The current ways of recruiting personnel - effective, economical, fast

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In today's competitive labor market, choosing How to recruit personnel? Effectiveness not only helps employers save money and time, but also brings quality and suitable human resources to businesses.

Here are ways of recruiting widely used today. Let's find out with CoffeeHR in the article below for reference and choose a suitable method for your business!

13 Ways to Recruit Professionally Effectively

Modern recruitment software

Currently, human resource recruitment software is considered a useful tool to help businesses manage easier and faster in solving difficult problems in the recruitment process such as:

  • Distributed records management;
  • Effectively controlling recruitment across different channels is harder;
  • Incorrect data entry due to large amount of information;
  • Missing out on many talents and candidates due to not managing recruitment channels well;
Phần mềm tuyển dụng CoffeeHR được nhiều doanh nghiệp lựa chọn
CoffeeHR recruitment software is chosen by many businesses

The use of these software not only helps businesses save time, increase HR's work productivity, but also contributes to building a more professional recruitment brand for your business. Not only that, using HR software is currently a trend applied by many companies of all sizes during recruitment seasons. Some of the currently trusted recruitment software are CoffeeHR, Zoho Recruit, Talent Bold, etc.

" Do not miss: Construction steps recruitment process Standard for business

Through recruitment websites

Using recruitment websites is one of them ways to recruit staff The effectiveness is being widely applied by businesses up to the present time. The recruitment platform is also an effective advertising channel to help the company recruit a large number of candidates quickly and save a lot of time.

Some recruitment sites like,,… is currently receiving great attention from people of all levels and ages. These websites are extremely useful for small businesses or companies that do not have a reputable recruitment brand.

Các Website tuyển dụng
Recruitment Websites

» Consult now: List of top 18 recruitment sites prestige and efficiency in 2022

Thanks to the introduction

Tuyển dụng qua sự giới thiệu
Recruiting through referrals

This is said to be one of Effective ways to recruit staff best. Instead of posting on websites, newspapers or social networking sites, recruiters through referral (Referral Recruitment) is a method of using personal relationships to recruit talents. From these relationships, HR will have more choices of qualified candidates suitable for the business.

This recruitment method brings a number of benefits such as:

  • Save time and costs for businesses, save a lot of time and costs.
  • Improve candidate quality.
  • The candidates all have a good attitude and integrate with the corporate culture.
  • How to recruit personnel This is suitable for the position of personnel to be recruited.

Post job vacancies on social networks

Sử dụng mạng xã hội để tuyển dụng hiệu quả
Use social networks to recruit effectively

Currently, Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest percentage of social network users in the world. Therefore, through social networking sites is also How to recruit personnel? that employers can access a large number of potential candidates, thereby reducing recruitment costs significantly.

A Randstad employer brand study said that about 39% candidates use social media to update information about career opportunities as well as the working environment at large companies. In which, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter... are the most used social networking sites by candidates. Therefore, businesses should focus on recruiting on these social networking platforms to be able to find qualified and suitable candidates.

các nền tảng social phổ biến tại việt nam
Popular social platforms in Vietnam (Updated January 2021)

Record recruitment video

Along with the development of current technology with a youthful environment, businesses have to use more and more personnel recruitment method more diverse and creative. Some companies have used social networks to livestream or record recruitment videos to attract candidates.

Tuyển dụng qua các Video
Recruiting through Videos

A Facebook report demonstrates how effective this approach is. This social networking platform claims that they have increased the number of applicants by 36% thanks to How to recruit staff effectively this. Not only that, the Hilton group also said that thanks to their creativity, they have saved time and optimized costs in the recruitment process.

Use communication services

Tuyển dụng qua các dịch vụ truyền thông
Recruitment through media services

Communication services are often used in businesses that do not have a professional and effective recruitment process. Headhunter or Employment Agency are two services that are often used by businesses in finding new candidates.

Headhunter is recruitment method Helping businesses find the right candidate for the job's requirements. Meanwhile, workers will find a job thanks to the referral of brokerage firms. As for Employment Agency, businesses often consider them as part of their recruitment strategy.

