What is Leadership? What qualities and skills does a good leader need?

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To be a good leader, you have to understand What is leadership?? Or need the qualities and skills to manage the team better? Above all, what do you need to do to cultivate yourself to be a good boss? In the new era, managers don't just stop at followers and assign jobs. A good leader is someone who inspires at the right time and makes the right decisions. Here are 11 qualities and skills you need to increase your leadership. Let's learn more about leadership through CoffeeHR's article.

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What is Leadership?

Leader is a leader, a person who directs and plans goals for the team behind.. Not only acting as a manager, the leader needs to have the skills to lead the staff to develop and go. according to the established strategy. Therefore, leadership requires certain qualities and soft skills to be able to manage effectively.

4 Qualities required in a Leader

Create a vision of the future

In business, a vision is seen as a direction that you want to achieve in the long-term future. Building a vision needs to be realistic, persuasive, and have a clear “road map” to help you achieve it. A leader should not always be satisfied with the present but need to have a long-term view.

Nhà lãnh đạo giỏi là người có tầm nhìn tốt
A good leader is someone with a good vision

To create a vision, leaders can use different analysis tools such as SWOT, USP, PEST or M.Porter's 5 competitive forces model. Focusing on assessing the internal situation of the business and the surrounding environment helps managers have the most comprehensive picture. From there, make decisions and define a more accurate vision.

When the vision is given, the leader must be the one to communicate with subordinates about that goal and direction. A compelling vision needs to be emotional, to be heard, seen, and understood. If your vision is too far away, it will be difficult for employees to catch and execute, making the vision forever only on the page. Therefore, the best leaders know how to create stories and interpret visions in an emotional and relatable way.

Motivate subordinates

Once you have a vision, the next important thing is that everyone on the team is moving towards that direction, not just the leader. At this point, the ability of the leader to motivate and inspire is the catalyst to help them perform.

According to “expectation theory”, there are two things that a good leader needs to know in conjunction to communicate to other members:

  • Expect that hard work leads to good results
  • Expecting that good results will come with decent rewards

" See more: What is a CEO?? 5 Qualities to be a successful CEO

Liên tục thúc đẩy động lực trong nhân viên
Continuously promote motivation in employees to quickly achieve common goals

In fact, an individual always tries their best because they believe the reward is at the end of the road. Therefore, the above “expectation theory” is a good way to motivate people to work harder and work more efficiently. Many leaders use perks to increase the value of rewards through empowerment. That is to give that individual the right to assign work or the right to pay bonuses to people. However, applying this method too much can be "beneficial and harmful".

Besides, if the leader has a specific expertise in a field, they are more likely to inspire and create admiration for individuals in the same field.

Ability to effectively manage and allocate work

A good leader is someone who knows how to lead. Through effective personnel management and task allocation, it is easier for a leader to ensure the completion of goals and more success in transferring tasks. Therefore, management qualities are indispensable in a leader. At the same time, each team needs to set a common vision that aligns with performance goals. Thereby, the work is carried out thoroughly and thoroughly.

Phân bổ công việc cho từng cá nhân
Allocate work to each individual, avoiding the situation of embracing work

Coaching and building a strong team

The development of each individual will bring great benefits to the development of the group. Therefore, training and team building is a must-have activity of every leader. You might consider using the Belbin model or Bruce Tuckman's team development.

Leader cần liên tục đào tạo nhân viên của mình
Leaders need to continuously train and share experiences with their employees

When understanding the team's motivation at work, the leader is the one who ensures that each individual has enough capacity to complete his or her job well. Through regular communication, direct feedback, or regular training, it's easy for a leader to assess an employee's growth and improvement.

What skills does a good leader need?

The skills that a good leader possesses include:

  • Give decision
  • Problem solving
  • Employee Inspiring
  • Planning
  • Time management
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Empower and trust

Give decision

Assertiveness is an essential quality that all leaders must possess. As a moderator, you don't have much time to weigh each option. Therefore, the leader must know how to identify the least risky option that brings the most optimal efficiency and quickly make the appropriate decision.

Good work judgment helps leaders better grasp opportunities and challenges. At the same time, it helps to allocate work and optimize human resources effectively. This is also a way for the leader to show his level and gain credibility. Therefore, leaders need to regularly cultivate and improve their knowledge in many different specialties.

