What is CHRO? Everything you need to know about the CHRO . location

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CHRO, better known as Human Resources Manager, is one of the senior positions that every company or business must have. So What is CHRO? And is it important or not, what is the salary and how is the promotion route? In the article below, let's immediately find out some important information with CoffeeHR.

What is CHRO?

CHRO stands for the phrase Chief Human Resources Officer, translated into Vietnamese means Recruiting Director or Human Resources Director – the head position of the human resources department in the company. CHRO will take full responsibility for recruiting.. At the same time, it must also coordinate with superiors and relevant departments in planning to find, train and develop talents, helping businesses to grow day by day. stronger.

CHRO đứng đầu vị trí ban Nhân sự
CHRO leads the position of Human Resources department

It can be seen that CHRO is one of the most important senior positions in every business and company. Currently, when the recruitment demand is increasing, this position has also been asserting its position.

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Job Description of HR Manager CHRO

To learn more What is CHRO?Here are some detailed descriptions of the day-to-day work of a hiring manager in each company:

  • Control all long-term and short-term recruitment activities of the company.
  • Coordinate with departments that need to recruit to find suitable personnel. Ensure completion of recruitment and recruitment KPI.
  • Develop training plans, onboarding new employees.
  • Reporting and updating recruitment-related data to superiors.
  • Detect risks and errors in human resources to solve.
  • Recommend recruitment and promotion for personnel if needed.
  • Complete tasks as requested by superiors.
Công việc của một CHRO trong doanh nghiệp
The job of a CHRO in the business

What is the role of the CHRO in the business?

Besides the question What is CHRO? The role of a human resources director is also a factor that many people are interested in. Here is some information that CoffeeHR has compiled:

Các vai trò chính của CHRO trong doanh nghiệp
The main roles of CHRO in the business

Media house looking for potential candidates

Every company, no matter what field, always has the need to find and recruit potential candidates. This responsibility is assigned to the human resources director, who will plan the recruitment, who will represent the candidate throughout the process before, during and after the interview.

Not only giving the skills that candidates need, CHRO is also the person who checks and determines the qualifications of each candidate. From there, determine the suitability of the candidate and the company. The recruitment director will also be the one to answer all questions related to the job, rules and corporate culture so that the candidates are clear.

After the recruitment process is over, CHRO also has the role of following up and accompanying the candidate during the probationary process to find the most potential personnel for each position of the company.

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CHRO đóng vai trò tuyển dụng nhân sự trong công ty
CHRO plays the role of recruiting personnel in the company

A pioneer in human resource management by technology

In the 4.0 era, the application of technology to the management of the human resource system is increasingly being widely applied.

CHRO is a direct manager and human resource management software. CHRO must update employee data regularly, set up daily KPI monitoring systems to monitor and control the working capacity of each employee in the company.

The management by technology helps factors such as salary and bonus per month or employee welfare indicators always be fair and transparent.

The person who transmits positive energy about corporate culture

Corporate culture is one of the most important factors determining the development of the company. In order to develop corporate culture, the role of the HR director is definitely indispensable.

By designing programs and events for each department, thereby spreading the positive energy of workplace culture. At the same time, it also organizes talent training sessions, contributing to the development of the capacity and performance of good personnel for the company's strategy.

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CHRO là người truyền đạt văn hóa doanh nghiệp
CHRO is the communicator of corporate culture

A good collaborator with CCO, CFO, CPO

The Human Resources Director is responsible for recruiting for all departments in the company. Therefore, they must have a good cooperation with other "leaders" such as CCO (sales director), CFO (production director) and CPO (financial director) to recruit suitable personnel. consistent with the company's requirements and budget.

How to become a CHRO: Skills and Experience

If you are interested in this position, you need to know the skills required in a What is CHRO? To perfect yourself:

  • Professional
  • Real combat experience
  • Leadership
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Essential soft skills


Expertise is one of those factors that you must have and cultivate regularly. Skills related to human resource management and talent development will be essential for you to do well in this position.

In addition, a good background, high educational record will also be plus points if you are looking to apply for the position of human resources director.

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Real combat experience

To be an excellent CHRO, you need to have a lot of experience in recruiting, a proper assessment of competence. From there, quickly select potential candidates, suitable for the company. If you have a lot of experience in recruiting candidates in a variety of positions, it will be a great advantage in the case of applying for the CHRO position.

CHRO giỏi cần có nhiều kinh nghiệm thực chiến
A good CHRO needs a lot of real combat experience


As an HR director, you will have to manage your department with a lot of employees in different positions. Therefore, good leadership ability, knowing how to connect members to improve work performance is an extremely important factor. A good CHRO is one who is proficient in arranging, managing and dividing work according to the strengths of each person.

Analytical and problem-solving skills

CHRO works directly with people, so it's not hard to avoid problems. CHRO must have analytical skills to quickly solve the best problem through observation and make appropriate decisions.

Essential soft skills

In addition to the basic skills of human resource management or recruitment, a good CHRO must also have the following soft skills:

  • Teamwork skill.
  • Negotiation and presentation skills in departmental discussions in particular and in the company in general.
  • Skills in using technology software. In the 4.0 technology era, knowing how to apply techniques and machines to work for yourself is extremely important to keep up with the trend.

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Các kỹ năng mềm khác
Other soft skills

Salary of the position CHRO

Certainly, the salary of CHRO is the question of many people working in the field of human resources. This salary fluctuates depending on experience, seniority, job requirements, company size, company industry, ... According to CoffeeHR's research, the salary of a Human Resources Director is now from 20- 30 million and maybe up to 100 million. The larger the company has a large staff, the more CHRO needs to manage, the higher the salary will be.

Mức lương của vị trí CHRO càng cao khi nhân sự doanh nghiệp càng lớn
The salary of the CHRO position is higher when the company's personnel is larger

CHRO's career path

A career path of a What is CHRO?eh? It's often not obvious, as anyone can be promoted to the position of Human Resources Manager. As long as you have enough capacity, expertise and real combat experience. Another factor that determines your promotion is the length of time you have been with the company.

Lộ trình thăng tiến của giám đốc nhân sự
The career path of the director of human resources

Typically, CHROs are often promoted from smaller positions related to the human resources system such as human resources assistant, human resource manager or human resources specialist. However, some Recruiting Directors also come from other "leading" positions such as Sales Director or CFO. All jobs related to management and technology can train professional CHROs with potential in the future.

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Here is some information to answer the question CHRO what as well as issues surrounding CHRO. Hope this article has helped you to have more directions for yourself on your future career path.


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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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