Strategies to build an effective and popular Employer branding for businesses

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Nowadays, recruitment is not just about finding and recruiting people. Aiming at lasting value and increasing competition in the recruitment market, large corporations and some SMEs have invested in Employer Branding for many years. In order to keep up with the trend and implement effective recruitment branding, find out now What is Employer Branding?? Why does an existing business need to invest in this strategy instead of conventional recruitment.

What is employer branding?

Employer Branding (Employment branding) are activities of enterprises for the purpose of promoting internal images to potential candidates in the labor market. Another concept that needs to be understood is Employer Brand, which implies the image of the business in the eyes of job seekers.

Employer Branding là gì
What is Employer Branding?

The company's employer brand is created through the experiences of employees and candidates with the organization. Therefore, Employer Branding do not make decisions on Employer Brand, even though they have a direct influence. Specifically:

  • A candidate has a bad experience during the application and interview stages with the company. They will make negative comments and influence the decisions of other candidates
  • An employee who is recognized for his merits, is well-paid, works in a professional environment and is educated will have high satisfaction with the organization. They easily share this positive experience with those around them. This silently strengthens the image of the business in the recruitment market.

Distinguishing Employer Brand and Company Brand

However, employer brand and company brand (Company Brand) are completely two different concepts. Therefore, managers and employers themselves need to understand the difference in order to use the concept correctly:

  • Employer Brand: is the candidate's impression of the company as an employer. Expressed through the evaluations of Response Speed, Experience of the recruitment process or Transparent job information
  • Company Brand: is the general impression of the public or everyone about the image, products, services, and activities of an enterprise.

Although different, Company Brand still has a certain influence on Employer Brand. The bigger the brand, the easier it is to build an employer brand. Because employees have a common mentality that they always want to work at a reputable company. A line of experience working at Viettel, FPT or Unilever makes it easier to make your CV stand out.

Những yếu tố trong Employer Brand
Factors in Employer Brand that are different from Company Brand

While an important foundation for building an employer brand, Company Brand is not critical to the long-term success of an employer. Employer Brand. The object of the two concepts is different.

So what they care about will also be different. As job seekers or working employees, they focus on the company's reputation in employing workers. Or concerned about welfare regimes and internal environment.

To build a good company brand recruitment brand To be effective, businesses need to master insights and come up with appropriate positioning, communication and evaluation plans.

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The importance of employer branding

Recruitment brand communication

According to TopCV's report on Recruitment Trends 2022, the indicators say that:

  • 66% business replies are necessary and more than 28% replies are essential when communicating about recruitment brand
  • Most of the businesses that evaluate it as essential have a size of 500 or more employees. In contrast, small-scale enterprises have not really paid attention and accounted for the most unnecessary proportion.
  • Education, Real Estate and FMCG are the 3 areas that focus on recruiting the most brand communication. Followed by IT and Marketing businesses.
tầm quan trọng của Employer Branding
Most businesses understand the importance of Employer Branding

Through the above figures, branding recruitment and communication is the method that many businesses invest in the volatile labor market. This trend will continue to expand in the future.

Attract potential candidates

A LinkedIn survey indicates that: “75% candidates will research the employer brand and company brand before applying for a job. 69% won't apply if they don't like it and are impressed at first." Thereby, it cannot be denied the value that Employer Branding brings in the ability of enterprises to recruit talent.

Tăng sức thu hút ứng viên tiềm năng
Increase attraction of potential candidates through Employer Branding

The recruitment branding will affirm the outstanding images and information that the business wants candidates to remember. Therefore, the process of approaching and convincing candidates becomes easier. Because the candidate has considered his/her suitability with the organization before applying.

In the long run, the recruitment process is faster, saves costs, and avoids mistakes or layoffs. Obviously, the improvement of 3 important indicators in recruitment What is Employer Branding?: rental period, cost per rental and rental quality.

According to LinkedIn: “Businesses with strong Employer Brand have the rate of qualified candidates reaching over 50%, recruiting 1.5 to 2 times faster and reducing recruitment budget by 50%.”

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Employee retention

According to a LinkedIn survey:

  • 83% Employees are willing to quit if a more reputable company offers a job
  • Companies with a strong recruitment brand have 40% less employee turnover rate in the first 6 months than other companies.

It can be seen that a good employer brand not only saves money and time, but also engages employees for longer. This is a factor that helps to stabilize the organization's margin and staff size every year.

Employees themselves also want the opportunity to work at a company with a good recruitment brand. They are also willing to act as media Employer Brand of the organization to the outside. Both increasing talent retention rate and effectively attracting potential candidates are the great benefits of Employer Branding.

