What is staffing? Principles and ways to build an effective human resource schedule for businesses

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You are managing an organization or business but don't know What is staffing?? Human resource allocation is an important step to help us track, plan and plan human resources. This is an extremely important step for every business in its development. To better understand human resource allocation, please follow the following article with CoffeeHR.

What is staffing?

Manpower demarcation in English called Manpower Allocation aka Manpower Planning or Manpower Forecasting.

There are many definitions of staffing. However we can understand in a simple way staffing is the identification of employees with each personal qualities, knowledge that they have to meet specific job needs in the future.

In other words, manning is the link between human resources and the goals and orientation of the organization or business to improve the business process and develop the organizational culture. This will help businesses to be highly competitive in the market

Manpower demarcation in the enterprise

In particular, thanks to the payroll, businesses better evaluate personnel, thereby making plans to cut unnecessary costs and reduce the business load. Also thanks to the margin, leaders know the waste, unnecessary expenses or plan appropriate training to help the business grow.

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The importance of staffing

Manpower demarcation It plays a very important role in human resource management activities of enterprises. Because it comes from the human factor to help businesses operate better. It can be said that without staffing then the management of resources will not be effective.

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The role of staffing in management activities

Manpower demarcation Effectively brings the following benefits to agencies, organizations and employees:

For agencies and organizations

– Help businesses determine the number of personnel to use, the number available and the capabilities to meet the necessary needs based on their capacity.

– As the basis for determining the recruitment, appointment, promotion or rotation of personnel.

- Help keep track of personnel situation

– As the basis for building the budget of salary and bonus, other expenses to human rights (insurance, social welfare).

For workers

– Help employees understand their capabilities, thereby finding the right and suitable job.

- Help employees orient and develop their own capacity.

Conditions for calculating personnel staffing


Conditions for staffing

For company level:

  • It is necessary to define a clear strategic direction for human resources
  • Need a specific business strategy with a clear budget and change plans

For department level:

  • Identify the position, duties and authority of the job
  • Capturing the number of tasks and processes to perform effectively
  • Determine the results required and the employee's level of work to achieve the desired values
  • Automated application level in job execution and management data systems

Important principles when assigning personnel 

When calculating staffing, you need to know certain principles to have the most accuracy. Here are 3 principles that business managers must understand:

Correlation ratio


Tỷ lệ tương quan được thể hiện bởi sự tăng giảm của các năm
The correlation ratio is expressed by the increase and decrease of the years
Rule Illustration
  • Ratio of increase (decrease) compared to the previous year corresponding to increase (decrease) in revenue
  • Revenue in 2020 increased by 50%, the staffing rate increased by 30% billion
  • Correlation between direct position (sales and production) and indirect position
  • The company has archived data for many years
  • Direct – indirect is 50% – 20%
  • Manager – employee is 10% – 70%
  • The correlation between spending budgets between groups: managers-employees, indirect-direct
  • Cost/Revenue = 70%
  • Salary fund for managers and employees = 15% – 70%

Labor norms 

Rule  Illustration
  • By volume
  • Apply to manufacturing or service, increasing with employee's level of competence
  • 40 products
  • 140 products/shift/line
  • 20 customers serving/day
  • According to the coefficient expenditure system
  • Apply to business block
  • Aggregation of business expenditures and number of customers
  • According to the service object
  • Apply to indirect block
  • 5 employees serving 70 company employees

Frequency and duration

Rule Illustration
  • Based on the position, number and duration of the task
  • Apply to the indirect block, refer to the practice between businesses
  • Sales staff's duties include: contacting and taking care of customers
  • Make daily/weekly/monthly report
  • Make contracts for customers

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5 Steps to build a staffing schedule 

Steps to build an effective human resource management system:

  • Step 1: Forecasting resource needs
  • Step 2: Analyze the current situation of human resources
  • Step 3: Decide to increase or decrease human resources
  • Step 4: Make an implementation plan
  • Step 5: Evaluate the implementation of the plan
Steps of staffing

Step 1: Forecasting resource needs

The first step in manufacturing is to forecast the human resource needs of the enterprise in the near future most accurately. At this step, you need to know the strategic goals of the future development of the business, which activities need to be prioritized and the production scale.

Once you know exactly the above information, then you need to determine the next human resource needs of the business such as:

  • Time: When do you need to hire more staff?
  • Quality: What qualities and skills are important for the new position?
  • Amount: How many additional employees are needed for each position, department?
Human resource forecasting helps businesses determine the next human resource needs

Step 2: Analyze the current situation of human resources

In this step, you conduct an analysis of the quality of your company's existing human resources. It is necessary to determine the advantages and disadvantages of resources that meet the current needs of the company or not. In this process, you should introduce elements for more thorough analysis such as: system analysis and process analysis.

Systemic factors

  • Number, position, qualifications, experience and working attitude
  • Activities, rights and obligations and working relationships
  • Human resource management policies such as recruitment, training, reward and discipline.

Process factors

  • The attractiveness of the job to employees
  • Employee satisfaction and job satisfaction
  • What is the culture and working environment like at the company?
  • Transparency of business goals
  • Obstacles when facing business problems
  • Improve human resource management activities in the enterprise.

Employee personal evaluation form

Step 3: Decide to increase or decrease human resources

After determining the advantages and disadvantages of each employee department, next you need to determine the current human resource situation of the business with current needs. You need to know whether the personnel is in shortage or redundant, from which to have an overall view to offer the best solutions. At the same time, you will proceed to find the best fix and adjust accordingly.

Reducing personnel in staffing

Eg: If your business has 50 sales staff. But because the demand for work decreases, the amount of work is not as much as before. At this time, the human resources department needs to reduce personnel to balance the workload and personnel.

Step 4: Make an implementation plan

Once you have completed the above 3 steps, the next step is to make a plan for implementation staffing what? If going in the right direction, the human resources department can both save costs and recruit the right number of employees to meet the company's needs.

To set up staffing plan, you need to build the following basic contents:

  • Recruitment plan and specific personnel schedule
  • Promotion and personnel rotation
  • Allocate personnel in departments
  • Cut down poor human resources, do not bring high value to the company
  • Reduce incompetent workers, do not create value for the company

Step 5: Evaluate the implementation of the plan

After you have implemented the plan, you should conduct an evaluation to find the errors between the goals and the actual process. From there, it will help you find out the cause, analyze and fix those mistakes next time.

Evaluate the implementation of the staffing plan

When evaluating, businesses should keep a few points in mind:

  • The cause of the deviation
  • Problems arise during implementation
  • Adjustment and implementation plans
  • Searching for potential candidates and assigning suitable human resources to specific departments.

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Download now the professional personnel schedule template

Software to support accurate human resource scheduling 100% 

In today's companies or businesses, the planning staffing plays a very important role. This will affect whether recruitment policies, human resource planning of enterprises are really effective. However, to put the boundary into practice is not easy.

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Comprehensive HR management toolkit HRM

CoffeeHR's comprehensive, fast and simple HRM toolkit is a great solution for businesses who are having a headache with staffing. With just a few simple steps, businesses can calculate the appropriate number of employees needed. In addition, elements of professional competence and required qualities are also integrated on the system to respond to specific future workloads of the business.

In particular, through staffing, CoffeeHR software can make recommendations on recruiting or appointing personnel. Thereby, businesses easily make accurate decisions in accordance with the personnel situation.

Above is an article CoffeeHR introduces to new people What is staffing?. Hopefully with this article, businesses and individuals have had more useful information on how to effectively manage and plan human resources. If you need software to support staffing, contact CoffeeHR immediately.

CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. Contact now to Get a FREE DEMO Management Software for your Business.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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