What is HSE? Salary and job requirements of HSE employees

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Currently, in the context of strict requirements in the working environment, special attention is being paid. In the face of health and safety risks and risks, the concept of What is HSE? born. So so that you can understand more about HSE CoffeeHR, please share some useful information about this concept, please stay tuned!

What is HSE?

HSE is an abbreviation for 3 words HealthSafetyEnvironment, translated in Vietnamese as Health - Safety - Environment. In all labor processes, there are many potential risks and risks of unsafety for people and the environment.

Therefore, HSE is an occupational safety engineer with very important responsibility to ensure safety and hygiene for the working environment of the company, enterprise, production and construction activities.

Engineer HSE will propose solutions to organize a safe working environment, helping to eliminate the dangerous factors that cause occupational accidents and harmful environmental factors that cause occupational diseases. Let's find out What is HSE? below you!

định nghĩa hse
What is HSE?

In each enterprise, depending on the size and organization, they often clearly define the functions and duties of the profession. Therefore, there are different names such as HSE, SHE. QHSE. The first letter will be the main job of the employee at that organization. However, in general, all of them are aimed at the common goal of ensuring safety, health and working environment during the working process.

The important role of the HSE in the enterprise is in charge of the implementation of occupational safety measures. Besides, they also apply measures to prevent accidents and risks that may occur during work. This helps limit injuries to the health and lives of employees as well as financial losses of the business.

vai trò của hse
The important role of HSE in business

Good implementation of safety work will help employees have peace of mind to work and contribute to improving efficiency in the enterprise. Meanwhile, each business can limit the damage to property due to a huge accident. On the other hand, HSE also helps businesses build trust and bring success and sustainable development in the future for businesses.

In the event that the enterprise does not implement occupational safety measures, employees will have to work in a hazardous and accident-prone environment while working. In the long run, their health will be seriously damaged and face life-threatening risks. Most businesses cannot ensure a safe working environment, which will cause employees to lose confidence in the business and difficult to attract talent, leading to difficulty in future development.

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What is an HSE certificate?

HSE certification is a very important factor to evaluate the practice capacity of occupational safety staff in the enterprise. Besides, in the recruitment process, HSE certificate is mandatory for candidates to attend.

chứng chỉ hse
What is an HSE certificate?

With this HSE certificate, it means that the candidate has enough knowledge in the profession, capable of undertaking jobs specializing in safety - health - environment. Some jobs that require HSE certification are HSE Specialist or otherwise known as HES, SHE:

  • Labor protection officer
  • Specialist in management and supervision of working conditions
  • Occupational risk analyst and assessor
  • Department in charge of improving working conditions

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HSE . policies

Policy What is HSE? Known as the laws that are created with the goal of protecting employees in the enterprise from dangers in the process of working. Some specific provisions of the HSE policy are as follows:

  • Ensure the health and safety of employees in the enterprise.
  • Maintain a safe and healthy working environment for the company and the organization.
  • Need to comply with labor safety laws of Vietnam and international.
  • The company or organization must ensure to create a professional working environment and conditions, ensuring the safety and health of employees.
  • The company will have a duty to disseminate the HSE policy so that employees understand their rights.
  • Conduct research and assess the risk of harm to the environment and people in the process of working.
chính sách của hse
HSE's Policy

Job Description of HSE . Staff

We have learned the concept What is HSE?Here, let's find out in detail about the job description of an occupational safety engineer:

  • HSE . Occupational Safety Engineer who will perform the tasks of supervising all production activities in the enterprise. They will be responsible for urging and reminding employees to follow labor safety regulations and keep the working environment hygienic in the enterprise.
  • Engineers will monitor and check the safety of workers, all equipment and machinery used in production as well as construction.
  • Develop a standard framework, key contents and principles to be applied to ensure occupational safety according to the State's orientation in specific industries. Based on state regulations, HSE employees will develop these contents to ensure occupational safety for employees of the enterprise. The HSE will carefully calculate the risks as well as propose scientific solutions to improve the effectiveness of ensuring occupational safety.
  • In the event of occupational safety and health problems, engineer HSE is the one who checks the problem, investigates the cause, and finds the best solution for the business.
  • To be the exporter of scientific solutions to improve the efficiency and quality assurance of occupational safety.