Employer Branding hỗ trợ giữ chân và gắn kết nhân sự
Not only in recruitment, Employer Branding supports employee retention and engagement

However, to create the interest of candidates with Employer Brand is still a difficult problem in building a recruitment brand. Especially for SME businesses, when Company Brand is not large enough, the communication budget or salary fund is not too flexible.

Candidates receive 10 to 20 job postings per day, so how do you make your business stand out? Employer Branding It is not easy to bring quick results but this is a way to create a different position in the labor market of enterprises in the long run.

Who is responsible for building a recruitment brand?

In the recruitment work, the Human Resources department is directly in charge. Therefore, they are also the main person in charge of branding recruitment. However, the impressions of candidates and employees about employers about What is Employer Brand?? Is through their actual experience.

Therefore, HR cannot build a recruitment brand on paper and impose it on employees. What is Employer Branding?? needs to be shaped through the contributions of many other departments. Specifically like:

  • Founder and Senior Manager: They are the ones who set the vision and core values that the business is aiming for. Therefore, they need to successfully communicate these values to all employees.
  • Direct management: They play a key role in managing and operating the members of the department. Therefore, they should know how to motivate, inspire and become a leader.
  • Administrative personnel: As a bridge between the aspirations of employees and the organization, HR needs to ensure worthy welfare policies or maintain a civilized working environment.
  • Marketing Department: Support in the communication of stories and internal images of the business
xây dựng thương hiệu tuyển dụng
In order to build a recruitment brand, the participation of the entire organization is required

Building a strong employer brand requires the smooth coordination of all members. The Human Resources and Marketing Department is a platform to attract and connect potential candidates with communication or a quick application process. Then managers at all levels need to be the inspiration to convince them to join the organization.

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5 steps to build an effective employer brand

Defining the goal of the strategy

Before building your employer brand, determine the results you want your business to achieve after the strategy:

  • Get a lot of CV
  • Increase the number of qualified candidates
  • Improve online engagement
  • Increase interaction with candidates
  • Increase Employer Brand awareness of your business
  • Increased credibility in the labor market
  • Increase visits to recruitment information on company website
  • Increase referral rate (refer job)
  • Increase the percentage of candidates accepting the offer

Identify the desired corporate candidate portrait

Just like in sales, if the recruiter doesn't know who you're looking for, you won't be able to convey the right information or message they need.

Some criteria to determine candidate portrait include:

mô hình chân dung ứng viên
Candidate portrait model

Determine EVP (Employee Value Proposition) – competitive advantage

What makes employees choose your business in the labor market? Why did they stay until now? What makes them like and trust you as an employer? These are the factors that businesses need to determine to build an effective employer brand. These factors are encapsulated in the definition of EVP (Employee Value Propositions).

EVP are advantages that help employers increase their competitiveness in the labor market. It is a factor that helps recruiters stand out and maximize potential candidates. At the same time, EVP is also a criterion to increase employee engagement with the organization. Once the EVP model is identified, the message in brand communication becomes clearer.

Here are the 5 key elements in the EVP model:

5 tiêu chí của EVP
5 criteria of EVP

Identify communication channels

A candidate has about 10 touch points with an employer before deciding to apply. This is also known as the Candidate Journey. Taking advantage of some of these touch points to communicate the recruitment brand will bring advantages and good effects to employers.

According to Talentlyft, popular recruitment branding channels include:

  • Social Network
  • Recruit website
  • From company employees
  • Recruitment Seminar
  • Inbound recruitment (promotion, appointment, position transfer, ...)
  • Recruitment Advertising
  • CV Pools or Candidate Relationship Management
  • Application process
Mạng xã hội là kênh truyền thông thương hiệu
Social media is a popular brand communication channel with young people

To improve efficiency when using these promotion platforms, employers should consider:

  • Developing autonomous channels: Internal corporate website, organization's application process and recruitment seminars
  • Follow, navigate and join community channels: social networks, from employee recommendations
  • With paid channels, there should be a clear strategy with regular measurement and adjustment: recruitment advertising, paid recruitment website.

Measure and evaluate

Based on the initial goal and Employer Branding building plan, businesses need to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. From these results, the employer knows the weaknesses that need improvement and makes appropriate adjustments for the next communication.

Đo lường để có sự điều chỉnh Employer Branding phù hợp
Measure to have the most appropriate Employer Branding adjustment

For the most intuitive assessment, you need to list valuable, measurable metrics and show its impact on your Employer Branding strategy to understand What is Employer Branding? .

For example, the number of applications, recruitment time, recruitment quality. Then divide the weights such as cost per candidate, percentage of qualified candidates in total, percentage of applications at channels. Finally, reference the above data with previous hiring periods or the industry average for the position.

Currently, recruitment software like CoffeeHR supports calculating and updating real-time report data. Thereby, employers have a complete picture of the effectiveness of the strategy and make immediate adjustments. No need to wait for aggregation and calculation at the end of the recruitment period.

