What is Onboarding? What is the standard onboarding process?

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How to help new employees quickly integrate and engage with the organization is a problem that businesses care about, because finding talent is difficult, retaining talent is even harder. Onboarding is the key to this stage. So What is Onboarding? And how can businesses? build a standard onboarding process? The following article of CoffeeHR will help businesses have more solutions to this problem!

What is Onboarding?

Onboarding is the process of personnel integration in which new personnel are integrated with the organization. Employees will be familiar with the corporate culture, team members, and instructors to confidently and quickly catch up on work. This is the process by which businesses can build culture and trust in new employees, help retain employees longer and increase work efficiency.

What is Onboarding Process?

What is Onboarding Process? Onboarding Process will vary from company to company, mainly due to the different recruitment size and working procedures. For some organisations, the accession process includes an activity day or two; for other organizations, the process may include a series of activities lasting one or more months.

Ấn tượng ngày đầu làm việc
First-day impression is the determining factor in employee's attachment to the company

Activities in the process onboarding process usually includes: new employees complete the initial recruitment process such as providing complete personal information; learn about the organization and its structure, culture, vision, mission and values; get to know your team, your manager; receive equipment and login accounts into the enterprise's system.

Many studies have shown that the first-day impression is one of the reasons for employees to decide whether to stick with the business or not. Therefore, Onboarding process It is the foundation that connects personnel and organizations.

What's the difference between HR Onboarding and Customer Onboarding?

HR Onboarding and Customer Onboarding have similar goals, but different audiences:

HR Onboarding Customer Onboarding
Is the integration process for new employees, carried out within the organization The process of approaching and welcoming new customers.

This process ensures that customers can easily access signed products and services simply and quickly, and integrate their information into the enterprise's database.

The process usually has 4 steps including:

  • Pre Onboarding
  • Welcome new staff
  • Position and role-specific training
  • Provide equipment and support to get employees started.
The process usually has 3 steps:

  • Welcome
  • Service Introduction
  • User manual or training
HR Onboarding
HR Onboarding is the integration process for new employees

Basically, HR Onboarding process is the previous process of Customer Onboarding, businesses experience and model to employees so that they can provide the best experience and knowledge to customers. Helping to take better care of customers, ensuring that customers do not switch to a rival unit during the service experience.

The process of building Customer Onboarding

" See more: Employee training process New and effective for businesses

Benefits when businesses implement Onboarding

Increase employee engagement

According to Gallup research, half of the employees surveyed said that having a friend at work makes them feel connected. From there, work more efficiently and successfully. Especially during the Covid pandemic, the connection at work becomes interrupted, the attachment between individuals in the organization is closely related to the attachment between individuals and businesses.

Procedure Onboarding will increase employee-employee engagement through welcome announcements, warm-up programs, and employee introduction to the team. In addition, it also helps to connect employees with the organization through training activities on the vision and mission of the business.

Onboarding giúp tăng sự gắn kết của nhân viên
Onboarding helps increase employee engagement

Enhance employee experience

The current human resource market is increasingly fiercely competitive because job opportunities are gradually expanding. GenZ new generation HR has more job options. They also appreciate the factors of working environment, experience, and spiritual values more than the previous generation. Therefore, if they are not satisfied, the experience is not good, they easily leave within the first 2 months of working. That is also the reason why many businesses, despite recruiting a lot, do not stick with the organization for a long time.

So that Onboarding process plays an important role, helping to enhance the employee's experience in the first days of joining the organization. Build a Onboarding process Standards will make employees more excited and motivated to work, bringing long-term value to the business.

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Onboarding giúp tăng sự gắn kết cho nhân viên của nhân viên
Onboarding helps increase employee engagement

Better employee retention

Sự công nhận giúp nhân viên cảm thấy mình có giá trị
Good onboarding helps better employee retention

About a quarter of employees quit in the first 90 days of work. This is attributed to the ineffective implementation of the new employee integration process, and the organizations let their employees “support themselves” with a “sink or swim” mindset. The costs associated with replacing an employee can amount to 150% of their annual salary. This includes hidden costs such as reduced productivity, loss of special knowledge and reduced morale of remaining employees. Employee retention can save a company thousands of dollars.

