What is a corporate code of conduct? Principles and construction

bộ quy tắc ứng xử trong doanh nghiệp
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Code of conduct in business is a way to help each employee be conscious in each action. It reflects the culture and values of each business in general and the core values of each member in particular. However, not all businesses can build for themselves the most correct and complete set of rules. So let's learn how to build a code of conduct with CoffeeHR through the article below.

What is a Code of Conduct?

The Code of Conduct is defined by Wiki as follows: “Codes of Conduct is a set of laws governing proceedings that outline the appropriate responsibilities or conduct of an individual, party or entity. Related concepts include code of ethics (ethical standards) and code of honor."

Bộ quy tắc ứng xử rất quan trọng cho các doanh nghiệp
Code of Conduct is very important for businesses

Building Code of conduct in business is extremely important for every business. Because an enterprise wants to create, maintain and develop a better corporate culture, a code of conduct is essential. It requires businesses to have a systematic, effective and especially human-based solution.

The importance of a code of conduct in business Karma

Regardless of when an employee starts a job at a business, the first step is to learn their code of conduct. Because for any business, the code of conduct is their soul, core value and guideline. Specifically, it is the mission, vision and code of conduct for members to treat and cooperate with each other. That is also what creates the corporate culture that any company wants to build.

Tầm quan trọng của bộ quy tắc ứng xử trong doanh nghiệp
The importance of a code of conduct in business

Specifically, the code of conduct brings great benefits to businesses such as:

  • Be a guide to the internal culture: all rules have the mission to guide, guide and support employees in daily tasks to be the best.
  • Ensuring business discipline: With the code of conduct, the entire company must comply, including leaders to employees. All mistakes or omissions in work are treated equally, without bias in work. This helps all operations run smoothly without interruption and avoid illegal actions.
  • Building the brand and reputation of the business: Code of conduct in business as a living symbol, representing the company in terms of responsibility as well as upholding social standards and proper behavior. This also creates core values to build reputation and business reputation in the market.
  • As a "catalyst" to connect members in the enterprise: Code of conduct in business It is also a support for employees to help arouse enthusiasm and positive attitude in their work. Therefore, the code of conduct is not only the solution of an individual in the business, but it is also a tonic for the whole team to help everyone be more sociable and united in the office environment.
  • Create peace of mind and trust for customers: When cooperating with a company that has a good corporate code of conduct, customers are much more secure and trusting. They find professionalism at your company. Moreover, if customers want to learn more about your company, they will love your company even more.
  • Help comply with the law, reduce the risk of wrongdoing: Where there is a code of conduct and compliance with the law, all activities will be transparent and avoid corruption and financial manipulation.

Guide to building a code of conduct in business

To be able to build code of conduct for business you should follow these 8 steps:


Các bước xây dựng bộ quy tắc ứng xử
Steps to develop a code of conduct
  • Step 1: Review and evaluate the overall mission, strategic vision and core values of the enterprise against business goals and ethical standards.
  • Step 2: Consult and research on the codes of conduct of companies that are similar in size, operation, and field with your company.
  • Step 3: Review current and past policies, especially past dilemmas and any precedents the organization has set.
  • Step 4: Discuss, exchange and complete ideas from business leaders and departments because they will be the ones to directly communicate and apply Code of conduct in business.
  • Step 5: Put in place temporary rules for operation. Then share and get comments from staff to edit accordingly.
  • Step 6: Coordinating supervision and division of responsibilities for capable and competent individuals to handle complaint situations, investigate violations and provide timely handling and remedial measures.
  • Step 7: Carrying out the implementation corporate code of conduct by holding a meeting at an event, through which to answer questions and convey content to its employees. Special note should guide how to apply and cases to note with staff.
  • Step 8: After completing the above steps, conduct an evaluation of the entire process, the results achieved and the shortcomings that need to be supplemented. Always have a progressive attitude and improve the missing points for the system to maintain stability.

Principles of a right code of conduct

Cần có các nguyên tắc khi xây dựng bộ quy tắc ứng xử
There should be principles when developing a code of conduct

Full of necessary content

Must-have content of Code of conduct in business as follows:

  • The purpose of leaders when creating a code of conduct.
  • The values of the mission, vision and strategy of the enterprise.
  • Business principles of the enterprise.
  • What is acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the business.
  • Measures to deal with and take action when facing risky and corrupt situations.
  • How to seek help, direction or solutions; specific address for advice and support.
  • The reward and discipline regimes, and reprimands are clear.

Leaders build together

Asking for employees' opinions in the process of drafting a common set of rules in the business is always something that most leaders care about. So is it necessary or not?

The answer would be:

For a talented, capable and timely leader, self-compilation Code of conduct in business nothing is wrong. However, most of these jobs are assigned to the human resources department, so it is inevitable that mistakes will be made and consistency cannot be created.

Therefore, the best solution that businesses should implement is that leaders should gather to discuss and exchange ideas and then come to a consensus. This not only ensures the objectivity of many opinions but also obtains unified opinions from many departments.

Building on the premise of mission and core values

One corporate code of conduct Standards are not only compliance with the provisions of the law but also based on the mission and strategic vision of the enterprise.

