What is On the Job Training (OJT)? Effective OJT training process for businesses

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Human resources are considered the backbone of an enterprise. Each personnel change affects the operation more or less. The replacement of new people means that businesses face parallel opportunities and risks. That's why every business needs a program on the job training (OJT) to invest in the quality of human resources. So What is on the job training??

What is On the Job Training (OJT)?

On the job training (OJT) means on-the-job training. OJT is a program designed to help employees gain hands-on knowledge in the workplace. This type of OJT training involves employees using the resources available to them in their workplace.

On the job training là gì?
What is on the job training?

OJT allows them to learn and integrate into the daily working environment. Experienced managers, HR team members and colleagues will provide in-house training.

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Classification On the job training

On the job training (OJT) is divided into 2 types: planned and spontaneous OJT.

Phân loại OJT
OJT . Classification
  • OJT plans to: The program is designed systematically, based on what employees need to know, with a specific outline and implementation plan. OJT in this way will usually be more expensive but provide better performance.
  • Spontaneous OJT: Although inexpensive, it is often ineffective. Spontaneous OJT is conducted like “following people around” or “sitting next to someone to watch”. This makes the company not use resources properly and new employees are also easily discouraged and do not learn much knowledge.

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12 Benefits of On the Job Training

Benefits come from On the job training will affect different target groups:

Lợi ích của OJT
Benefits of OJT


  • Increase employee satisfaction and motivation. Higher work productivity thanks to OJT.
  • Confident, develop in the assigned work
  • Guaranteed safety


  • Easier to assign work to lower-level employees
  • Fewer staff complaints
  • Increase teammates
  • Save time

Our Customers

  • The OJT training program helps customers receive consistent, attentive service, with no reason to complain.
  • Quality products and services worth the cost thanks to OJT


  • Ensure uniform service for the company
  • Increase revenue, efficiency, increase customer loyalty and reduce customer complaints at the same time.
  • Having a team of loyal and skilled employees for the business

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5 steps of OJT process for businesses

To successfully use OJT need the following 5 basic steps.

Quy trình OJT
OJT . Process

Identify the target audience and the knowledge and skills to be trained

As you know, analysis is the fundamental skill required for the success of the training program. Need to determine:

  • What are broad goals?
  • What is strategy?
  • Community reputation
  • Productivity?
  • Profit?
  • Long-term goals

Once you answer all of the above, keep them in mind and do the rest of the assessment. You need to list the qualifications, knowledge, hard skills, and soft skills that the job requires.

Xác định các vấn đề
Identify problems

You are building the definition of an ideal employee for the job can do. Then list the skills most interviewees have. Finally, review the times you asked the employee to redo that part of the job, the communication glitches. Things that slow down your work.

Now, you have visualized the difference between what employees need and what they have. That is the void. And that gap is where you will train and fill.

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Plan your training

Decide which format and document will best fit your business workplace goals:

  • Class style training
  • Adviser
  • Structured program

Most structured on-the-job training is the most basic, task-oriented, and useful for all employees performing repetitive, repetitive tasks. Using the company's standard checklist of required tasks, the coach works with the new employee. When the new employee has demonstrated the necessary skills, they will log out to get started.

Lên kế hoạch đào tạo
Plan your training

Even so, if the work is more fluid than repetitive, you will need a coach who is a skilled teacher. Not everyone learns the same way. A good instructor must determine how an employee learns in order to effectively apply the training to them.

Some employees learn by:

  • Practice through simulation or real missions
  • Organize some group activities to increase feelings and authentic personal experiences
  • Inspire yourself with self-sufficient and independent activities
  • Enjoys independent activities, reading or taking tests
  • Learn through instructor lectures

You may not be able to tailor the entire course to each learning style. But at least it allows you to create a set of possible options. For example, you can let new employees choose to take a written test, or role-play to demonstrate their new knowledge.

Prepare documents

You define what training should look like, and you can find and store documentation to define training goals in several places:

  • Company handbook
  • Knowledge base
  • Industrial Resources
  • Online resources
  • Small business administration
  • Related programs
  • US Department of Labor

On-the-job training is rarely a one-time event and trains periodically throughout an employee's career.

  • Learn about corporate policies
  • How to work the factory line
  • How to respond to customers
  • Using the new system
  • How to fill in business expenses and financial statements for reimbursement
  • Update on system contact information change
  • How does the new law affect employees and their jobs?
  • Training course on corporate team spirit training
Chuẩn bị tài liệu
Prepare documents

Essentially training should be an ongoing issue. Because most employees, depending on their job, will need to be notified when the business changes. Designing multiple on-the-job training programs is exactly what you want your employees to achieve before moving on to the next section.

At the end of each section, define how you will measure employee success. Do they need to show off their skills to you? Pass the examination? Response scenario? Each goal should have a definite success that needs to be met before the employee moves on to the next step.

Train with the right instructors

Implementing a training program is indeed not easy. Before you join, make sure you know the best people who will conduct the training. Whether it's a manager, co-worker, or designated mentor or training coordinator.

Đào tạo nhân sự
Personnel training

You can also choose to outsource and use an in-house coordinator to work with the company handling the training. This is useful when you don't have the resources or knowledge to conduct training successfully or where a system or device is highly specialized.

Performance Management

You can completely determine how successful your on-the-job training program is with a simple ask-and-go approach. You use a carefully planned survey that allows anonymity and consider giving out the survey in time. Immediately after, or several months after training.

Improved employee performance will always have a positive impact on business profitability and growth. Visible improvement in employees can be measured by comparing performance indicators from pre-training to post-training.

Đánh giá kết quả
Result evaluation

You can also implement a way to monitor your business's employee retention. Are your trained employees staying longer? Some things are harder to measure like customer service and attitude.

Observing and talking to managers will help you become more aware of what is going on in different departments in the business. If you see improvement in your workplace culture in line with the achievement of company performance goals, that's what you've been looking for.

Some notes to make the OJT process effective and meaningful

  • Managers need to plan specific and detailed for the program On the job training and must be updated regularly
  • The ADDIE model is especially useful for businesses to start setting up a private course
  • Actual situation assessment (A): What knowledge and skills do your employees need to do their best work?
  • Design): What will the on-the-job training program framework look like?
  • Development (D): What does the enterprise need to train, the implementation time and the method applied for the training?
  • Implementation (I): How will the company implement its training program?
  • Process Evaluation (E): How to evaluate the effectiveness of the program on the job training?
Một số lưu ý
Some note
  • Managers should set up a questionnaire or survey for their employees. For example, employees before training starts, how employees expect to learn and change after training
  • In the training program, it is advisable for employees to self-assess their adaptability and level of development. After completing the training, ask employees if their goals were met? Let them answer the question incognito mode as this will increase the objectivity of the answer.
  • If on the job training constantly updated and going well will attract forward-thinking employees. From there, employees can be more committed to the development of the business.
  • Measuring and determining if the training method is really effective is important in understanding the likelihood of success on the job training. Will the employees get better? Performance before and after training sessions? Attrition rate, employees are more engaged thanks to training? It is from those notes that will suggest businesses how to change training accordingly.

See more Video What is On the job training?


As such, it is really important to have on-the-job training for employees by skilled teachers in a certain field. That greatly affects and determines the success and sustainable development of each business. Therefore, businesses need to pay attention and learn about What is on the job training? and effective implementation will contribute to making the business stronger in the future.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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