Applying this, Ernst & Young Group has saved more than 40 million USD over the years thanks to reduce turnover rate. With the same method, within just two years, First Tennessee Corporation increased its profit by $106 million.

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Attracting talent

Businesses have to spend a lot of money to build recruitment brands, set up reward mechanisms for employees to refer new people to the organization. Understand What does onboarding mean? and build a Onboarding process Professionalism will help employees feel appreciated and impressed, they can introduce to many people around such as friends and relatives. In addition, along with the development of social networks, many company groups are opened so that employees can review their good and bad experiences at work. So if it makes a good impression on newcomers, the business can be mentioned as an example of a good place to work – free communication to another set of potential candidates.

thu hút nhân tài
Onboarding helps attract talent

Promote corporate culture

văn hoá doanh nghiệp
Onboarding helps new employees better understand the corporate culture

By establishing professionalism from day one, businesses build a strong culture within the company of employees being valued, taught, and supported. New employees immediately understand and feel welcome by the company, and existing employees see that the workforce is valued. The company's specific values are clearly communicated.

At Zenefits, the company's CEO will meet with new employees and give a short speech to welcome them to the company. This is a great time to review the mission statement of the business with the new hires, help them understand the working style, the vision of the business to adjust and understand the company culture.

Increase work efficiency

New hires often need the better part of a year to reach peak productivity. They need time to integrate into the business with a new role, balancing tasks such as understanding the organization, building relationships to create cross-functional teams.

Onboarding giúp tăng cường hiệu quả làm việc
Onboarding enhances work efficiency

The right employee onboarding can speed up this process, reduce the time it takes to master a job, and improve productivity. Statistics compiled by Click Boarding, a referral software company in Eden Prairie, Minn., show: Organizations have onboarding process professional will bring higher new recruitment productivity than 50%.

A great onboarding process can include setting goals, conducting a preliminary employee competency assessment to create training plans, stating the job position and requirements, establishing a roadmap. honors for personnel. LinkedIn's Workforce Learning 2021 report shows 70% managers say employees who spend more time learning are more satisfied with their jobs. Employees become more productive when they are happy with their current job, instead of spending time and energy looking for new opportunities.

Here are 4 steps onboarding process Business standards:

Standard 4-step onboarding process for businesses

Stage 1: Pre-Onboarding

This is an important stage in the process of building onboarding process Because even if the candidate has already accepted the offer, it is not certain that they will join the organization. Therefore, providing an experience before officially joining will increase the competitive factor to help businesses retain candidates better.

Chuẩn bị chào đón từ khi nhân viên chưa chính thức ra nhập tổ chức
Prepare to welcome since employees have not officially joined the organization

Some businesses begin the Pre-Onboarding process as soon as a job offer is accepted, often as activities to link new employees to the organization. Eg:

  • Invite employees to visit facilities and branches
  • Send a letter or email to employees with information about the organization, including benefits information, org chart, and company documents.
  • Send care packages for newbies: can include cookies, coffee, coffee mugs with your company logo, or other logo apparel.
  • Match the new employee with a friend before the first day of work to answer basic questions (e.g. What's the dress code? What can be expected on my first day? What can employees do on their first day? Where do you tend to eat?)

Stage 2: Orientation – Welcoming new employees

Welcoming new employees is the official stage to introduce new employees. At this time, new employees do not know anyone and do not understand how to work to fit the corporate culture, so it is necessary to ensure that new employees can see the big picture of the organization, make announcements and Detailed instructions for personnel.

Phân chia nhiệm vụ cho từng bộ phận
Division of duties for each department

Some large businesses have a professional welcome process that will divide tasks for each department as follows:

  • Human resouces department: Complete and collect employee paperwork (e.g. forms, benefits); announcement of business hours, introduction of the organization's history and background, organization chart; visit the facility.
  • Training department: Provide integrated program accounts; conduct lectures and discuss organizational culture and corporate goals; Review company videos.
  • Manager: Discuss duties and responsibilities, work behavior, standards and expectations; introduce team members and other members of the organization; Consider other roles and relationships within the department.
  • Peers: Share how the team works, how to get work done, how to find/requisition tools and equipment, and where to get support.
  • Executive team: Help employees understand the mission, vision, values, strategic goals and objectives of the organization; review roles and responsibilities at superiors; Describe the organizational culture.
  • Mentor/best friend: Introduce team members and others in the organization, review informal rules and policies, answer daily questions.

