8 Mistakes that cause qualified employees to quit

8 Sai lầm khiến nhân viên có năng lực nghỉ việc
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A survey from CEB shows that one-third of key employees of companies often feel bored with their jobs and managers, they always want to find another job.

Employees don't suddenly want to leave the company, they slowly lose interest in work. Michael Kibler - who has spent most of his time studying this phenomenon - calls it brownout - the "low energy work" syndrome.

“Brownout is different from burnout, which is fatigue caused by overwork,” says Kibler. Because brownout is not an obvious crisis. People with this syndrome perform quite well in the workplace: they can spend hours researching problems, contributing to teams, knowing what to say at meetings. However, they slowly became bored with their work, and the result was anyone's guess: they wanted to resign."

To avoid brownouts and retain competent employees, companies and management must know where they went wrong.

Theo trang Huffpost, những lý do sau dẫn đến hiện tượng brownout và các công ty cần loại bỏ chúng để có được những người xứng đáng nhất. Cùng tìm ngay hiểu 8 sai lầm khiến nhân viên nghỉ việc.

Create too many cumbersome rules

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The workplace needs rules but needs strict and correct rules without being too strict.

It doesn't have to be draconian policies, just a few unnecessary regulations make people angry.

When employees feel under supervision at work, employees will want to find a new job immediately.

Equal treatment

Read more: 11 ways to manage employees for maximum productivity

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This is a tactic that works for kids, but not for the workplace.

Treating everyone the same will make good employees think that no matter how hard they work, no matter how much time they devote, they will only get the same treatment as the idlers.

Poor performance

People with sad and angry emojis illustration

In a band, the artist's talent will be judged by the worst player. No matter how well the members play, the audience will only hear the shrill notes from the worst. Companies and organizations also operate in the same way. If they accept there is a weak link in the organization, they will drag the whole company down.

No praise

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People are underestimating the value of praise. Everyone wants to have a reputation, especially for the core employees who have worked hard for the company. Rewarding individuals who contribute means you care about them.

The manager needs to connect the members of the organization and know what they want: reward, recognition or promotion... and give it to them when the work is done.

Do not care

Most employees give up their positions because of their relationship with their boss. A wise company will know how to balance professionalism and affection between people. A leader should congratulate subordinates on their successes, empathize with those in difficulty, and push them to work.

nhân viên có năng lực nghỉ việc

A boss who does not care about employees will not receive the commitment of subordinates. It's hard to work 8 hours a day, giving your all to someone who cares about nothing but results.

Doesn't give perspective

It would be as simple as giving employees tasks to do, but setting goals for them is key to running a company. Competent people carry more responsibility, because they really care about the work. So they need the finish line to aim for.

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If they don't set goals, they will lose their way and lose their way. If the company can't come up with a clear plan, good employees will find another place on their own.

Do not let employees pursue their passions

Competent employees have great passion and desire. Helping them pursue their own aspirations increases their job performance and company satisfaction. But some bosses are limiting the abilities of their subordinates. They worry that productivity will decrease if they loosen control and allow them to pursue their passions. This is an unfounded, unwarranted fear.

A survey has shown that people have the ability to follow their dreams and still keep up with the progress of work, the state of excitement will increase work productivity by five times.

DO NOT MISS: Quản lý nhân viên hiệu quả: mặt trái của sự đồng cảm khi lãnh đạo

Too seriousc

If you think that the workplace is to be serious, you are wrong! It is not possible to work at full capacity without having fun, joy is the way to protect you from brownout. A professional company knows the importance of relaxation.

nhân viên có năng lực nghỉ việc

Google is a prime example, they have all kinds of services to help employees reduce stress: free meals, bowling, fitness classes, etc. Simple idea: if the workplace is comfortable, you will spend spend more time there.

Bắt nhân viên làm việc quá sức

Nhiều người thường nói không có gì “đốt cháy” nhân viên giỏi nhanh hơn việc bắt họ lao động quá sức. Đây là vấn đề mà nhà quản lý thường phạm phải khi muốn nâng cao hiệu suất công việc. Nhiều khi, áp đặt quá mức sẽ phản tác dụng, thay vì thúc đẩy nhân viên tập trung hơn vào công việc, điều này chỉ khiến họ mệt mỏi và cảm thấy làm việc là một gánh nặng.

Theo nghiên cứu mới nhất từ Đại học Stanford cho hay, năng suất của nhân viên sẽ giảm mạnh khi số giờ làm việc trong tuần quá 50h, và sẽ giảm nhiều hơn nữa sau 55h nếu không nhận được bất kỳ đãi ngộ nào.

Tăng lương, thăng chức hay thay đổi cách làm việc đang là những vấn đề mà lãnh đạo cần cân nhắc trước khi yêu cầu nhân viên nâng cao hiệu suất công việc. Nếu không, nhân viên sẽ xin nghỉ để chuyển sang công ty khác có chế độ đãi ngộ tốt hơn.


Người quản lý thường cho rằng kết quả doanh thu là do nhiều yếu tố, mà quên đi vấn đề cốt lõi: mọi người không rời đi vì công việc, họ rời đi vì quản lý. Muốn biến công ty bạn thành nơi đáng làm việc ư? Hãy cân nhắc tham gia một khóa học lấy chứng chỉ EQ.

Doan Thi Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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