6 Sample recruitment notices for standard departments 2023

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Recruitment announcement is the most important step in the process of conveying information about 1 or more positions of enterprises and companies on communication channels when there is a need to recruit new personnel. Here are 6 recruitment notice template today's most standard, applicable to many industries, helping businesses attract candidates.

The role of recruitment notices for businesses

Recruiting personnel plays an extremely important role for agencies, units and businesses. To attract more talent, businesses must find ways to offer recruitment notice template attractive as a "magnet" for candidates to see that your company is a "promised land", worthy of their trust and investment.

Vai trò của thông báo tuyển dụng
The role of recruitment notice

Indispensable contents in the recruitment announcement

Các thông tin cần có trong thông báo tuyển dụng nhân sự
Information to be included in the recruitment notice

General information about the business

Business overview is an extremely important part of recruiment anouncement Because it is the face of the whole business. You must let the candidates know who you are, where you are located, what the field of activity is… and it is best to say briefly about the first 3-4 lines in the post. Showing your business is a "fertile" ground to help new candidates trust and choose your company as a place for them to apply and develop themselves.

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Position and number of vacancies

Like the general introduction, the position and number of vacancies also need to be clearly stated, avoiding rambling so that candidates can easily grasp the information. For quantity, businesses should prioritize using numbers instead of words. The job position should be bold or highlighted to attract the candidate's eye. Only when knowing the needs of the employer can the candidate send a CV to make the recruitment process easier and faster.

Vị trí số lượng cần tuyển dụng
Position quantity need to recruit

Detailed Job Description

Mẫu tổng quan bảng mô tả công việc
Job Description Overview Template

The job description is one of the most important parts of a job application form. Candidates will use the description to determine if they are qualified for this job. Therefore, in this description, it is necessary to briefly, easily understand and fully describe what needs to be done so that the candidate can grasp the information in the most effective way.

>>> See more: Construction steps recruitment process Standard for business

Specific salary and working time

Salary is something that every candidate is interested in, so you can't miss this information application form. The job posting will be more attractive if you have more information about the salary promotions during the work. You can leave a specific salary or leave it "agreed salary" so that candidates have the opportunity to nominate their own salary.

Working time is also required for candidates to know if you are hiring part time or full time? Deadline for submission curriculum vitae what day is it?… Answer all these questions for them!

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Mức lương và thời gian làm việc
Salary and working hours

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Benefits received by the candidate

In the whole sample recruiment anouncement, it can be said that the candidate's benefits are the deciding factor whether the business mailbox is filled or not. In this section, enterprises need to clearly state the benefits enjoyed by the candidate during the working process, the remuneration regimes such as social insurance, health insurance, etc. These attractive information will help employers stimulate candidates to submit more profile.

The address to receive the application, the address where the candidate will work

To avoid worrying about losing time for interviews, training, etc. then the candidate will quit his job just because of the distance. Employers need to clearly and accurately present this item in the recruitment information to avoid wasting both parties' time.

Employer contact information

Businesses need to leave a contact method such as phone number, working address. Usually, this information is often left by employers at the end of the job posting. From here, candidates can apply online via email or contact directly by phone number to find out more information before deciding to apply.

Thông tin liên hệ của nhà tuyển dụng
Employer contact information

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6 Recruitment notice templates that attract the most candidates

With the need to expand the market, scale, etc., the recruitment demand in enterprises and companies is increasing. Create standard and beautiful job advertisements with accurate and attractive information to make a good impression on candidates. CoffeeHR has compiled 6 recruitment notice template The most current standard for your reference.

Các mẫu thông báo tuyển dụng nhân sự ứng viên
Samples of recruitment notices for candidates

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Employee recruitment notice form

Due to the characteristics of the job, factories and enterprises always recruit workers in large numbers. Because without workers, they will not be able to operate smoothly and on schedule. So that, recruiment anouncement are also regularly posted to find candidates, so they need to provide the most specific and attractive information to entice employees.mẫu thông báo tuyển dụng công nhân

Employee recruitment notice template. Source: Binh Minh Plastic Joint Stock CompanyIn the promotion, workers in this industry do not need too much information. To be most attractive, recruiters often leave some information such as recruitment number, salary, working address and contact information for candidates to understand.

Basic recruitment notice template

Mẫu thông báo tuyển dụng nhân sự
Recruitment notice form

In the recruitment notice, the employer needs to fully mention the basic information so that the candidate knows if they are suitable for the position or the company. The information includes: position applying for, job requirements, application time, location, ...

Sample recruitment notice for the position of sales staff

Salesperson recruitment form Need to pay attention to the skills, work experience and professional qualifications of the candidate, etc. For this recruitment notice template, the employer needs to refine the wording to attract more candidates.

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Mẫu tuyển dụng nhân viên bán hàng
Salesperson recruitment form

Sample recruitment notice for sales staff

Sales staff is a department that needs a lot of skills, expertise and diligence. Therefore, business staff recruitment notice template need to be polite and fully state the requirements required to avoid midway leave or the candidate's virtual profile, the employer needs to state the most truthful and accurate information.

mẫu tuyển dụng nhân viên kinh doanh
Business staff recruitment form

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Application form for recruitment of office staff

The recruitment of office staff is more permanent. Therefore, recruitment notice also needs to be more professional. You can include more benefits information to attract more applicants.

Mẫu tuyển dụng nhân viên văn phòng
Office staff recruitment form

> See more: Construction steps recruitment process Standard for business

Creative and attractive recruitment notice templates today

Current job postings are mostly filled with words and letters in a monotonous way, causing a feeling of boredom.

Therefore, to be able to attract more candidates, especially young generation Z, employers can use infographics to create a job advertisement. This way of posting will receive more love because it is both rich, with few words and still full of content.

Mẫu tuyển dụng sáng tạo
Creative and attractive recruitment template today
Mẫu tuyển dụng phù hợp với thê hệ gen Z
Recruitment template suitable for generation Z
Mẫu thông báo tuyển dụng đẹp, sáng tạo
Beautiful and creative recruitment notice template

How an effective job advertisement

Download now the popular word file recruitment notice template


Download now at:

The most popular recruitment notice template today  


Working environment, opportunities and challenges will be different in enterprises and companies. Therefore, the recruitment notice template The above also needs to change depending on the job and vacancies. In addition, you can be more creative in your announcements based on trends to attract more candidates.

Above is 06 recruitment notice template Help recruiters choose suitable and effective job postings.


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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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