This process can be overwhelming for new employees and is therefore best done in a few days or a week, if possible.

Stage 3: Role Specific Training – Role-specific training

The training phase is also an equally important stage, because employees will know what they need to do, grasp the knowledge needed to complete the job well. Enterprises also conduct employee skills assessment. This will help managers assess the knowledge and abilities of new hires and develop a role-specific training plan tailored to their skill sets.

Giai đoạn đào tạo cũng là giai đoạn quan trọng không kém
The training phase is equally important

Some of the training content is often done in the process of personnel integration:

  • Employee's main responsibilities
  • Job-specific tools they may need to use
  • About learning courses and corporate learning accounts
  • Conduct post-training assessment tests
  • Make sure new hires have everything they need to understand what their role will look like in the first weeks and months.

It can take a few months for a new employee to get acquainted with and understand the company's products, markets or customer base. Training will ensure that the knowledge employees have are correct and meet the requirements of the business, also help employees feel they are supported and part of the organization. Always ensure employees are given instructions, opportunities to respond and ask questions.

" Looking for more information: The Onboarding hidden costs that businesses should pay attention to

Stage 4: Ongoing Support

This is the final stage of the HR integration process, helping employees transition from the role of a new employee to a full-time employee. During the day phase, the manager should set out the team's work goals so that employees know what they need to do and set personal goals.

Giúp nhân viên đạt được các mục tiêu
Help employees achieve their goals as a full-time employee

The better way to support is to set goals for employees or help them build a personal goal system, help them visualize the work picture, orient and show them the way to success. achieve goals, improve work quality and productivity. Evaluate employees periodically after a month/quarter/year to determine work performance, recognize employee achievements, praise their efforts. This will help employees have a higher work ethic, devote themselves to the organization.

onboarding date là gì
Example of a standard onboarding process

See more How to build an effective onboarding process

Incorporating CoffeeHR human resource management software in the onboarding process

To standardize Onboarding processEnterprises have applied many parts of human resource integration management. In which, CoffeeHR is evaluated as a software that can comprehensively manage the entire joining process of employees with benefits for businesses such as:

  • Automate the whole process of welcoming new employees: Portal is created automatically, sent to employees before they officially enter the company with personal information, team, manager, ... ensuring employees feel secure to join and stick with organization.
Giao diện quy trình Onboarding trên phần mềm CoffeeHR
Onboarding process interface on CoffeeHR . software
  • Make connections between new personnel and the organization: With the My team function, new employees can track team members and departments to quickly get acquainted and catch up on work. At the portal, employees can find pre-set documents as soon as they log in. In addition, they can also update the company's policies, regulations, events easily.
  • Motivating employees to work: New hires can track their entire career path. The detailed information of the CareerPath Tree helps them have clear descriptions of the positions and the respective requirements. From there, employees understand what additional competencies they need to achieve to achieve the desired position. They also recognize their own strengths and weaknesses to actively register for the organization's training courses and propose additional training courses.
Giao diện CareerPath trên phần mềm CoffeeHR
CareerPath interface on CoffeeHR . software
  • The “paperless” process saves time for HR: digital signature and electronic contract operated on the same system will solve many problems. For example, in cases where the printer is damaged, the power is out, etc. or the contract and proposal forms are lost. With CoffeeHR, HR can send forms to their people in seconds and track their progress until it's completed.

Refer to CoffeeHR . software here.


Understand What is Onboarding? and build Onboarding process Good gives employees clarity and motivates them to explore the organization without hesitation. Once the onboarding process is complete, employees will feel part of the company. In addition, knowing what Onboarding means properly brings many benefits to businesses such as improved productivity, impact on revenue; Improving employee retention makes a significant impact on business results.

Is your HR department struggling to really build an effective employee referral system? Please contact CoffeeHR for immediate advice Onboarding Process Professional and effective management tools.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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