Using Employee Evaluation Software: No more meaningless numbers

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Tại sao phải thường xuyên staff assessment? Công cụ hỗ trợ đánh giá tự động? 

Human resources, regardless of position, are essential factors contributing to the development of enterprises. Intelligence and creativity of employees are considered intangible assets of the enterprise. Good employees create the strength of the business by increasing business efficiency, competitiveness as well as the development ability of the business. 

To build effective resources, businesses often focus on assessing the quality of human resources. This not only helps businesses grasp the current labor resources but also timely adjust and introduce training policies to improve the quality of human resources. 

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The importance of employee appraisals

Feedback helps create motivation

The evaluation process should provide information about the employee's strengths and weaknesses. Also act as a guide to their development. Understanding the capabilities of your employees is an important step in leading them to success. As well as showing the respect of businesses whenever they achieve results.

Evaluation indicators also help managers make more objective comments to employees. For example, comment “A did well by exceeding 10% target and increasing sales 5%”. Specific comments with numbers will help employees feel the recognition from management.

Giving the right feedback at the right time to employees is essential. Because it not only creates positive change but also motivates employees to do better and give more.

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Get feedback that helps individuals improve

The evaluation and feedback process should be regular and constructive. People generally respond better to comments that are positive and helpful to them. Giving the right feedback can lead to better performance and even greater success. Furthermore, through the feedback process, employees can see the requirements in their work and performance, or suggest further training courses as needed.

Performance appraisals can also help identify obstacles and how to address them. From a small individual problem to a common group problem, the assessment process is a great opportunity for the whole team to come together and find the cause and come up with a solution to the problem.

Feedback helps engage employees and managers

Your employees often look forward to receiving feedback because it is essential to their progress. Giving regular feedback can increase employee engagement with the business and motivate them to do a better job.

The performance review process requires the whole team to work together to plan and evaluate each other's work, and to facilitate communication between colleagues as well as between employees and management. The feedback process connects superiors and employees both professionally and personally, and ultimately, increases employee engagement and strengthens company culture.

Finally, implementing a regular feedback process will give your employees the opportunity to present their ideas and contribute their ideas to new projects. With the right performance review process, you will strengthen the relationship between managers and employees, and make a positive contribution to the personal development of your employees.

Employee evaluation methods

Depending on the characteristics and working culture of each enterprise, each enterprise will apply different methods of employee evaluation. Below are the commonly used employee evaluation methods. 

Performance appraisals (KPIs)

Đánh giá Nhân viên KPI


KPI - English is Key Performance Indicator. This is a performance indicator. Is a measurement tool expressed through data, ratios, and quantitative indicators. Reflects the performance of organizations or functions of a company or individual business. Each department in the company will have different KPIs to objectively evaluate the performance of each department.

The role of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) 

For businesses:

  • Monitor employee performance intuitively, transparently, accurately as well as propose appropriate salary, reward and discipline regimes.
  • Improve the efficiency of the work acceptance process
  • Ensure goals and visions can be completed as expected

With staff:

  • Understand the level of completion of the work compared to the set goals
  • Motivate to work towards achieving goals
  • Detecting defects if the task is behind schedule for timely improvement

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Why are KPIs important but some businesses fail to apply KPIs?

Although well understood about KPIs, not all businesses can achieve the set KPIs. One of the reasons leading to business failure:

  • The goals set are unclear, inappropriate and not SMART enough.
  • The KPI target system is too far away, far from the actual capacity of the business.
  • Lack of system to track, monitor and provide analysis of employee performance indicators
  • The KPI development process is cumbersome but doesn't focus on the process's goal system.
  • The actual capacity of the staff is not enough to achieve the set KPI.

Therefore, building a system of criteria, monitoring and evaluating KPI is very important if businesses want to apply this method successfully. 

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Assessment of Competency (ASK)


ASK is the most popular standardized competency assessment model in the world. Abbreviated for Attitude - Skill - Knowledge. The ASK model is applied in human resource management to train and develop personal capacity. This model is based on 3 factors which are:

Attitude (Quality / Attitude): in the emotional domain is the way to receive and react to reality at work. The qualities and behaviors show the attitude of the individual at work as well as the necessary qualities to do the job well. The qualities are also determined in accordance with the position of each job.

