Comprehensive time and attendance solution for SMEs

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Changes in the post-Covid era make the manual timekeeping method no longer optimal. So, what benefits can the timekeeping software of the CoffeeHR HR Solution Suite bring to businesses?

Work trends have changed

The Covid pandemic has forced many businesses to change their traditional ways of working. It's from working at the office to working from home. This has led to a new trend of working even when the pandemic is somewhat under control and businesses start to return to a new normal: the hybrid working trend.

Hybrid Work or mixed work model is an option that allows employees to work from home and go to the office on certain days in the work schedule.

According to Microsoft's Work Trend Index report, based on surveys of more than 30,000 people in 31 countries. 70% expects flexible work from home options to continue post-pandemic.

The world's leading technology companies such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook ... all give employees flexible working choices. They can work from home and sometimes come to the office when needed.

Right in Vietnam, the survey shows that: 81% workers want to continue working remotely. But there are also 77% looking forward to seeing colleagues in the office again. To meet the needs of both groups, according to Microsoft, only a flexible working environment can help employees feel secure.

More and more companies in Vietnam or around the world apply this working model. FPT Corporation applies the remote working mode to 6 provinces with serious epidemic situation. The remaining provinces all apply the Hybrid model. Or recently, the US PwC Group - one of the world's four leading auditing groups, has allowed 40,000 employees to work remotely for life.

How does this trend affect corporate governance?

The new working trend poses many challenges for businesses. It is a matter of governance, employee engagement and corporate culture building. How to make sure employees working from home still have the same time as they work at the company? Some businesses apply manual measures such as meeting at the beginning of the roll call, or taking attendance online by text message, etc. These solutions are temporary and very difficult to control. Not to mention when working remotely, the approval processes, applications will not be operated as quickly as when working in person.

Even in the absence of the Covid pandemic, timekeeping by manual methods or using timekeepers is not completely optimal. Human resources can only check and explain the public at the end of the month. When employees go out to work, it is also difficult for businesses to capture the exact time and location of employees going out. Especially when only normal reporting methods are applied via text messages and single words.

Specific math problems

  • How to verify the honesty in checkin, checkout. Even when employees work outside the corporate space?
  • How to control the time to go late, leave early every day to remind.
  • How to quickly process applications, change employees' shifts?
  • How to quickly calculate a complete scoreboard, minimizing errors as possible?
  • When employees work from home, businesses need to ensure two factors: manage employees' working time. Second, a reasonable approach is needed to avoid creating a feeling of undue control. Thereby not reducing work productivity.

Modern CoffeeHR Timekeeping software solution

To adapt to the new working trend, businesses need to change their thinking and management methods. Taking care of employee morale, building employee engagement measures. Or apply technology to business operations.

The trend of digital transformation is taking place more and more strongly. Many online time attendance solutions were born, serving the needs of businesses. So what benefits can CoffeeHR's Time Attendance Solution bring?

Diverse timekeeping methods: Online timekeeping, GPS, FaceID,...

The current working situation requires flexibility to respond to the epidemic. A diversified and flexible timekeeping solution is the first choice of businesses. CoffeeHR offers many options so that no matter where you work, you can still control it effectively and optimally.

  • Direct connection with a variety of timekeepers

With employees working at the office, businesses can keep the usual timekeeping method. CoffeeHR allows connection to many types of timekeepers. Regardless of fingerprint timekeeping, card timekeeping or Face ID timekeeping.

Phần mềm công lương Coffeehr

All attendance data will be poured directly into the software and give accurate statistics. HR can say goodbye to Excel now.

  • Login and time attendance online through the app: simple, convenient, accurate

How to manage employees' working time when they work from home in a subtle way? Attendance meeting every morning, texting to announce attendance, etc. is too manual and outdated. Not to mention these methods also make it difficult for HR when they have to make statistics of "fasting" every day. Employees feel tired and over-controlled.

With CoffeeHR's online timekeeping, it only takes 10 seconds for employees to easily and accurately time attendance. The timekeeping data is poured into the timesheet every day. As a result, HR and employees can track even the smallest developments.

  • GPS contactless timekeeping

Businesses use timekeepers but want to ensure more safety for employees? CoffeeHR offers a contactless timekeeping solution with GPS. Businesses only need to set up the company location and install it semi-closed. On arrival staff will checkin the day. In contrast, the fingerprint scanning method, although familiar, is no longer suitable during the epidemic.

GPS timekeeping method is also applied when employees need to go out to work. For example, going to meet partners, customers, site supervision, etc.

