Candidate evaluation criteria. The most standard employee evaluation form 2023

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Any business wants to choose the most qualified candidates suitable for each job position. So what is the standard criterion for candidate assessment which many businesses are using? Let's find out with Coffee HR immediately the content of the following article.

What is a Candidate Assessment Form?

To find the most qualified candidates, businesses often give the form candidate assessment. So what is that candidate evaluation form?

Form candidate assessment are the tables or evaluation sheets used in the interview and recruitment process. This is the basis for employers to record some important content for the purpose of accurately evaluating candidates. In addition, the candidate evaluation form is also a method to classify and select the most suitable candidates for the position being recruited.

Biểu mẫu đánh giá nhân viên là gì?
What is a Candidate Assessment Form?

The importance of candidate evaluation sheets

To get the best results, recruiters have to work hard to prepare the table evaluate candidate best suited to the situation and corporate culture. Thus, this is a stage that takes up a lot of time and effort of the recruiter. So candidate evaluation sheet Is it really necessary and important to that extent? Let's find out now.

In recruitment activities, candidate evaluation sheet In the interview round, it helps the employer to look back on the direct or indirect interview process effectively. Because through the information collected from the assessment table, the employer will analyze the necessary information about education, experience, capacity, personality, ... to get an objective and accurate assessment. than.

Tầm quan trọng của bảng đánh giá ứng viên
The importance of candidate evaluation sheets

However, not everyone has a useful view of the method candidate assessment by this table. Some argue that the interview will lose the flexibility and interaction between the employer and the candidate, and it will take more effort and time when using the evaluation board in recruitment. But when viewed on the positive side, using a candidate evaluation sheet will make the employer give fairness to everyone participating in the interview. All candidates will be evaluated on a fixed scale instead of self-determination by situation. From there, employers will make more accurate decisions.

Candidate Assessment Table requires careful investigation and research by the employer. This can take a considerable amount of time, but will help the employer understand the situation and the culture of the company clearly.

Watch more Video 6 ways to evaluate candidates before hiring

Pros and cons of candidate evaluation

Candidate Assessment Table is a method of screening bright candidates popular in the recruitment work of many businesses. However, besides being widely used because of many advantages, this assessment method still has some limitations in the process of selecting suitable candidates.

Ưu và nhược điểm của việc đánh giá ứng viên
Pros and cons of candidate evaluation


  • Promote the professional competence of the employer

Table construction process candidate assessment always requires the department head to have a good grasp of the expertise, capacity of the position to be recruited and understand the company's culture.

This requires recruiters or managers to do in-depth research, exploit and develop information to improve the effectiveness of recruitment campaigns. Thereby, this process will partly help improve professional and administrative capacity for employers.

  • Help employers get focused

Holding in hand a list with clearly defined criteria and implementation methods, the employer will only need to present, disseminate and deploy with the Human Resources department as planned.

Knowing in advance what you need to look for in a candidate or not constantly "jumping numbers" to improvise will be a good condition to help focus on the interview process more.

  • Show fairness

When using the board candidate assessment, every candidate participating in the interview will be evaluated based on a fixed point framework.

thể hiện tính công bằng
Using a candidate evaluation sheet to show fairness to applicants

All members of the recruitment committee score on the table with the criteria set out. This will ensure fairness to all applicants.

  • Higher accuracy

When going through the interview process, listening to the candidates' answers directly, members of the recruitment council will have more objective and accurate assessments than sitting down to discuss after the interview.

So, quickly capturing impressive details and rating them with scores makes the selection process much easier, more accurate, and more efficient.


Along with convenient points that make recruiters and candidates go through the interview process easily, bringing high efficiency in candidate screening. Then table candidate assessment There are also the following disadvantages:

  • It takes time and effort

When KPI recruits in a large number in a short time, employers will have to make very hasty moves, work hard and spend a lot of time to interview, record good evaluations as well as Convince the department head.

  • Employer and candidate lack of interaction
Nhà tuyển dụng và ứng viên thiếu sự tương tác
Employers and candidates lack interaction when using assessment boards

This is easy to see when using candidate evaluation sheet. Due to the focus on grading and taking notes, it is difficult for HR workers to observe the candidate's demeanor, gestures, responses and demeanor. Thus, when making comments, there will be a lack of objectivity.

  • Less flexible

Using the assessment table means that the employer only focuses on the questions contained in the table. With this situation, the interview will lose its spontaneity and initiative and the employer will have a hard time getting to know the candidate in many other aspects.

7 Criteria for evaluating candidates

Criteria candidate assessment As indispensable in the process of finding talent, employers can refer to the following two groups of criteria:

Criteria for assessing candidate's ability

Adaptation skills

Whether in the workplace or any other working environment, there are always side stories, so it is essential to evaluate the skills of sociability, adapting to the new environment and work.