Before starting to build a code of conduct, you should carefully understand what the mission of the business is, such as:

  • What is the purpose of your business?
  • What makes your business different?
  • How do you treat relationships such as employees, shareholders, customers, etc.?
  • What is important to your organization?

After evaluating and considering the factors above, you should next review the core values of the business to see if it is appropriate or not.

  • Accountable Responsibilities: belongs to the individual's duty to take full responsibility for his or her actions.
  • Citizens' rights: ensure the regulations and regulations of the state including health, working environment.
  • Integrity Virtue: This is reflected in relationships with employees, colleagues, customers, etc.
  • Ensuring fairness and transparency: The guarantee applies to every aspect of your business from performance commitments to payment arrangements with partners. Everything should be clear and transparent.

Ensure rigor

Code of conduct in business It is not only a standard measure for employees but also represents the image and brand for businesses. Therefore, it requires high consistency and rigor.

Must be easy to understand and clear

The Code of Conduct is a consensus of opinion from the leaders of the departments, so there will be no specific obligation. However, the set of rules given should be easy to understand and grasp so that all employees can perform well. Here are some ways that you can refer to:

  • Capture and aim at the core values of the business.
  • When writing, use simple, understandable language.
  • Use positive language and tone with employees.
  • Do not use too many rules prohibiting violations that easily lead to anxiety in the working process of employees.

Watch more Video Code of Conduct in the business

8 Most commonly used Code of Conduct

Code of conduct for work

For work, the set of rules includes:

  • Behavior during work.
  • Conduct in confidential information materials
  • Conduct in the use and protection of property.
  • Conduct in the workplace.

Code of conduct for the organization

  • How to say hello?
  • How to meet and introduce?
  • How to start a conversation like shaking hands, greetings
  • How to use personal business cards?
  • Know meeting etiquette.
  • Master the etiquette of negotiating, signing, organizing receptions.
Các bộ quy tắc ứng xử nên tuân theo
Organizational codes of conduct

Code of conduct for customers

  • Actively and actively looking for customers to introduce products.
  • Always take good care of customers, meet the most basic needs.
  • Pay attention to customer satisfaction.
  • Learn to grasp the psychology and understand the needs of customers.

Code of Conduct for Colleagues

  • How to greet each other when meeting colleagues?
  • Trust, fun, get along with colleagues and the collective.
  • Willing to listen and absorb positive suggestions from colleagues.

Code of conduct for superiors/subordinates

If you are a leader

  • Responsible for creating a professional, comfortable and best working environment for employees.
  • Know how to listen and receive opinions from reasonable and dedicated staff.
  • Have a polite, friendly attitude towards employees.

If you are an employee

  • Serious, polite, greeting when meeting leaders.
  • Strictly accept and comply with instructions and suggestions from superiors.
  • The company is honest with the company's issues and is ready to give opinions if it is found that wrong decisions affect the company.
Lãnh đạo và nhân viên cần có các quy tắc ứng xử đúng mực
Leaders and employees need to have proper codes of conduct

Code of conduct for the community and society

Businesses need to have appropriate codes of conduct in the working environment.

Code of Conduct for Government, Economy, Country

  • How to deal with ministries, branches or authorities.
  • The behavior of officials of functional agencies.
  • How to behave towards the political system and the national economy.

Code of conduct for the implementation of corporate social responsibility

Every business that wants to develop sustainably and earn long-term profits needs to apply this strategy. Specifically, it is necessary to protect environmental resources, contribute and help social community issues, ensure safety and quality for the interests of consumers, etc.

Putting the Code of Business Conduct into practice

After getting the information about corporate code of conduct Then next we will learn about how they work and how to apply them in practice.

Đưa bộ quy tắc ứng xử vào thực tế
Putting the Code of Conduct into practice

Determine requirements when recruiting

Before hiring a new employee you need to ask your candidate a few questions. For example, "If you are an employee of the company, how do you think the company should treat customers?".

Through the candidate's answers, you will determine whether the candidate is suitable for the environment of your business or not.

Through training activities

This activity will help us learn more about the personality of our employees. Through ethical dilemmas, work, put employees in that situation see how they behave.

Hoạt động training giúp hiểu rõ cách ứng xử của nhân viên
Training activities help to understand the behavior of employees

Through moral reinforcement

Companies should regularly exchange and reinforce the importance of corporate culture. In addition, they can encourage employees to give feedback and suggestions about Codes of Conduct general of the enterprise. From there, it can be perfected and help employees apply better.

Measure performance regularly

Once we have put the rule set into practice, we need to follow it. In addition, there should be periodic tests, meetings and discussions about the feasibility of the code. Or businesses can use anonymous feedback mailboxes for employees to communicate and thereby measure effectiveness. This will be an effective support tool and help businesses in the process of operation.

Đo lường hiệu quả giúp thực hiện bộ quy tắc ứng xử phù hợp nhất
Performance measurement helps implement the best code of conduct

Above is the article CoffeeHR introduces to readers about Code of conduct in business and how to build it for each company. Through the content presented, I hope you have saved useful information for yourself. If you want to build a code of conduct for your business that is both effective and time-saving, please refer to CoffeeHR's support tools right away.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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