With accurate display of time and attendance data about date, time, location and statistical reports, businesses can automatically and accurately manage their employees – whether they work in the office or outside.

These methods apply not only in the present time but also in the future. Businesses are completely assured when making long-term investments.

Simplify complex shift setup with Timekeeping software

Managing multiple shifts in one day is difficult. Not to mention the fact that employees can sign up for different shifts each week. They also often have the need to ask for overtime, to cancel shifts, to change shifts for colleagues. Most businesses will support this to allow employees to be more active in their work schedule. This is like a form of giving power. However, it will be up to management to check on their own whether such unscheduled shift change requests are feasible in order to make a decision. Too much data is generated, making manual management methods by memory, note paper, whiteboard or Excel file, etc. not "powerful".

Đăng ký làm thêm giờ CoffeeHR

With CoffeeHR, businesses can define their own applicable shifts. Set up the necessary information about the type of shift, the time to start and end the shift. Up to the amount of break time, earliest/latest timeframe for checkin and checkout.

Employees can register their own shifts or management levels can assign and change shifts flexibly. Or even lock shifts when allocations have been confirmed. Both management levels and employees can easily monitor, respond and adjust when errors occur.

Leave management, online application more convenient and faster.

With the manual method, a 200-person business would have at least 200 applications from various categories per month. This makes it very difficult for HR to manage, categorize orders, enter data and track. When businesses work from home, this problem becomes even more complicated.

Chấm công cùng CoffeeHR

CoffeeHR offers a way to register for leave, leave late, leave early, OT, etc. very easily right on the software. Employees can register quickly. Create convenience instead of writing mail, texting or writing application in word. Whether working at the office or at home, Managers can quickly approve with the online browsing process, which is set up according to the business process.

View the work sheet online, explain the work right on the timekeeping software

Is your business having problems aggregating wages every month? Too many violations need to be explained by employees, but they themselves can't remember when a long time has passed.

Unlike other software, when needing to explain, you have to make suggestions. CoffeeHR public software allows employees to monitor and explain the public directly. From the explanation of late arrival, lack of time, absence, .... with different colors for easy tracking.

Phần mềm chấm công coffeeHR

Employees can also actively monitor attendance activities every day. From the actual number of working days, the status of using the authorized funds to the time of coming late, leaving early, working overtime, and working. They don't need to wait until the end of the month. Timekeeping activities become more transparent than ever.

For managers, CoffeeHR provides a visual view with a summary of employees' work details. Including: time to go late, leave early, OT, leave, ... fully from the data input.

Not stopping there, CoffeeHR helps to set up the calculation formulas and transfer the pay table to the salary section automatically.

Give timely warnings on the system

CoffeeHR builds a utility system that includes warnings when public deviations occur. Employees who come to work late, leave early or forget timekeeping, work in the wrong shift, etc. will be reminded by the system. Or the system sends detailed emails to both employees and HR

Intuitive management reports on Timekeeping software

In addition, CoffeeHR built more than 30 available dynamic report fields and customized reports according to business needs. Managers can track quick reports such as:

  • Top 10 employees who are late the most
  • Top 10 employees leaving early
  • Top 10 most OT employees of the year
  • Detailed monthly payroll of all employees
  • Employee's annual leave chart
  • Detailed OT tracking sheet

Phần mềm chấm công báo cáo

If like before, staff C&B it takes a lot of time to filter the data from: timekeeper, single word. Then re-statistical tracking tables on excel and rebuilding into reports. This process takes a long time without avoiding errors.

In contrast, CoffeeHR timekeeping software will give quick and accurate charts and reports in real time. Just a small change in the data, the report immediately adjusts. Fast, accurate down to the second. From there, administrators can make decisions about rewards, penalties or policy adjustments in the most accurate way.


The administrator who accurately calculates the time employees work for better evaluation. But at the same time, a manager doesn't want too tight control. And make employees feel constrained when always being watched. This is the feeling of many people working as human resources or direct managers in Vietnam. With CoffeeHR, these concerns will be gradually resolved. Regardless of working at the company, remotely or meeting with customers, timekeeping is accurate. The data does not overlap, making the HCNS department confused when synthesizing. And employees themselves also feel comfortable when taking the initiative in timekeeping.

CoffeeHR attendance software will be a great support tool in organizational administration. Not only improving the performance of the HR department, creating convenience for management. But also empower all members at the company. Above all, the solution is suitable for all times. Whether it's during quarantine or the new normal.


CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. Contact now to optimize Timekeeping for your Business.
Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459
Facebook: CoffeeHR – HR Coffee

Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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