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Notes when building an effective recruitment brand

Be yourself

When Build recruitment branding and EVP, businesses need to ensure consistency with their goals and vision. At the same time, it must come from the core values as well as express the culture of the organization.

A candidate approaches 10 to 20 job postings a day. With the more easily accessible sources of recruitment information, the more efforts businesses have to work on branding to stand out. Therefore, empty promises or popular compensation policies are no longer attractive enough for potential candidates.

truyền thông đúng giá trị văn hóa của doanh nghiệp
Please properly communicate the cultural values of the business

Instead, businesses should focus on communicating internal cultures, strengths in human resource strategies and transparency and consistency in finding people. This helps candidates proactively consider their suitability in the organization before applying through a picture of the business's working environment.

Build a good image on social networks

The image of a business on social networks does not only include job postings or information the company automatically promotes. There are also photos from current or former employees and candidates who have applied for jobs. Therefore, this channel is trusted by candidates because of the large volume of multidimensional information.

Thường xuyên cập nhật hình ảnh doanh nghiệp
Regularly update business images on social networks

Currently, the company review communities appear more and more and a part of candidates will refer to the above information before applying. Similar to the recruiter checking the candidate's information.

In addition to controlling the flow of information emanating from within, businesses should join the above groups. Thereby capturing genuine comments from employees and making necessary adjustments.

Find insights from company employees

Employees act as an Employer Brand promoter and are also the target of Employer Branding. Using employees to develop recruitment brands is a huge plus for businesses. But to achieve this, businesses need to make sure you've succeeded in making them happy with the organization.

Nhân viên là một phương thức Employer Branding hiệu quả
Employees are an effective Employer Branding method

One-on-one exchanges, anonymous surveys of the work environment, are basic ways to listen to and share ideas from employees. What are the strengths of the business? Where to improve to increase recruitment competition and retention? These insights will be the tools to help businesses optimize their employer branding.

Build a good company website

In addition to the website to introduce products/services, most businesses now develop sub-websites to promote the company's image. This is the platform that aggregates all information about the organization and is a quick information exchange tool with candidates. Thereby reducing the time of consultation and introduction of employers.

Some notes when building a company website:

  • Clear and intuitive interface
  • Information about the company needs to be transparent
  • Avoid cliché promotional messages
  • Job postings must be complete and detailed
  • Photos and news about the company's internal operations will be a plus

Business story

Each business will have a birthing journey and different goals. Make these stories stand out to impress employees. Through the integration of emotions and real images, the story will be more realistic and impactful.

hành trình của doanh nghiệp
Tell us about your business journey when introducing the company

Impressive onboarding process

Greet new employees with a friendly greeting and the fastest information processing. Instead of letting the first day go by boring because it is difficult for new employees to make friends with colleagues, it is not clear what work they need to do or wait for HR to process the letter.

Many employees quit their jobs after only 2-3 days of working because the environment did not meet the expectations as recommended by the employer. To prevent this, build the most complete onboarding process that bridges the gap between new hires and the organization.

Employee Advocacy Program

Employee Advocacy are programs that motivate employees to promote organizational image. Employee Advocacy is a recognition for employees' contributions and hopes that they will share them on social networks and around friends. Since then, silently promoting the company's image. Some main forms of Employee Advocacy include:

  • Giving away items with the image of the organization: uniforms, stickers, stationery, holiday gift boxes, handwritten letters, etc.
  • Awarding valuable prizes to individuals with excellent achievements
  • Positive social media posts about the company
  • Internal activities posted on social media by employees

Solution to enhance recruitment brand by CoffeeHR . software

Building a recruitment brand requires a large investment in terms of time, cost and resources. Using automated tools not only reduces workload but also increases efficiency in Employer Branding. With the Recruitment solution from CoffeeHR, businesses can:

CV Pools của CoffeeHR
CoffeeHR CV Pools automatically collect and screen CV
  • Build a professional recruitment website
  • Score points with candidates with a warm onboarding process
  • Multi-channel recruitment brand communication: recruitment website, inbound recruitment, candidate relationship management – CV Pools
  • Visual reporting on recruitment performance
  • Accurately evaluate employees through interview scoring.
  • Shorten recruitment by automated email, AI screens CVs from sources

Contact now CoffeeHR to get a FREE DEMO of the solution!

See also the New Era of Employer Branding


By researching What is Employer Branding?, employers easily build effective recruitment strategies and increase competitiveness in the labor market. At the same time, businesses should use automated tools to increase efficiency in Employer Branding

Contact now CoffeeHR to receive a FREE DEMO optimal management solution for your Business.

Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459
Facebook: CoffeeHR – HR Coffee

Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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