Summary of the best interview questions for employers

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In most conversations between employers and potential candidates, this will include interview questions has been prepared in advance. So what items are included in that package of questions? What questions can help candidates introduce themselves in the most natural way? To answer the above questions, please read with CoffeeHR to find out detailed information in this article.

Self-introduction interview questions

In HR interviews, interview questions that employers will ask candidates are questions for candidates to introduce themselves. Often the questions in this introduction should not stop at a simple sentence such as “Tell us basic information about you”.

Therefore, they can be replaced with questions that candidates can answer in the most natural way. This will assist the interviewer – candidates can get acquainted more easily. A relaxed opening can help the candidate be open to answering later questions from the interviewer.

câu hỏi giới thiệu bản thân
Introduce yourself

Some questions include:

  • Please introduce yourself in detail?
  • What's your hobby?
  • What are the outstanding achievements that you have achieved for in the past?
  • Tell me about an impressive story that makes you proud?
  • Three words that best describe who you are.
  • At work, do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
  • Are you a good listener or a good communicator?

" See more: 11 Interview method Effectiveness recruiters should know

Reaction test question set

In every job, soft skills are a very important factor to evaluate competent candidates. Soft skills are something that any employer recognizes. That's because if hard skills can help candidates start a career, soft skills will help them improve their capabilities and make it easier to succeed in that career.

Therefore, employers should not ignore soft skills assessment questions because these skills are quite important and need to be assessed.

kiểm tra phản ứng
Test reaction

Set of interview questions Below will suggest you how to check soft skills through the responsiveness of each candidate more clearly:

  • Are there any conflicts between you and your superiors? How do you handle that conflict?
  • When team members have arguments, conflicts and can't work together, how do you solve that problem?
  • How is your pressure tolerance, is it high? Tell me about the most stressful situation you have ever faced before? And how did you overcome it and what lessons did you learn?
  • What do you think when you may have to travel often for work?
câu hỏi phỏng vấn ứng viên
Candidate interview questions
  • When a customer reacts strongly to your service, how do you handle it?
  • If you meet a colleague who has opposite views, how will you handle this case?
  • What is the most difficult situation at work you have ever faced? How did you deal with it and what did you learn from the event?
  • Do you have a question for our business?

Quiz to check cultural fit

Coming to every business, an essential thing that you need to focus on is culture. Because corporate culture is an extremely diverse field. Diversity is reflected in each enterprise with its size.

Different professions will have different working environments and ways of working. Therefore, the appropriateness of corporate culture will be relative, especially as there is no right or wrong culture.

Kiểm tra sự phù hợp văn hóa của ứng viên
Check candidate's cultural fit

Then, recruiters will pay attention to the criteria of whether the candidate fits the corporate culture or not. For a business, culture is more than just a reflection of the company's values and mission. In addition, culture also shapes the working framework of each employee.

A candidate that fits the corporate culture is the success of the employer. As a way to help businesses reach their goals faster, increase retention of good employees, and boost productivity and team cohesion.

Every year, the recruitment of personnel in line with the corporate culture is a candidate search activity that needs to ensure two factors that are:

  • Meet the capacity needs of the desired business
  • There is potential for growth in the corporate working environment

One interview questions to assess whether the potential candidate will integrate into the working environment of your business or not. Let's follow along!

Đánh giá ứng viên giỏi
Evaluate good candidates

Question pack to check the candidate's cultural fit:

  • Tell us do you prefer to work alone or in a team? Why?
  • Which work environment do you choose to boost your productivity the most? Why?
  • Do you often expect your boss to give you feedback through annual performance review meetings or through daily/weekly briefings?
  • What do you hope you can achieve in the first six months of working at the company?
  • What would make you quit your job in the first place?
  • During a difficult project, what would you say and do to motivate everyone on the team?
các câu hỏi phỏng vấn
Set of interview questions
  • What do you like about your current job (or previous job) that you would like our company to have too?
  • Do you feel that the company's policy is unfair and ineffective? If so, which policy is it and explain why? What have you done or will do in this case?
  • Your manager gives you a lot of work right before the end of the workday. How will you react?
  • If you think there is a better way to solve the problem, but when giving feedback, the former employee says, "It's always been like that", what would you say?
  • What do you want most when coming to our business?

" See more: Recruitment interview skills: Recruitment methods that don't miss talent

Self-awareness questionnaire

To assess candidates through self-perception questions is a pretty good way. Set of interview questions Employers can apply below.

When you're not around, what will your co-workers say about you?

In this case, most people expect their colleagues to say nice things about them. The general mentality of everyone will want to be appreciated by those around them. But if you are ambitious, it will often not be absolute.

Nhận thức bản thân
Self awareness

Candidates who receive this question will have confusion and confusion. What the candidate needs to do is to answer so that it is balanced in completion. For example: “My colleagues appreciate my ability to work, but sometimes do not pay attention to the small details of my work.”