" See more: Instructions for setting up personnel recruitment plan effective in 2022

Organize recruitment events

Tổ chức sự kiện tuyển dụng
Organize recruitment events

In Effective recruiting methods, organizing recruitment events is the most effective method for businesses. Currently, recruitment events are organized in a variety of ways such as Workshop, Coffee talk, Job Fair, etc. These events are usually held at universities or online via zoom or online. livestream on fanpages.

This is a good opportunity for the company to find talent early and attract them to the business. Not only that, organizing recruitment events is also an opportunity for businesses to promote and develop their recruitment brand. For large enterprises, this form of human resource recruitment not only brings high efficiency in recruiting talents, but also helps enterprises to have abundant and quality human resources and bring benefits to the employees. trademark.

Hand out/Paste flyers

phát dán tờ rơi tuyển dụng
Distributing/Paste recruitment flyer

Distributing/pasting leaflets is one of the traditional recruitment methods applied by many businesses, especially those that need unskilled workers. Recruitment method This ensures access to a large number of applicants. At the same time, it helps businesses to recruit the right workers, who do not use a lot of technology.

" See more: 6 Recruitment Notification Form The best personnel in 2022 – CoffeeHR

Contact potential candidates in the past

Tiếp cận các ứng viên tiềm năng trong quá khứ
Approach potential candidates in the past

At work, employers always have to face and find a way to deal with difficult decisions. It is much more difficult to choose a few candidates out of 10 on a list than it is to choose 10 out of 500 candidates. Employers must consider carefully before making the right decision in finding talented candidates, suitable for the position to be recruited.

Candidates who have not been selected to be recruited before because of the lack of a few decisive factors will be potential human resources that businesses ignore. However, businesses must always keep the contact information of these subjects in the ATS because maybe they also have the potential to become great human resources in the future.

Contact with former staff

Recruiting former employees is an effective method of recruiting personnel that businesses need to pay attention to and seriously consider. Your former employee may be a suitable candidate for a previous position or a higher role in the event that they leave happily.

Liên lạc với nhân sự cũ
Contact with former staff

The benefits that the old recruitment option brings:

  • Shorten Onboarding Time: According to research, it takes businesses from 3 to 6 months for new employees to get used to and fully integrate with the work and working environment to bring about high performance. For former employees, the Onboarding time will be shortened because they are too familiar with the company.
  • Leverage work experience and skills: Ex-employees have equipped themselves with experience and knowledge from the new company when they decide to return to the old company. This helps businesses take advantage of great opportunities for their businesses.

" Watch now: What is HR Recruitment?? Recruitment process for HR


Tổ chức hội thảo

Organizing seminars is also one of the ways of recruiting helps increase employee engagement and opens up more opportunities to find new talent. Employers should send representatives to attend events related to the business's field as well as to promote their company. From here, participants can not only learn and acquire a lot of knowledge from experts, but also help businesses obtain a list of potential candidates.

Internal recruitment program

Tuyển dụng nội bộ
Internal recruitment

It can be said that organizing an internal recruitment program is one of the useful channels to help businesses find many talents. Based on relationships within the company, employers can also encourage all of their employees to refer human resources to the company to select the most suitable candidates.

With this method, recruiters can post recruitment notices on the company's internal information channel, fully listing the specific requirements for each candidate and information related to the vacancy. use. This job helps employees have enough information to recommend jobs to their friends and relatives

Direct recruitment at schools

Tuyển dụng ở các trường học
Recruitment in schools

With recruitment method In this way, businesses can access abundant and potential human resources from enthusiastic and dynamic young people. They are qualified candidates, suitable for the vacancy. Not only that, when recruiting directly at universities and colleges, businesses save time and costs.

Businesses can contact the departments of the faculty or through the job center of the university to receive support and advice. Besides, employers can also get information of outstanding candidates from the school to contact.

This recruitment method not only helps businesses not only recruit candidates but also promote their image to young people and human resources.

Learn more: Recruitment trends in 2022


Here is a summary ways of recruiting personnel effective. Hopefully, this article will help businesses and employers have more information to choose the most suitable recruitment method for their company.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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