7 Human resource policies and secrets to retaining talent in the business

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Clearly defined workplace policies are an important part of any organization. As a human resources (HR) professional, understanding different HR policies and how they operate can help you maintain discipline and order at work. Attractive human resources policy is an important factor to help attract and recruit quality talent, increase talent retention rate and business development.

In this article, CoffeeHR will define HR policies, outline their importance, and the policies that help attract quality personnel.

1. What is human resources policy?

An HR policy is a written guide that describes the principles, rights and responsibilities of management and personnel. Including recruitment policy, training and development policy, remuneration, reward, promotion and discipline policy, etc. individual or group.

Normally, personnel policies are decided by the board of directors and controlled by the human resources department. Human resource policy is the foundation of every business, helping businesses increase internal solidarity, operate smoothly, attract potential candidates and ensure personnel complete all assigned tasks. 

>>> See more: What is staffing? Principles are an effective way to build businesses

Chính sách nhân sự là gì?
What is HR policy?

2. The importance of human resources policies in the workplace

Human resource policies bring many benefits to businesses such as developing comprehensive human resource management, improving labor quality and enhancing recruitment processes. In addition, human resources policies also reflect the culture and values of the business. Mentioning in detail the rights and obligations of employers and employees, is a means to objectively evaluate personnel performance.


  • Human resources policy ensures that all employees are taken care of; Their needs are respected and the benefits they deserve are provided. 
  • HR policies help address employee complaints, problems and grievances and outline how to handle them appropriately. 
  • Train and develop potential employees, suitable to the needs of the business. 
  • Ensure employees receive adequate and fair compensation. 
  • Create a common and healthy working environment. Maintain discipline and outline acceptable standards and behavior in the workplace.
  • Offer paid vacations and days off to eligible employees. 
  • Communicate the organization's goals and values. 
  • Give a clear picture of career progression within the organization. 

>>> See more: The importance of human resource policy in an organization

3. Important human resources policies

Các chính sách nhân sự quan trọng
Important human resources policies

3.1 Personnel recruitment policy

Recruitment policies often set out criteria for selecting candidates and outline them new employee onboarding process. Includes 3 main parts: recruitment, personnel training and leave policy.

The content of the policy focuses on the basic activities of employees from the time they join the company until they leave, specifically:

  • Recruitment policy: Set criteria and requirements for each position to be filled. During the recruitment posting process, personnel clearly describe job requirements and content. Then select suitable profiles, interview, analyze and evaluate potential candidates.
  • New employee orientation policy: Includes criteria for ideology and internal culture of the enterprise so that employees are more aware of their role and influence on the overall goals of the organization.
  • Probation policy: This is an important part of the recruitment process, businesses evaluate personnel during the probationary period to determine the ability of the personnel to meet the company's standards and requirements.
  • Temporary replacement policy: In cases where a business has difficulty with human resources and cannot find a replacement immediately, the solution the business needs is to divide the work to other employees to ensure progress. job.

3.2 Personnel training policy

Some businesses ignore investing in training and skills development policies for employees, because they consider this unnecessary and costly in both cost and time. However, in reality, investing in training policy is the top responsibility of every business. Businesses that do not focus on training will face stagnation in organizational development and reduced work performance. of employees and difficulty retaining talent.

To build a human resources training and development policy, businesses need to go through the following steps:

  • Identify training needs of personnel
  • Planning training and budgeting: Detailed plan includes location, content, form of training, as well as requirements for personnel after completing the training course. Ensure that the business has sufficient financial resources to support training courses.
  • Develop specific content and schedule of training sessions: Be specific, clear, and appropriate to the time so that everyone can absorb knowledge most effectively. 
  • Evaluate employee quality after training: Compare employee performance before and after training to determine whether the training program meets the goals. 
  • Evaluate the training program: Get opinions on the content of knowledge, evaluate instructors, training methods from participating personnel after each training session and the need to participate in training in other programs in the future.

>>> See more: [7 OPTIMAL STEPS] Human resource training and development process

3.3 Remuneration and salary policy

Remuneration policy is indispensable in every organization. Policies include agreements between employees and leaders to ensure all aspects of employee rights. This is a form of salary or wages given to employees in exchange for services or work performed.

However, monetary is not the only form considered as compensation policy, there are many other non-monetary forms such as: compensation by social insurance, health insurance, allowances, vacation days, etc. training courses, new equipment, stocks, etc. any compensation for employee performance is part of the salary.

In addition, there are some businesses that cannot ensure remuneration policies, making employees feel exploited and not respected. 


Contracts represent the legal binding of agreements, rights and obligations of employees and employers, and are extremely important to businesses. A labor contract must contain all of the following information:

  • Record code (convenient for storage).
  • Company information, personnel, job name, company regulations that employees must comply with.
  • Social insurance benefits, salary, bonus, remuneration, type of contract, contract term, etc.

The contract takes legal effect immediately after signing. Any violation will be handled according to the provisions of law. Therefore, candidates need to read and think carefully before signing. Besides, the company also needs to ensure the content of the contract before making an offer.

To optimize the process of storing contract and personnel information in the organization, businesses can use CoffeeHR - an effective solution that supports the management of all types of personnel-related data. CoffeeHR helps businesses avoid errors, confusion or missing important information.

Compensation policy

Salary & bonuses are always sensitive issues and are the top concerns of candidates when working. The salary and bonus policy should clearly state the following information:

  • Payout time (weekly, monthly, project-based, etc.)
  • Employee benefits such as allowances, social insurance contributions, etc.
  • Salary payment method (paid via account or cash)

Additionally, the policy should include a frequently asked questions section for employees and departmental information that will answer questions about their benefits.

