What are the core values of the business? 51 Core values of leading corporations

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Before wanting to set up the organization's business and development strategies, the CEOs focus on building core values of the business firstly. Core values become an extremely important guiding factor for an organization.

So what are core values? Why it has become an essential of any organization. Let's find out with CoffeeHR in the article below!

What are the core values of the business?

Through the two definitions below, business owners will easily understand the concept of “What are Core Values?”

Core values is a set of fundamental, enduring principles and concepts of a enterprise. These concepts guide and define internal behavior within the organization. In other words, core values are the key elements of an organization. As we can see, core values are often associated with the vision and mission of companies.

Core values of the business is a widely used term. This term refers to the unique characteristics, characteristics, and perspectives of an organization. In other words, core values are the foundation of the organization.

Giá trị cốt lõi của doanh nghiệp là gì
Core values of the business

In the simplest terms, core values of the business These are the basic principles of an organization, this is an important part of the organization because it controls and "guides" the entire activities of the organization and its individuals. Through the core value system of the business, customers easily understand the operation and services created by that organization. Because this is the foundation of the organization, it will still exist forever, unaltered by the impact of external factors of the market.

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10 Examples of business core values

List of core values that are almost used by famous brands in the world. Here are 10 basic corporate core values of companies:

10 giá trị cốt lõi của doanh nghiệp
10 core values of the business
  1. Honesty: Consistent, ethical words and actions will be the core values and representative voice of the organization and the company.
  2. Commitment: It is not only a policy but also a business practice that provides transparent and reliable information to earn respect from customers, the public, and employees. Set a standard of behavior and fulfill it even under difficult conditions.
  3. Respect: Internal standards of conduct help create a fair and courteous environment.
  4. Responsibility: Accept explanations in all cases for your behavior to build trust internally and externally.
  5. Promise to customers: Honest and transparent commitment to customers creates valuable experiences and strengthens relationships with them.
  6. Diversity and inclusion: Great companies succeed because they bring different experiences into a shared environment where everyone is included and equal.
  7. Learn: Constantly learning and upgrading yourself is the basic principle of successful companies.
  8. Working group: When working together, each individual contributes to greater results.
  9. Passion: Bringing innovation and creativity to create members who are bold and passionate about continuous development.
  10. Quality: Products and services must be of the highest standards by corporate craftsmanship.

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Importance gcore values of enterprise?

Many business owners may not know that, core values of the business help assert position and play many important roles for the organization.

Giá trị cốt lõi của doanh nghiệp giúp khẳng định vị thế
Core values of the business help affirm the position
  • Core values form the strategic vision of the organization: Core values are the standard foundation for the organization's human resources to guide their actions. This is the standard for all behavior and conduct in the workplace. Combined with the experience and knowledge of employees to form corporate culture.
  • Core values help maintain organizational identities: Often when making decisions, managers will have to consider the core values of the business.
  • Core values help partners and customers identify the brand Clearer and easier organization.
  • Core values are the foundation for attracting and retaining human resources, the best talents to contribute to the development of the business. Because, most candidates consider choosing a job based on company image, ethical values as well as corporate culture of that organization.
  • Core values of the business It is also the basis for establishing employee attachment. In order for their staff to bond more firmly, businesses need to clearly define the company's values and communicate it to everyone in the right way.

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See also The importance of business core values

51 Core values of influential brands in the world

Here is a summary of the core values of businesses, the world's largest corporation can help you better understand the vision, mission and culture of the world's leading organizations.

Google Company

Google and the “ten right things we believe in”

It is not obvious that Google has become a "giant" in the technology industry, becoming a shining example for other organizations in terms of brand values and corporate culture. Through the process of building and developing, Google has achieved great success through the core value set of "ten right things we believe in":

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Mười điều đúng đắn chúng tôi tin tưởng
Ten True Things We Believe
  • Focus on customers: Google always puts customers first and gives priority to users.
  • Value time: Google understands that users always want to find things as quickly as possible.
  • Solve problems optimally: Google always tries to find the most effective way to solve problems to improve the user experience.
  • Be great but don't stop: despite the good results, Google is always humble.
  • Make money, don't do bad: Google believes that making a profit will help build better features.
  • Do not fix a location or device
  • At work, everything should be equal
  • The source of information is never finite.
  • Reach out to the ocean to discover new things.
  • Your maturity does not show by wearing a suit.