Kỹ năng thích nghi
Adaptive skills are an essential element in the group of criteria for assessing candidates' ability

This evaluation criterion not only shows the suitability of the candidate but also shows the ability to flexibly adapt to any situation.

Work experience

It is easy to see that a candidate with work experience similar to the job description of the vacancy will often be preferred.

This is one of the most important criteria in recruiting personnel. Since experienced people will quickly get started with the job, there is less training cost than inexperienced candidates.

Kinh nghiệm là điểm cộng rất lớn cho ứng viên
Experience is a huge plus for candidates

In particular, the vacancy requires the candidate to have experience in jobs such as specialists, department heads, team leaders, etc. Or positions that require high expertise are risk accounting, financial analysis, investment planning, etc. And the vacancies that require little work experience are often seen as interns, employees. business, administration, reception,…


Each position requires different professional knowledge for the candidate. They must be knowledgeable about the skills and knowledge of that field. These will be the knowledge that directly serves the recruitment position.

Kiến thức chuyên môn là yếu tố bắt buộc
Expertise is a must for many vacancies

In particular, at some large corporations, businesses often have to deepen the amount of professional knowledge and experience when the candidate has accepted the job. With mass recruitment taking place, professional knowledge tests are replaced by EQ and IQ tests of applicants.

As such, the criterion of professional knowledge is a mandatory part of the screening of qualified candidates.

Other skills for the job

In addition to the required professional experience and knowledge, other skills are also a very important evaluation criterion to know the capacity of a quality candidate. Each job position will have its own skill requirements, such as:

  • Clerk: Calculation skills, carefulness, meticulousness,…
  • Marketer: Market research skills, video editing skills, Photoshop, …
  • Business man: Negotiation and persuasion skills, communication skills, presentation skills, etc.

These skills will usually be evaluated and screened by employers through the resume/CV round when applying, or maybe candidate assessment through interviews, and to evaluate most effectively during the candidate's probationary period.

Criteria for assessing candidate's attitude

The spirit of support and solidarity

In the process of teamwork and collective work, the spirit of support and solidarity is essential to help the common work progress better. Each team is strong or weak depending largely on the cooperation between individuals.

Tinh thần hỗ trợ và đoàn kết là tiêu chí không thể thiếu khi tuyển dụng nhân sự
The spirit of support and solidarity is an indispensable criterion when recruiting personnel

Each team is strong or weak depending largely on the cooperation between individuals.


Good listeners will often absorb ideas to improve and develop themselves, so they can go further in their work.

This is a criterion candidate assessment Very important, employers can easily recognize in the interview for the given situations.

The group of criteria for evaluating candidates is prioritized

Besides the competencies or working attitudes that each candidate has, qualities are also an important criterion that businesses set as priority criteria when recruiting. Especially with some vacancies such as:

Một nhà quản lý không thể thiếu khả năng lãnh đạo
A manager cannot lack leadership
  • Manager: Requires leadership ability and human resource organization…
  • Communications staff: requirements for community relations skills, ingenuity and eloquence, etc.
  • Content creators: requirements on the ability to express in words and creative and innovative thinking, ..
  • Customer care staff: Requires ingenuity, good improvisation.

In addition, there are separate requirements for foreign languages. This is the essential element in the group candidate assessment prioritized. Although there are many positions that do not require foreign languages, in today's context, most companies tend to integrate. Therefore, candidates with good foreign language skills are always appreciated in recruitment.


The 5 most standard candidate evaluation form 2023

Here are the Candidate Assessment Form for the latest applicable HRs 2023:

Basic candidate assessment form

Mẫu đánh giá ứng viên số 5
Basic candidate assessment form for all candidates

Common candidate assessment form

Mẫu đánh giá ứng viên thông dụng HR có thể sử dụng
Common candidate assessment templates HR can use

Download the Common Candidate Assessment Sheet

Sample evaluation of candidates according to a specific scale

Mẫu bảng đánh giá ứng viên theo thang điểm
Sample evaluation sheet of candidates according to the scale

Download the rating scale according to the scale

Candidate assessment form by level

Mẫu đánh giá theo mức độ của ứng viên
Evaluation form according to the candidate's level

Comprehensive candidate evaluation form after interview

Sau khi phỏng vấn, HR đánh giá toàn diện ứng viên theo mẫu
After the interview, HR comprehensively evaluates the candidate according to the form


Candidate Rating During and after the interview will help the employer identify the most suitable candidate. From determining the criteria and scoring form, the employer can choose the table templates candidate assessment suitable.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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