If the employer accepts this response, the candidate will have the option to stay at the company for many years to come. Along with that, you should also ask some related questions to provide different ideas of how candidates envision their career progression. As well as how they handle strategic decisions.

Can you share your greatest work achievement? Show me how you plan, manage, measure, and the biggest mistake you've ever made.

According to Lou Adler - The world's leading recruitment thinker, he has been trying to find the right candidates interview questions perfect over a 10 year period. According to his research, this is the question he has found. Lour Adler believes that each candidate's answer will be the best indicator of whether or not the business should hire them.

Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm
Sharing experiences

The assessment through the above question, candidates will have the opportunity to share the professional achievements that they are most proud of in the working process. Thereby, you can have the opportunity to hear the most detailed information about the candidate. Information on how the candidate plans and runs projects. The fact that they set their own standards for success at work.

Situational Questionnaire

Employers will rely on a number of bases to evaluate the professional capacity, soft skills, ability to integrate into the business of the candidates? Therefore, the construction of interview questions Situation is an important part for candidates.

About teamwork skills

Some questions about teamwork skills that employers can refer to:

  • Can you share your experience to gain the trust of a team member with a completely different personality?
  • How do you deal with conflicts when working in groups?
  • If you had difficulty communicating with a new group, how did you adapt to the group?
Kỹ năng làm việc nhóm
Teamwork skill
  • Have you ever made a mistake with a colleague before? If so, how do you wish you could have acted differently at that time?
  • A colleague's attitude is not suitable to cooperate and communicate with people. What do you need to do to be able to exchange information with them when needed?

About customer care

Set of interview questions Customer care also helps evaluate potential candidates.

  • It is important to describe a time when you made a good impression on a client. What will you have to do?
  • Please share your experience of making difficult customers happy in your previous jobs
Chăm sóc khách hàng
Customer care
  • How do you please a difficult customer? Have you ever encountered a similar situation?
  • You have been exposed and served many customers at the same time, how can you satisfy and solve the needs of each person?
  • What have you done to disappoint a customer? What happened and how can you fix the situation.

About adaptive skills

Adaptability is essential for a candidate, interview questions related questions below.

  • Can you share how you deal with changes in your team or company?
  • There are times when people need to improvise immediately to deal with an unexpected situation. Have you experienced similar difficulties?
Kỹ năng thích nghi
Adaptation skills
  • Have you experienced failures at work? How to pass that time?
  • Please share your experiences from your first job.
  • How to overcome heavy pressure at work is a very important thing, let's share our experience on this issue.

About time management skills

A good candidate is a candidate with good time management skills.

  • Have you ever completed a long-term plan, so how do you make sure everything goes well on schedule?
  • Do you have a time when you failed to control your work? Please share the best solution in that situation.
Quản lý thời gian
Time management
  • Have you ever set goals for yourself? How can you get it done perfectly?
  • Do you have to manage many different tasks at the same time, or have you had similar related experience?
  • How have you planned yourself so that you can accomplish many important tasks at once?

About communication skills

Just as important as other skills, candidate communication skills are really essential for your business. Suggestions interview questions refer:

  • Please share how to explain complex problems to difficult customers?
  • How to have the most successful presentation?
  • How do you convince your colleagues around you to believe in your work?
Kỹ năng giao tiếp
Communication skills

Questionnaire about passion

Passion questions such as “What do you like to do in your free time?”. Always try to find out about the candidate's personality, about their interests in life. Although the question is a bit personal, it is also a good way to help you evaluate your candidate. It also makes the interview more open and fun.

Câu hỏi về đam mê
Question about passion

Learn more: Top 10 frequently asked interview questions


In addition to the interview questionnaire, many businesses use Recruitment software in parallel to increase the accuracy of candidate evaluation. With CoffeeHR Recruitment software, businesses will own many smart tools to help optimize recruitment such as:

  • Collect and store CVs from many recruitment websites
  • Automatically screen candidates
  • Schedule and automatically remind participants of interviews
  • Automatically send emails according to available templates
  • Score candidates right in the interview
  • Report on quality of recruitment period
  • Automatically transfer candidate profiles to employees

Through the above outstanding features, CoffeeHR not only shortens the recruitment process but also optimizes costs and improves efficiency. In the long run, businesses have both created a pool of quality candidates through CoffeeHR's CV Pools and built a professional Employer Brand.

Thorough preparation interview questions for potential candidates will contribute to the success of the recruitment season. The sample questions for candidates CoffeeHR shares hope to be useful to employers, accurately assessing the capacity of candidates to find the most suitable and qualified human resources.

Contact now CoffeeHR to receive FREE DEMO Recruitment solution for your Business.

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Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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