Latest set of Intern interview questions for employers

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Interns are a source of labor that many businesses target. And to recruit people who fit the requirements, the intern interview is also extremely important. By preparing an effective set of intern interview questions, HR can accurately assess candidates in terms of ability, attitude, skills and suitability.

What should businesses consider when recruiting interns?

Internship programs help businesses connect and meet with students who are about to graduate or have just graduated, temporarily solving human resources problems for a certain period of time. Here are some things that businesses need to keep in mind when having an intern recruitment policy:

  • Need to determine the needs of your business to see if it needs to recruit interns or not?

Recruiting interns is often done to temporarily meet short-term business needs at the company. In case, projects at your company are running steadily and need someone with experience to execute, consider hiring a full-time employee or freelancer to complete the job instead. .

  • Reasonable agreement on salary for interns

Because interns are not considered official employees, the salary is often not high. However, businesses need to ensure compliance with labor laws and provide reasonable welfare policies to deserve the effort they have contributed to the company's business activities.

In fact, in the labor market in Vietnam, the average salary for interns usually ranges from 2 to 4 million/month, this salary can change according to the policies of each business.

  • Negotiate internship time

Depending on each business, an intern's internship period usually lasts from 3 to 5 months. Employers need to discuss specifically with interns and respect candidates' opinions.

  • Make a plan to perform tasks for interns

Interns do not have much experience, so getting used to the job will often be difficult. To support you, businesses need to give an overview of the job, assign instructors and encourage them to learn the necessary tools. For people with shy personalities and poor communication skills, make sure there is always someone to assign tasks and guide them enthusiastically so they can work most effectively.

Doanh nghiệp cần đưa ra cái nhìn tổng quan về công việc, chỉ định người hướng dẫn và khuyến khích họ tìm hiểu những công cụ cần thiết
Businesses need to give an overview of the job, assign instructors and encourage them to learn the necessary tools

Sample intern interview questions

Below are some sets of questions that HR can refer to:

Sample familiarization interview questions

  • Can you introduce a little about yourself? HR can learn about candidates, including work experience, skills, personality, and evaluate their suitability for the job position through the candidate's introduction. Furthermore, this interview question also creates an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their communication skills, demonstrating the importance of future cooperation.
  • Your future career goals? This interview question looks at the candidate's compatibility with the company's future development goals. Candidates may be suitable for the environment and company culture but often do not match their expectations and personal orientation at work. 
  • What do you already know about the product or project we are working on? Please share your opinion about it. Researching the company before applying shows the candidate's seriousness and interest in the internship position.
  • Why did you apply to our company? With this interview question, if the candidate is able to present an overview of the culture, basic information, and explain why they are interested in the company, the employer can appreciate their ability to stick with the company. their longevity with the business. On the contrary, candidates who are hesitant, hesitant or general, HR can consider further because there is a possibility that these candidates will not be able to complete the internship period in a sustainable way and quickly become uninterested or decision to leave.
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? Preferred candidates will often have clear answers about their strengths related to the job position. If there are any weaknesses that can be overcome through work and development, these candidates are also likely to be selected.
  • Why are you interested in this internship position? This interview question helps determine the candidate's level of interest in the job position being recruited.
  • What is your desired salary? Employers need to rely on this to evaluate the candidate's suitability for the job position. If a candidate asks for a high salary but does not demonstrate ability in the interview, the employer needs to consider.
  • Do you have any questions for us? This interview question shows the candidate's initiative in the interview, creating an opportunity for the candidate to ask questions or concerns about the position, job, and company.

In addition, HR can ask some additional interview questions such as:

  • Why did you choose this major or field?
  • Do you have plans to pursue higher education in the future?
  • What achievement have you achieved that you are most proud of?…

DON'T MISS: Recruitment interview skills: Recruitment methods that do not miss talent

Một số câu hỏi phỏng vấn giúp nhà tuyển dụng làm quen ứng viên
Some interview questions help employers get to know candidates

Sample situational interview questions

Entering the real work environment often requires skills in handling situations and adaptation. Asking situational questions during the interview process is an important part of assessing a candidate's abilities.

  • Do you have good teamwork skills? Please share an example of a group work experience you had in college.
  • Are you able to work X amount of time? The answer helps employers clearly understand the candidate's time management ability and know whether the candidate is willing to perform the required tasks or not.
  • Have you ever had any creative suggestions or input on a previous project or assignment? With this interview question, employers use it to evaluate your ability to gain a deeper understanding of your creativity, thinking and contribution in the work environment. From there, it helps employers evaluate whether candidates have the ability to perceive problems and be creative in their work.
  • If you were offered an opportunity to improve one aspect of a project or job, what would you do and why? This interview question helps employers evaluate self-awareness and the ability to learn from candidates.

Some advice when interviewing interns

During the intern interview process, employers need to note a few things as follows:

  • Detailed explanation of recruitment rounds: In addition to being transparent about the company's recruitment process, you also need to explain the details to candidates without this experience. If the intern has never had a job interview or has just had a job interview, guide and describe each stage of recruitment so they can imagine what they will go through.
  • Set clear expectations and detect interns' weaknesses early: During the hiring process, treat interns as you would candidates you want to hire for open positions. Apply some interview questions to quickly filter candidates and determine whether the candidate meets the requirements when interning at the company. For example: Do you know how to use X software?, Does the salary the company pays match your desired salary?, Are you committed to participating in an internship lasting X months? , Are you willing to work for X hours?
  • Assign tasks to evaluate skills: Projects that simulate the duties of the position will help you understand how interns apply what they learn on the job. Make sure the instructions are clear so they can complete the task in the best possible way.

READ MORE: 8 signs of a successful interview

Một số lời khuyên khi phỏng vấn thực tập sinh
Some advice when interviewing interns

Cases that need attention

Here are things that employers need to keep in mind when recruiting interns:

  • Different career goals: If candidates have career goals that do not match the internship position at your company, they will feel disinterested in the assigned job. But if they have the skills and are interested in your company, consider having them intern in another department or keep in touch if another job opportunity arises in the future.
  • Lack of motivation: If an intern works at the company for 3 to 6 months, it will help college students or recent graduates gain work experience. But that's only when they are serious about their work. As for candidates who just want to quickly complete the internship, it is not worth your business's time.
  • Unprofessionalism: Issues such as arriving late to the interview, missing deadlines, and being arrogant are bad signs you need to be careful of. Although it is not advisable to be too harsh with interns, in these unprofessional cases you should still refuse from the beginning.
  • Not integrating with the company culture: If you set up internship programs as a source to train for full-time employees, you should soon recruit people who integrate well and have the ability to stick with the company for a long time.

Above is a set of intern interview questions that HR should not ignore. Hopefully with the information CoffeeHR provides above, HR staff can apply it to their businesses' recruitment activities to select talented and suitable candidates!

Doan Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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