Đưa ra quyết định nhanh chóng
Make a quick decision after considering the options

Problem solving

All businesses and teams have different problems. With the position of a manager, they should not avoid the problem but should be the one to solve or guide the whole team to solve it. Therefore, skills in problem detection and solving are very important. In addition, they also need ingenuity in behavior so that the problem is handled thoroughly, effectively and fairly.

Employee Inspiring

Motivation is key to an employee's dedication and to a team's success in what they do. A manager with leadership Good people know how to boost performance and inspire employees every day. From there, employees have the foundation to maximize their potential.

According to Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick, successful managers always have a way of recognizing employees' merit. From praise, commendation or physical rewards, these are all ways to encourage team members. In addition, the leader must know how to create a connection space between members, helping them to be more connected with the organization and their mission.

Tạo động lực bằng những phần thưởng xứng đáng
Motivate with well-deserved rewards

Another way to inspire employees is to give them the opportunity to grow. Encourage a culture of learning and development by organizing internal training sessions, sharing experiences from the leader himself.


A detailed plan is a tool that helps all members orient themselves on what they need to do to achieve the overall goals of the organization. Therefore, leaders need to have a clear and feasible plan. They are the ones who directly manage the implementation process and put the plan into practice.

First, you need to understand the overall goals of the organization, of the department, and of each group. Then come up with different options based on budget and human resources. Next, answer the questions about opportunities and obstacles if implementing that option. Finally, use measurement tools and models to make the most appropriate decisions.

Time management

Time best represents the performance of an individual or a team. Good time management not only increases the quality of work but also demonstrates the capacity of a team. Especially for leaders, they are the ones who plan and run, so it requires good time management skills. Right now, their time is collective time. Allocating work properly, ensuring the right schedule even when there are problems is an important skill.

Quản lý thời gian cá nhân và cả đội nhóm
Individual and team time management is an important skill

List the tasks that need to be completed by day, week, month, etc. Then arrange them in order of priority and attach specific deadlines. As an individual leader, you need to practice discipline and set your own rules to best manage your time.

Communication and presentation skills

To communicate and present effectively, the leader needs a certain tact and sophistication. Not only is it sharp in seeing the problem and the surrounding environment, but it is also flexible in choosing how to communicate. Good communication not only makes it easier for managers to communicate between employees, and is more persuasive to employees.

In addition, body language is also a factor managers need to consider. Pay attention to the body language of those around you to capture the atmosphere of the exchange. And above all always listen to people sharing opinions on common issues.

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Empower and trust

Delegating and delegating work is important in Leadership. But in reality, not all managers can do this. To make the most of corporate governance, a leader must have the skills to empower and delegate tasks.

Trao quyền và giao việc cho nhân viên
Empower and assign work to employees so they have the opportunity to develop further

Empowerment helps you allocate work in the team better, avoiding the situation of embracing work or running after employees. Besides, employees feel they are recognized and trusted by the boss. Thereby increasing the overall productivity of the whole team and motivating employees. When they receive credibility, employees themselves feel connected and important in the organization.

For departments, departments or projects with many members, managers need to delegate authority and know how to assign tasks. This is essential for an organization to grow sustainably.

Software to help manage effectively for Leadership

In the process of managing a business, a leader will certainly face certain difficulties, regardless of whether you have all the above-mentioned qualities. Managers can apply technology in managing people, eliminating manual work and having time to focus on cultivating themselves to be a better boss.

CoffeeHR software interface for leaders

With CoffeeHR – Advanced Human Resource Management Software, managers will:

  • Capture information, lifecycle of all employees quickly, fully
  • Track employee attendance through Mobile App anytime, anywhere, instead of unsophisticated inquiries
  • Quickly approve recommendations, suggestions, requests from employees. Avoid the case of prolonging the work
  • Internal social network to support interaction and communication from leaders - employees
  • Evaluate employee performance and capacity on a regular, intuitive basis with CoffeeHR
  • Survey tool to support listening to employees' opinions
  • Manage training through tests or recommend training content.
  • Intuitive reporting system for strategic decision making
  • Monitor changes in personnel and budget. Provide the most comprehensive picture of the health of the organization


Understand the meaning of the concept What is leadership?, the easier it is to equip yourself with the skills and qualities to become a better leader. It is not difficult to become a manager, but to be trusted by the members, trust is something that not all leaders can do..

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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