What is CCO? What role does CCO play for businesses?

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In enterprises, CCO plays an important role, affecting a lot of business activities, sales results, revenue of the company. However, to answer correctly What is CCO?What is the job of a business director, not everyone can do it. So let CoffeeHR help you answer this question  

What is CCO?

What is the abbreviation for CCO? CCO (Chief Customer Officer) is understood as the business director of the company. This is a very important position for the company. The job of the CCO is to manage and coordinate activities related to sales, marketing, and customer service to bring the best business performance to the company.

Định nghĩa CCO
What is CCO? – Definition of CCO? - What is a business director?

Is the sales effect good, revenue in the year increased, customers are satisfied with the quality of products and services? All of the above issues are thanks to the executive and management skills of the chief business officer (CCO). Therefore, the mission of a sales director is to run the sales and sales team according to the recommendations from the superior in a systematic way to optimize productivity.

Job of What is CCO?? Why is a business manager so important to a business? Let's find out more details in the later part of the article.

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The role of the CCO in the business

Bring customers back to the business

The first and foremost responsibility of What is CCO?? That is to turn potential customers into real customers.

Sales managers need to optimize profits for the company with business strategies that are suitable for the target market and customer group.

CCO chịu trách nhiệm giúp thu hút khách hàng
The CCO is responsible for helping attract customers to the business.

What is the job of the CCO?  Not only is it generating sales for himself, but a good business director needs to inspire "inspiration" to employees, helping them to work effectively. CCO effectively uses its resources to bring more customers to the business, helping customers get the best experience for the product and the company.

Understand What is CCO?, how meaningful for the business will help create a good business director.

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Covering business data of the enterprise

In a customer-centric era, CCOs need to be able to link data sets and business metrics to get an overall view of the business's target customers.

CCO cần có khả năng liên kết số liệu kinh doanh
CCOs need to be able to link business metrics to build the right strategy.

In order to sell effectively, businesses themselves need to understand the needs of customers to come up with a reasonable strategy to bring satisfaction to their customers. One's mission What is CCO?? must cover business data for each month, each quarter, each in order to:

  • Plan and implement appropriate strategies.
  • Control and develop sales, marketing and customer care activities.
  • Handle and coordinate reasonable personnel.
  • Meeting and signing contracts with strategic partners.

Diplomacy with partners

An equally important task of a sales manager is to develop relationships with partners. They are the people who play an important role in supporting and helping to benefit the business.

Understand the work of What is CCO? And doing it well will help your business maintain a competitive edge over other competitors in the market.

Required skills of CCO

Come here for sure you already know What is CCO? and the “power” of this position in the company. And to do well in this role, you need to practice the necessary competencies. Here are six key competencies a CCO needs to elevate themselves.

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Watch a clip explaining what is a CCO? Meaning of CCO

Strategic planning

The CCO needs to plan the business strategy and communicate it with the executive board in order to reach agreement on the overall goals, overall direction and expected results of the business.

The plans need to ensure feasibility in line with the company's long-term development strategy, financial resources, human resources, etc. of the business.

hoạch định chiến lược
Strategic planning – a must-have skill for CCO

Market forecast and sales plan

The ultimate responsibility for operations and sales within an organization will be held by the sales director. The CCO needs to know the figures related to current sales results and compare them with past times to evaluate the company's performance.

Along with that is forecasting market demand to deploy sales tactics in line with the company's strategy and vision.

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Sales team management

Skills required of What is CCO?? One of the answers that cannot fail to mention is staff management. A good sales manager is someone who is able to train and guide employees in the skills of the sales process. In addition, the COO also needs to know how to motivate, have a reasonable evaluation and reward plan so that employees can do their best to achieve the common goals of the organization.

Quản lí đội nhóm
Team management is an important skill of a CCO.

Build and develop relationships with partners

In today's integrated economy, building and establishing business relationships is one of the effective and important strategies for business survival. A good CCO is a CCO with strategic vision and the ability to build good relationships with partners to bring benefits to both.

Negotiation skills

If you are a CCO, negotiation will be the most important skill that you need to practice and develop continuously. The Director is responsible for negotiating with stakeholders such as: partners, suppliers, management and employees.

Change management

The market is constantly fluctuating, customer needs can be affected by many macro and micro factors. Therefore, the business director needs to foresee fluctuations in supply and demand, to make proactive changes in strategy to help the company adapt quickly to changes in the market.

Quản trị sự thay đổi hiệu quả
Effective change management is an essential skill for a good CCO.

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How to become a CCO


To be able to take on the position of sales director, you need to be equipped with a deep knowledge base in the fields of economics, business, human resources, marketing, etc. A master's degree in this field will help Candidates will have advantages when applying for this position.

In addition, many years of work experience along with outstanding work records in the past in related fields can also confirm that you have a deep understanding and can do well in this position.


CCO cần tối thiểu 10 năm kinh nghiệm
A CCO needs a minimum of 10 years of experience in business operations.

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Each company will have its own standard, but most businesses require the CCO to have a minimum of 10 years of experience with business operations, planning and successful implementation of strategies. company strategy.

So we have answered the request for a What is CCO?. If you have a passion and desire to become a business director, make an effort to learn and gain experience right now.


Above is all the useful information to answer the question What is CCO?, importance and skills required to be a talented CCO. Continuously update your knowledge and practice the above skills, surely sooner or later you will become an excellent sales director, bringing effective sales and sales to the company. Good luck.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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