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công việc của nhân viên hse
Work of HSE staff
  • HSE engineers will perform an environmental impact assessment in accordance with international standards. From there, make a plan to monitor, check and take remedial measures as well as minimize the negative impacts on the working environment.
  • In addition, the responsibility of What is HSE? is to identify the risk and assess the risk, to take control measures,. Ensure to reduce risks and overcome problems related to machines, equipment and workers to ensure safety during work. In particular, HSE engineers need to ensure that the machines and equipment are installed correctly and safely when used in the business.
  • The work of preparing strategies and developing internal policies to ensure the health and safety of employees in the enterprise. Proposing and implementing all programs of input health check, periodical medical examination for employees. And at the same time monitor the health status and occupational diseases of all employees during the working period.
  • In concept What is HSE? The job is to guide and conduct internal training for managers and employees on occupational safety issues, health protection and safety accidents at work.

Roles & Responsibilities of an HSE . Employee

HSE là người nắm giữ vai trò quyết định
HSE is the one who holds the decisive role

If you are in the department HSE then you must know that your responsibility is extremely great when it comes to many other employees and most of the company's assets:

  • Have the right to suspend the operation of unsafe and expired machinery and equipment
  • Participate in comments on issues related to occupational safety and health, prepare and approve the design project, organize the receipt and use of equipment in the factory.
  • For workers

HSE employees are like "voices" of employees. Employee jobs HSE To do is to help workers to be safe and healthy. Only in this way can productivity and efficiency be improved

  • For Businesses 

On the organizational side, HSE employees help create a safe working environment. This not only minimizes possible damages and risks but also builds trust and prestige image with employees. Even attracting many talented people to work. In addition, if the enterprise fails to implement occupational safety measures, it will also be subject to a fine for violating the law. In more severe cases, business may be suspended.

What knowledge and skills do HSE staff need to prepare?

To become a qualified HSE employee, there are some basic requirements below.

Knowledge and qualifications

  • Although industry What is HSE? Although not widely and intensively trained in our country, but in order for an engineer to be able to take on this important role, it is necessary to have qualifications and expertise in related fields such as environment or labor protection.
  • That engineer needs to master all the provisions of the ISO international standard. Understand that they need to have knowledge of specific standards in the law, assess risks as well as make recommendations for remediation, understand methods in environmental impact assessment.
  • Besides, legal knowledge on occupational safety, rights and responsibilities of employees also need to be mastered. In particular, engineers also need to learn more customer-related knowledge to better undertake HSE job positions.

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làm thế nào để trở thành nhân viên hse
How to become an HSE employee?


  • Cause Analysis: In the event of a breakdown or unexpected accident situation, the first request of a HSE analysis and identification of the cause. It is necessary to quickly take measures to solve in a timely and accurate manner and evaluate the effectiveness of such measures to help prevent other incidents in the future.
  • Training: To ensure that health, safety and environmental issues are properly implemented, SHE staff must guide and train employees. The purpose of the training is for the workers to understand and carry out correctly and seriously.
  • Detect and solve problems: This is an important skill that any employee What is HSE? every must have. Because incidents can happen at any time, it requires an accurate and calm assessment to provide quick and effective solutions.

In addition, an employee HSE Professionals need communication and teamwork skills to better connect and cooperate between departments. At the same time, the characteristics of meticulousness, carefulness or diligence are also more appreciated factors.

HSE salary in 2023

Currently, the salary of HSE will range from 10 to 13 million VND/month. The salary of HSE employees has a significant difference depending on the field, the size of the business organization as well as the qualifications and experience of the candidate.

mức lương của hse
HSE salary in 2023

HSE employees who take up management positions at large companies and corporations will be able to receive high and attractive salaries from 17 to 37 million VND/month. Wages for HSE engineers working in foreign companies are often higher than those of domestic workers. In addition, besides salary, an HSE also receives other benefits including health insurance, periodic bonuses, etc.

Where can I study HSE?

Maybe Where to study HSE?? A pretty good question and is being wondered about a lot today, find out in the article What is HSE? here. If you want to pursue an HSE career, you need to major in labor protection at a college or university. These addresses have specialized training in occupational safety or working environment or alternatively you can study short courses at vocational training centers.

học ngành hse ở đâu
Where can I study HSE?

For example, you can study HSE - Occupational Safety Engineer at Trade Union University - Faculty of Labor Protection or Ton Duc Thang University with a major in labor protection.

Besides, you can also study short-term courses on labor protection at Ho Chi Minh Vocational College of Technology and Technology or Vietnam Education Joint Stock Company. And you can completely study at centers such as: viendaotao.vn, vienquocte.vn, daotaoantoan.org, huanluyenantoan.gov.vn, soshi.vn, Giaoducdatviet.vn,...


With CoffeeHR's share, you have answered the question HSE is gokay right? Hopefully with the useful information of this article will help you have more orientation for your future career. Good luck!

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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