5 Steps for Enterprises to complete and shorten recruitment time

5 Bước rút ngắn thời gian tuyển dụng
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I. What is the recruitment period?

1.1 What is the recruitment period?

Recruitment time is the time needed to find and hire new employees to fill vacant positions in an organization. Time to hire measures how long it takes you to hire someone by calculating the number of days from the candidate's application date to the date they accept your offer. How long the hiring period may take depends on factors such as the level of the position, the job market, and the hiring process.

1.2 How does time to hire impact ROI?

Thời gian tuyển dụng tác động đến ROI
Time to hire impacts ROI

Time to hire is one of the most commonly used HR metrics because it is easy to calculate and track, and it has a clear, significant impact on ROI (Return on Investment – ratio of net profit to total investment cost) for an organization. Here are some ways in which time to hire can impact ROI:

  • Cost for vacancy: A vacancy can lead to loss of productivity and revenue for an organization. The longer a position goes unfilled, the more it costs the organization in terms of lost output or opportunity.
  • Recruitment cost: The longer the recruitment time, the more expensive it is for the business in terms of recruitment and advertising costs, as well as the time and effort of human resources and recruiting managers.
  • Time to productivity: The longer it takes to fill a position, the longer it will take new employees to be productive. At the same time, businesses will lose productivity and revenue, as hiring managers have to spend a lot of time and often take time off work to participate in interviews.
  • Recruitment quality: Rushing the hiring process to quickly fill a position can lead to lower quality hires, which can negatively impact an organization's overall productivity and ROI. And employers will lose candidates to competitors by not implementing the proposal and offer stage early.

As can be seen, time to hire significantly impacts an organization's ROI, helping you improve your process by tracking trends in your data and fine-tuning different parts of the process. It is important to balance the need for timely recruitment with the need for quality recruitment, to minimize recruitment and hiring costs and maximize productive time and candidate experience.

II. Benefits of shortening recruitment time

Lợi ích rút ngắn thời gian tuyển dụng
Benefits of shortening recruitment time

Shortening recruitment time can bring a number of benefits to businesses, including:

  • Cost savings

The biggest benefit of shortening recruitment time that businesses can receive is saving time and costs. Any business or organization wants to quickly recruit suitable people for vacant positions, because the longer a position is left vacant, the more expensive it will be to recruit and advertise.

  • Achieve business goals

Improving and speeding up the recruitment process will help businesses quickly implement their plans and quickly achieve business goals. This can deliver a faster return on investment for the organization and improve overall efficiency.

  • Gain an advantage in the recruitment race

The recruitment market is becoming increasingly fierce, as long as one potential candidate appears, there will be many companies competing to attract him. Shortening the recruitment process helps businesses stay competitive, attract potential candidates and get them to say "yes" to you first. 

  • Improve candidate experience

Candidates appreciate a timely hiring process, and shortened time-to-hire can help improve the candidate experience. This can help build a positive employer brand and improve your chances of attracting top talent in the future.

  • Improve retention

Shorten deployment recruitment can help improve employee retention by ensuring that new employees are hired in a timely and efficient manner. This can help build a positive work culture and improve employee engagement.

III. 5 Steps for businesses to shorten the recruitment process 

5 Bước để tăng tốc quá trình tuyển dụng
5 Steps to Speed Up Your Recruiting Process

3.1 Reevaluate and automate the recruitment process 

As the first step in shortening recruitment time, businesses need to re-evaluate the steps in their recruitment process, determine which stages are leading to delays and lengths so they can proceed. remove. 

Set clear expectations with the hiring manager about what the ideal candidate looks like and how long it will take to fill the position. This can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and can move forward effectively. Use technology, such as automated screening tools or video interviews, to optimize the process. Each business has its own recruitment processes 

3.2 Automate the applicant tracking system 

An applicant tracking system (ATS) can help businesses automate the recruitment process, allowing HR managers to manage candidate profiles, schedule interviews and communicate with candidates effectively. more effective and timely.

Businesses can shorten time by automating the following tasks:

  • Published Recruitment
  • Updates on candidate status during the recruitment process
  • Send notifications and reminders to hiring managers
  • Filter resumes to find the most qualified candidates
  • Send invitations

3.3 Invest in recruitment management system 

A recruitment management system (HMS) is a software solution that can help automate different stages of the recruitment process, such as posting job postings, receiving and screening applications, scheduling Interview and manage communication with candidates. By automating these tasks, HMS can help reduce the administrative burden on HR managers and speed up the hiring process.

3.4 Standardize interviews 

Standardizing interviews is also an effective way to speed up the hiring process. Standardization involves using the same set of questions and assessment criteria for all candidates in a given role. This can help HR managers compare candidates more easily and make more informed hiring decisions.

Standardizing interviews can also help minimize the potential for unconscious bias in the hiring process. When all candidates are evaluated using the same set of criteria, it becomes easier to objectively compare their qualifications and experience.

3.5 Unify the standardized recruitment process and manage it professionally

Many recruitment managers will ask the question "Why does a business need to have a standard recruitment process and manage it?" Is it necessary to build such a process, while currently businesses can still recruit people? It is true that there is no perfect, standard, or formal recruitment process, but if you cannot answer the questions:

  • Do your HR staff always remember 100% of things to do and their order?
  • Do HR staff's recruitment results always meet the criteria you set? In terms of time, cost, quantity and quality of candidates?
  • How will you track and measure recruitment progress? And also productivity?
  • Are bottlenecks and blockages always detected in time, before it is too late?
  • If you expand your HR team, are you willing to go to each person one by one to teach them how to recruit at your company?

Then here's advice for you: It's time for you to really manage the process to keep up with the competitive market and general development trends of businesses. The right process management system can save significant costs by automating repetitive manual tasks, minimizing the time it takes to complete a job or project. From there, Employers can focus more on selecting the suitable members and creating a great experience for candidates.

Don't let the challenges of the recruitment management process hold you back. Experience it  HR management software today to turn recruitment to your advantage, attract the most potential candidates and see the difference it can make to building a strong talent pool, people who can take your business to the next level. With CoffeeHR, businesses will automate and shorten the recruitment process and manage candidate data according to a smart system. Contact us today to schedule a demo and receive the best consultation.

Doan Thuy Linh

Doan Thi Thuy Linh is a content writer at CoffeeHR Vietnam Software Joint Stock Company. With the orientation to become the person who shares the most useful knowledge about Human Resource Management for HR and Administrators, Ms. Linh wants the operation and application of HRM Software in enterprises to be systematized and effective. fruit.

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