Holiday and leave policy

In addition to salary & bonus regime, holiday and leave policies are also very important factors. Each company will have different policies regarding holidays. However, most businesses apply the same policies on holidays and leave.

Corporate travel and vacations

This policy is not required, but it is a magnet to attract human resources in today's fiercely competitive labor market. Based on the leadership's perspective, the business situation and the culture of the enterprise, the policy will be issued.

Usually, businesses should organize at least once a year a stress relief, team building trip for employees, and create team building activities to strengthen the bond between members, thereby promoting corporate culture. strong karma.

Retirement policy

The pension scheme complies with the provisions set forth by law in the Labor Code. According to Vietnamese law from 2021, under normal conditions, the retirement age for male workers is 60 years and 3 months, and for women is 55 years and 4 months.

Retirement support policies are different for each business, often including rewards such as insurance, certificates of merit, bonus certificates or shares to encourage employees to have more motivation to devote themselves to the business. .

>>> See more: Attractive welfare regime for employees  

3.4 Health care and safety policy for personnel

Establish specific regulations on safety in the working environment and a periodic health care plan as well as pay attention to the mental health of employees.

In addition, emergency procedures should be included in the employee handbook to respond in the event of workplace accidents and injuries, ensuring all work-related accidents are reported. and fully processed.

3.5 Timekeeping policy

Timekeeping policy aims to accurately track working hours and employee absences without prior notice. In case of absence due to health reasons, employees can provide medical documents to prove it.

To conveniently track employee attendance and leave, businesses can learn and use CoffeeHR's attendance management application - automatically generating reports on employee leave days, minimizing errors. error when calculating manually. 

>>> See more: Top latest free timekeeping software 2023 

3.6 Privacy policy

It is a two-way policy to protect the privacy of employers and employees. The security policy should clearly stipulate the information employees are responsible for protecting and the consequences of violating the security policy.

3.7 Employee evaluation policy

The evaluation policy aims to provide transparent evaluation criteria and processes for all employees in the company. There are two main sections: development assessment and work quality assessment.

Developmental assessment

Consider whether there have been any positive/negative changes in personnel since joining the company or whether that personnel needs to improve/enhance their capabilities, etc. All of this should be made clear in the company's review policy.

When making an assessment, consider the following factors:

  • Personal goals must be in accordance with the direction of the business so that employees can maximize their abilities.
  • The content of employee policies needs to have monitoring methods and evaluation criteria for employees to understand and strive for.

Evaluate work quality

After the capacity assessment step, the company needs to evaluate the quality of the employee's work. The work quality assessment policy should clearly state the following points:

  • Objectives and purposes of the policy.
  • Steps to evaluate work quality.
  • The role of policy in deciding jobs for each position.
  • Criteria applied to evaluate work quality.

4. How to build effective human resource management policies

Xây dựng chính sách nhân sự hiệu quả
Build effective human resources policies

Each company has its own human resources policy templates, but the content is often quite similar and includes the following elements:

  • Names of policy types
  • Policy effective date (and date modified or updated)
  • The name of the person responsible for updating the policy and answering questions about it
  • Policy purpose 
  • (Optional) Define special terms used in the policy
  • Present the main policy
  • Scope and applicability (including exceptions)

5. Policies to help businesses attract and retain talented people

Chính sách giúp doanh nghiệp thu hút và giữ chân nhân tài
Policies help businesses attract and retain talented people

The labor market is increasingly expanding, leading to a situation where personnel are more likely to change jobs to find a suitable working environment. Therefore, attracting and retaining talent has become an indispensable part of human resource management policy. 

Maintain consistent messaging to enhance branding

Create a consistent image and message and convey the value your business brings. From there, candidates who match the values and goals of the business will be more likely to apply.

Respect employees

Mutual respect in the workplace helps employees feel heard and appreciated for their achievements, abilities and qualities. At the same time promote their individual differences, talents and interests.

When appreciated and treated with respect, work culture will be positively promoted, employees will feel satisfied, engaged and motivated to perform to the best of their abilities.

Develop a good remuneration policy

A good salary and bonus scheme is the top attractive factor for candidates. Enterprises need to have a clear salary and bonus regulation based on capacity, rank and seniority.

In cases where a business is not clear in its salary and bonus regime in accordance with its capabilities, it will be difficult to retain talented people and create a good reputation in the labor and recruitment market. Talented employees will come and stay where they receive value for the intelligence they put in.

6. Conclusion

All businesses need effective human resource policies to establish general order. Regardless of the size or industry of the business, human resources problems will certainly arise. Developing and applying a set of HR policies can help problems be resolved more quickly, while creating a template for disciplinary measures and guiding activities helps HR stay on track.

To simplify the process of building and applying effective human resources policies, businesses can apply human resource management software such as CoffeeHR. One of the most professional and comprehensive human resource management platforms on the market with a series of modern features such as:

  • Build a comprehensive human resources information management system, suitable for each business
  • Store personnel records and labor contracts to minimize errors.
  • Support the work of social insurance, personal income tax, automatically deduct amounts according to State regulations, businesses do not need to go to agencies to submit documents.
  • Make recruitment plans, attract potential candidates, and automatically evaluate.
  • Support timekeeping - salary calculation right on the software, consistent with each business's mechanism.

Hopefully CoffeeHR's article has provided you with basic knowledge in the field of building human resource policies. 



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Doan Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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