHR . software

With the criteria system, multi-dimensional linked data, fair and accurate evaluation lines, the CoffeeHR employee evaluation software help limit emotional judgment. As a result, the working capacity of employees is shown through indicators and ratios that help administrators have a full basis, easily evaluate employees, reward, increase salary or change jobs.

Coffeehr employee evaluation software

Giao diện đánh giá năng lực nhân viên CoffeeHR
Interface for evaluating employee capacity – CoffeeHR . software

>>> See more: Software HRM What? 5 Things To Know When Using

Geckoboard software

The next software you can consider is Geckoboard – a relatively professional employee assessment software with the ability to combine data well and integrate data from many different sources into one platform. This is a centralized employee management solution to help you manage the quality of business activities, investments, marketing, sales, etc. of the whole company. Geckoboard has been trusted by thousands of units and organizations around the world.

Zoho Software

Zoho is known as a relatively comprehensive business CRM software, in addition, Zoho also integrates human resource assessment to help companies maximize employee productivity.

SimpleKPI . software

SimpleKPI is known as a very simple and easy to use KPI model to evaluate employee performance. This software is full of features that allow companies to track metrics related to their business.
Managers can evaluate employee performance individually, as a team, or by department. In addition, the tool also has visual and detailed reports on the overall performance of the entire company.

5 benefits of employee evaluation software

It cannot be denied that compared with traditional methods, the application of Employee competency assessment software brought many benefits to businesses. Here are some outstanding benefits:

lợi ích phần mềm đánh giá nhân viên
5 Outstanding benefits of employee competency assessment software
  1. Provide accurate, transparent results
  2. Save time and manpower
  3. Develop a fair and objective salary and bonus policy from employee evaluation results
  4. Identifying strengths, weaknesses, and working capacity of employees to develop appropriate training and development plans.
  5. Helping businesses make better HR policies

Which businesses need to use employee evaluation software?

The employee evaluation software has been widely applied, but to achieve the best effect, the software must be suitable for the target audience. Here are some types of businesses that should use Employee competency assessment software:

Businesses want to grow

For good growth, businesses need to set up goals and manage those goals in short, medium and long term periods. KPI evaluation methods will give specific figures. Using performance evaluation tools will help businesses see more clearly about employee performance, the level of achievement of organizational goals to make appropriate adjustments, ensuring the speed of growth. head of the business.

Quản trị mục tiêu hiệu quả
Effective goal management helps businesses grow quickly

Businesses want to develop sustainably

For sustainable development, businesses need to have a guaranteed resource factor, along with good management of many set goals: sales goals, personnel goals, size, and personnel qualifications...

Employee evaluation tools will help businesses manage these factors, and at the same time, grasp employee capabilities to have training plans, build corporate culture, towards sustainable development.

Enterprises promote development strategy

Human resources are the core force and directly implement the strategies of the enterprise. The OKR and KPIs goal management methods are very suitable for businesses to apply to promote work morale, manage personnel's personal goals towards the overall goals of the organization.

These methods, especially OKRs, will help connect employees and businesses better, create a positive work culture, and at the same time attract talent from outside to join the organization building, implementing implement the strategies outlined.


Today, the economy is growing at a high rate and moving towards more globalization. The level of competition is also increasing, requiring businesses to improve the quality of human resources to increase opportunities in the market. Job accurate human resource assessment, equity will contribute to building a clear roadmap. Thereby creating the most useful values for business strategies.

With the article and information that CoffeeHR provides, hopefully it will be a useful reference for businesses to choose from. HR evaluation software suitable. With CoffeeHR, we bring In-depth personnel management and evaluation system: KPI assessment, capacity assessment in the form of experts, ASK,… will help businesses in human resource management. Our solution has been operated in many large corporations: SHB Bank, Traphaco, Tan Binh Pharmaceutical, Lotte Finance, King Mattress Store System, ...

Contact now CoffeeHR to receive FREE DEMO Optimal management solution for your Business.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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