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Amazon Corporation

Amazon is a successful company with a strong culture. From 5 core values agreed by everyone and put on the whiteboard in the meeting room: deeply interested in customers, thrifty, responsible for products, seizing opportunities, setting high standards for talented people, Amazon's leadership has developed into 14 new core values, becoming a set of principles of organizational governance:

giá trị cốt lõi amazon
Amazon with a white wall containing core values
  • Care deeply about customers
  • Save
  • Take every opportunity
  • Responsible for products
  • Raise recruitment standards and create opportunities for advancement
  • Emphasizes high standards and distinction
  • Creative and simple

To help employees practice their core values every day, Amazon prints them on their work walls. 14 values are scattered at different locations on the wall, with distinct, prominent colors.

Uber Co

Uber has grown from a local transportation company into a global giant in the transportation industry. Uber's success has been attributed to mission and vision statements that foster a strong organizational culture. Based on the following 8 core values, Uber has built a set of “cultural norms” for its entire staff:

  • Construct
  • Obsessed with customers
  • Celebrating the difference
  • Persist
  • Value ideas more than rank
  • Act like owners
  • Do the right things
  • Bold Bet

This set of values has made Uber the most dynamic, trustworthy, and forward-thinking company globally.

giá trị cốt lõi uber
Uber has built a set of "cultural norms" with 8 core values

Brand Nike

The familiar sportswear brand of athletes – Nike. Nike's transformation from a standard retailer to a brand-name brand has been a huge success. Nike aims to inspire and deliver products that drive potential. Based on its mission statements, vision and core values, Nike has completely conquered the team.
So these core values of the business what?

  • We dare to design the future of sport
  • Empowerment, diversity and inclusion
  • Sport has the power to transform communities and make the world a better place
  • Towards a sustainable and equitable future for all athletes
giá trị cốt lõi của nike
Nike – make the world a better place

Netflix Company

Build core values for Netflix employees. Netflix used the recruitment website to introduce its core values in the most understandable way. Under each core values of the business, Netflix attached behavior, skills are considered appropriate for that value. Here is a list of Netflix's 9 core values:

  • Judgment
  • Curious
  • Communicate
  • Brave
  • Passion
  • Generous
  • Renew
  • Integrity
  • Affect
Reed Hastings
Reed Hastings, the boss of the Netflix empire

Apple Corporation

As a technology giant, Apple's core values therefore determine how the company operates and interacts with its employees at work and around the world.

core value của apple
Apple - the most valuable brand in the world
  • Accessibility: Apple provides consumers and organizations with access to hardware, software, services, and technology.
  • Educational support: Apple provides products, support, and opportunities to schools that need them most.
  • Environmental protection: Apple is working to make all of its products with clean energy and zero carbon emissions by 2030.
  • Agree: Apple has reinforced its longstanding commitment to making workplaces more inclusive and promoting justice globally.
  • Privacy is a human right: Apple designs products that prioritize protecting consumers' privacy and giving them control over their information.
  • Equal: As a global leader in technology, Apple acknowledges its responsibility in the fight against injustice and systemic racism around the globe.
  • Supplier Responsibilities: Apple adheres to the highest standards of labor and human rights, health and safety, and environmental practices.

Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft understands the importance of creating a culture of innovation to thrive in the field of computer technology. To make a healthy impact globally, Microsoft has learned the art of diversification and inclusion to ensure the company has a global image that doesn't alienate anyone.

Tập đoàn Microsoft
Microsoft Corporation

Core values of Microsoft:

  • Renew
  • Reliable
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Environment
  • Social responsibility
  • Charity activities

The presence of these values has allowed the management to direct all employees towards the company's mission and vision. For young or newly established businesses, building core values of the business is very important, it plays an important role in affirming your organization's position on the way of formation and development. develop. Hopefully the list of core values of the business that CoffeeHR shared with you will be helpful in building your organization's values and culture.
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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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