Skill (Skill): belongs to manipulative skills, is the ability to turn knowledge into concrete actions. Skills can be divided into categories such as: imitation skills (observation and patterned behavior), application (doing by following instructions), application (more specific and accurate to all situations). ), manipulate it creatively (become a natural reflex).

Knowledge (Knowledge): belongs to the thinking ability, is the understanding that individuals have when going through the process of education and training. These are data collection, problem understanding, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. It can be said that when coming into contact with work, these are the basic competencies required. The more complex the job, the higher these competencies will be required. According to the characteristics of each enterprise, these capabilities will be more specific.

Application of ASK in business

  • The ASK model helps to evaluate employees in the enterprise: Some businesses use the ASK model as the "backbone" for the salary scale of employees. The higher the employee's score when assessed by the competency framework, the better the salary and development path.
  • Build an onboarding route: In order for any new employee to understand the job requirements, it is very appropriate to use the recruitment criteria as the content of the lesson plan for onboarding new employees.

Expanding further, the internal training process in the enterprise also needs a specific purpose. That helps each individual get closer to the ideal employee portrait drawn from the ASK model.

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Application of HRM CoffeeHR Software for employee evaluation

Phần mềm Quản trị Nhân sự CoffeeHR được hơn 200 doanh nghiệp đầu ngành tin dùng trên con đường chuyển đổi số. Là nền tảng Quản trị Chuyên sâu, CoffeeHR hỗ trợ số hóa các công tác Hành chính Nhân sự. Từ Tuyển dụng, Quản lý hồ sơ, Timekeeping Payroll. Up to Resource Development through Assessment and Training.

During 10 years, CoffeeHR has successfully implemented the Evaluation Module with many outstanding features.

Build a complete employee evaluation process

CoffeeHR offers a multi-step, multi-level evaluation process: 

  • Staff goal setting -> Management approval
  • Employee self-assessment -> Management assessment -> Higher levels of assessment
  • Build evaluation sessions by period: Month, quarter, year

Manage goals for each job position

  • Allows setting/decomposing goals down to each department/department/individual from the overall goal of the business
  • Flexible and easy multi-level evaluation & approval criteria setting system

Xây dựng kpi tiêu chí

For businesses that already have a set of standard evaluation criteria, CoffeeHR supports setting up all evaluation criteria on the system. Not just one, but many sets of criteria. In addition, with more than 10 years of experience in implementing HRM software, CoffeeHR provides a solution, consulting support, and designing criteria sets according to each industry specificity. 

Customize employee evaluation for each business

CoffeeHR software helps businesses easily set up evaluation formulas on demand, with a variety of parameters: Letters, scale, percentage,.... Suitable for many businesses.

(photo shows 1 set of evaluations with points)

Implement and track employee evaluation results

  • Tools to support setting up visual evaluation by month / quarter / year
  • Tracking (tracking) performance evaluation results flexibly according to frequency, time, level (company/department/title/individual, ...)
  • Automatically alert and send email reminding employees to complete periodic reviews
  • Support users to evaluate online on Web & Mobile App

Intuitive charting and reporting system

  • Performance evaluation results are presented in the form of Dashboards with vivid, diverse reports for each level, over time, and year-to-year comparisons.
  • Statistical reports on monthly, quarterly and annual results
  • Report by department, individual, division, branch
  • Proposal report for improvement (link to training management module)
  • Provide spider web charts to evaluate employee capacity

Đánh giá năng lực 3P

Link to payroll module and propose reward and punishment

  • Export assessment results and payroll link to calculate salary KPIs, salary 3P
  • Proposing salary review, salary increase, bonus and punishment based on evaluation results
  • Store the entire history of reviews in the employee file


Employee evaluation is an indispensable work in businesses. Through evaluation, managers have a complete picture of the performance and quality of human resources in the organization. Thereby making strategic decisions and development orientation for each individual. In the long run, evaluation is a good way to retain talent. Using an Evaluation software platform like CoffeeHR will help speed up the review process. At the same time ensure the most accuracy and intuitiveness.


CoffeeHR has more than 10 years of accompanying many businesses and corporations. Contact now for Digitizing the Evaluation Process for your Business.
Hotline: (+84) 97 306 0459
Facebook: CoffeeHR – HR Coffee

Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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